TRENTON, N.J. — Some Hurricane Sandy survivors who ask for disaster assistance wonder why they receive applications for loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Receiving an SBA loan application is part of the process that begins when survivors register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for help after a disaster.

Applications of those registering with FEMA are evaluated, based on the information they supply, for available disaster assistance. This includes money for essential repairs or replacement of homes and personal property, such as automobiles, lost as a result of the disaster.

Those found to be eligible for SBA’s low-interest, long-term loans are sent applications. The applications for SBA loans must be returned by Jan. 30, 2013.

Filling out and returning the SBA documents does not obligate the survivor to accept a loan, if offered. But completing the application is a necessary step for those needing money for more than housing assistance.

FEMA’s Individual Assistance program can provide grants to repair or replace personal property items such as clothing, furniture, cars or appliances damaged or destroyed in the disaster.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

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I Started By Calling FEMA, Why Did I End Up With The SBA

Federal Aid Programs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Declaration

Main Content

Release date:

December 19, 2012

Release Number:


Following is a summary of key federal disaster aid programs that can be made available as needed and warranted under President Obama’s disaster declaration issued for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Assistance for the Commonwealth and Affected Local Governments Can Include as Required:

  • Payment of not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs for removing debris from public areas and for emergency measures, including direct federal assistance, taken to save lives and protect property and public health.  (Source: FEMA funded, commonwealth administered.)
  • Payment of not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs for repairing or replacing damaged public facilities, such as roads, bridges, utilities, buildings, schools, recreational areas and similar publicly owned property, as well as certain private non-profit organizations engaged in community service activities. (Source: FEMA funded, commonwealth administered.)
  • Payment of not more than 75 percent of the approved costs for hazard mitigation projects undertaken by commonwealth and local governments to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property from natural or technological disasters.  (Source: FEMA funded, commonwealth administered.)

How to Apply for Assistance:

  • Application procedures for local governments will be explained at a series of federal/commonwealth applicant briefings with locations to be announced in the affected area by recovery officials. Approved public repair projects are paid through the commonwealth from funding provided by FEMA and other participating federal agencies.

FEMA’s mission is to support our first responders and ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Stay informed of FEMA’s activities online: videos and podcasts available at and ; follow us on Twitter at  and on Facebook at

Last Updated:

December 19, 2012 – 14:25

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Federal Aid Programs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Declaration

TRENTON, N.J. — Survivors of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey now have until January 30, 2013 to register for disaster assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

People with storm losses in all counties can register online at or via smartphone or tablet at

Survivors also can register by phone or 711/VRS by calling 800-621-3362, TTY 800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week until further notice.

At the request of the state, FEMA extended the registration deadline beyond the original 60 day window due to the magnitude of the Hurricane Sandy disaster.

The disaster registration process serves as a referral point for FEMA programs and those of partner agencies such as the U.S. Small Business Administration, American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

FEMA disaster assistance for individuals and families can include money for rental assistance, essential home repairs, personal property losses and other serious disaster-related needs not covered by insurance.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

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FEMA Extends Registration Deadline For New Jersey Hurricane Sandy Survivors

TRENTON, N.J. — Some households with property damage received a letter from FEMA that said “insufficient damage.” The FEMA housing inspector reported that the essential living areas in the home were safe, sanitary and functional. People who disagree can ask for a re-inspection.

FEMA can only provide rent or repair money when there is damage to the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms used by occupants of the home.

FEMA will reconsider a request for housing assistance, and there are other options:

  • Request a re-inspection. Call the FEMA helpline by phone or 711/VRS at 800-621-FEMA (3362), TTY 800-462-7585.
  • Complete and return your SBA low-interest disaster loan application if you received one. The U.S. Small Business Administration provides disaster loans for individuals. Loan funds may be available for damage to all living areas.
  • Get volunteer help. Dozens of private nonprofit groups are helping in New Jersey. Some  groups provide volunteers to help out with minor repairs to homes. For more information call 2-1-1 or visit online.
  • File an appeal. Any decision by FEMA can be appealed. Filing an appeal relating to habitability requires verifiable documentation to show the disaster caused damage that made the housing uninhabitable. Appeal letters must be postmarked within 60 days of the date of the decision letter.

