Duluth, Minn.  – September is National Preparedness Month, a great time to organize and update your emergency plans and supplies. Disasters can happen with little or no warning.  If   you currently don’t have supplies on hand, now is the perfect time to prepare so you can care for yourself and family before, during and after any emergency.

You can start by planning for the types of disasters that can happen in the area where you live. Create a personalized emergency plan and kit based on the requirements of your family. For example, if you have infants, you will need to include items such as diapers, formula and a few toys in your kit.  And don’t forget to include your pets when making your emergency plans.   

Being prepared in case of an emergency does not have to cost a lot of money. Make a checklist of the most important items your family will need.  Next, budget emergency preparedness items as a normal expense. Shop the sales and use coupons when you can.  Try to buy one item from your list each time you go to the grocery store.  The reward of knowing you are prepared before disaster strikes makes it all worthwhile. 

It’s also important to remember you need to be prepared for all seasons. FEMA has many tools to help you plan, including videos and social media links. The following are just a few examples:

Winter is just around the corner, which can bring many types of unforeseen weather emergencies.


Spring weather is always unpredictable. Severe storms, tornadoes and flooding can occur without much warning.


In the summer, weather conditions may seem perfect for outside activities everyone must be aware of dangerous health issues related to extreme heat and high humidity.


Most people spend a lot more time on the road than they realize so no matter what the season.  An emergency kit for your car should be part of your emergency plan.


Pre-planning will help you and your family better survive a disaster. For more information and ideas, log on to www.ready.gov. And remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest information: www.facebook.com/fema, www.twitter.com/fema.



FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

See original article:  

Be Prepared, All Year Long

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