DENTON, Texas – Residents and business owners in League City, Texas can now enjoy a 10 to 20 percent reduction in flood insurance premiums because of the city’s active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). In addition to lower premiums, the CRS program has helped reduce the threat of damage due to flooding.

“The flood insurance program rewards communities for implementing programs and policies that protect their residents from flooding,” said Tony Robinson the Region 6 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) acting regional administrator.  “League City’s higher regulatory standards, public education and outreach, buyout programs and open space preservation initiatives, among other activities, have earned the city lower premiums as a CRS Class 6 Community.”

League City’s flood insurance policyholders who reside in Special Flood Hazard Areas will receive a 20 percent reduction on flood insurance premiums and policyholders located outside Special Flood Hazard Areas will enjoy a 10 percent discount. The reduction in flood insurance premiums represents an annual savings in premium costs for League City’s policy holders and will take effect at the time a new policy is written or an effective policy is renewed. Those individuals and business owners with a Preferred Risk Policy will not receive premium rate credits under the CRS because it already has a lower premium than other policies.

Since joining the CRS as a Class 9 Community in 1997, the city’s participation in the CRS has been beneficial in many respects.  In addition to the reduction in insurance premiums, League City officials are more knowledgeable about floodplain management and its residents are more knowledgeable about mitigation and flood insurance.    The CRS program has helped make League City a safer place to live, reduced the economic impact of flood hazards and saved their citizens money on their flood policy premiums.

The community rating system (CRS) is a voluntary program for NFIP-participating communities.  The intended goals of the CRS are to reduce flood losses; facilitate accurate insurance ratings; and to promote the awareness of flood insurance.  For more information on the NFIP’s CRS program, go to


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League City, Texas Celebrates a Safer Community

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