Typhoons, as we witnessed with Soudelor, are a double threat. They can produce both dangerously high winds and widespread torrential rains.

Slow moving storms and tropical storms moving into mountainous regions tend to produce especially heavy rain. This not only damages or destroys homes directly with water and wind, but can also produce damages indirectly with landslides or mud slides. Flash flooding is also a possibility, and flooding near streams or low lying areas may persist for several days or more after a storm.

“With another storm approaching the CNMI, there are still things you can do in this last day or two to protect yourself, your family and your property,” said Deputy Federal Coordinating Officer Ryan Brown.

“Securing loose objects around the house and/or removing and securing objects to prevent them from being picked up and propelled by possible, strong winds,” said Marvin Seman, Special Assistant for Homeland Security & Emergency Operations. “Also, residents living in tents, damaged homes, or homes with compromised safety are strongly encouraged to take precautionary measures and to anticipate heavy rain, strong winds, and possible flooding.”

Other protective actions include:

  • Make sure you have enough food and water for all family members and pets for three days.


  • Fill your car’s gas tank, both in case evacuation becomes necessary and in case gas stations are disabled after the storm.


  • Secure your property.

    • Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows.

    • A second option is to board up windows with 5/8 inch marine plywood.

    • Tape does not prevent windows from breaking.

  • Install straps or clips to fasten your roof to the frame structure more securely.

    • This will reduce roof damage.

    • It may reduce overall damage, because homes that lose a roof usually suffer serious subsequent damage.


  • Be sure trees and shrubs around your home are well trimmed.


  • Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.


  • If you have a boat, secure it.

More on these and many other preparedness topics can be found at ready.gov, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website dedicated to helping people and businesses prepare for whatever Mother Nature may throw at them.



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CNMI gets chance to show Soudelor preparedness lessons learned

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