For information on filing an appeal, survivors should refer to the “Help After Disaster” guide, which is mailed to everyone who registers with FEMA. The guide also is available online at

All applicants will receive a letter from FEMA. If you do not understand it, visit a disaster recovery center or call the FEMA helpline.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


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FEMA Housing Assistance Is Based On Damage To Essential Living Areas

TRENTON, N.J. —  If you had losses because of Hurricane Sandy you are encouraged to register for disaster assistance. You may be eligible for grants or assistance programs from federal, state, local or voluntary agencies. Here are several facts you should know:

FACT:  A FEMA grant does not affect social security benefits or any government benefit, including Medicare, Medicaid or food stamps. 

FACT:  Disaster assistance has no bearing on decisions about a senior’s need for nursing home care. FEMA and its state and local partners work to keep survivors in their own homes.                     

FACT:  Specially trained FEMA staff and volunteers are available to help anyone who has a physical limitation or other problems registering. You will not have to fill out a form. The telephone specialist will input your information for you when you call 800-621-FEMA or TTY 800-462-7585.

 FACT:  You can check the status of your application online or speak to a disaster representative in person at a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). If you need assistance getting to a DRC call 800-621-FEMA or TTY 800-462-7585 and FEMA will arrange to have someone take you to the nearest DRC.

FACT:  If English is not your first language, FEMA telephone specialists can speak to you in almost any language. For languages other than English or Spanish press option “3”. You will be able to choose from more than 250 languages available.

FACT:  Registering with FEMA is a simple process. There is no paperwork involved. Apply online at, or by web enabled mobile device at By phone or 711/VRS, call 800-621-FEMA (3362) or TTY 800-462-7585.

FACT:  Depending on the information you provide, FEMA may ask you to fill out an application for a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) low-interest disaster loan. You are automatically considered for other federal grant programs if the SBA application shows you cannot repay a loan. That’s why it is so important to fill out and return the SBA application.

FACT:  FEMA funding is available to all eligible survivors who had disaster losses. Even if you have flood insurance you should register. FEMA may be able to help with losses your insurance does not cover.

FACT:  Income is not a consideration when you apply for FEMA assistance.

FACT:  Even if you received disaster assistance in the past, following Hurricane Irene, for example, you may be eligible for assistance if you suffered changes from Hurricane Sandy. 

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

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Facts For Older Adults On Registering For Disaster Assistance

TRENTON, N.J. —  Muchos sobrevivientes del huracán Sandy sufren estrés adicional ultimamente. Pero la ansiedad relacionada con el desastre puede ser especialmente intensa para los adultos mayores, especialmente aquellos que viven solos o aislados de sus amigos y familiares.

Debido a su edad y otras circunstancias únicas, los adultos mayores a menudo reaccionan de manera muy diferente que la gente más joven ante eventos catastróficos. Es común que luego de un desastre se vuelvan ratraídos o estén alterados, desorientados y confundidos.

Los familiares, amigos, vecinos y personas a cargo de su cuidado deben tener esto en cuenta y estar listos para proteger su salud mental y física. Esté atento a los siguientes síntomas de estrés en adultos mayores:

  • Miedo a perder su independencias debido a una lesión causada por el desastre o la pérdida de su vivienda. Este puede ser el mayor trauma para una persona mayor luego de un desastre.
  • Problemas para hablar con la gente y responder preguntas. Las dificultades para comunicarse luego de un desastre pueden aumentar debido a factores como un proceso mental más lento en relación con la edad, problemas de visión y audición y una movilidad reducida.
  • El estigma de la “asistencia social”. Muchos adultos mayores tienen reservas o incluso se niegan a aceptar ayuda del gobierno porque ellos siempre han “pagado por lo suyo”. Su renuencia a aceptar asistencia puede verse intensificada por la falta de conocimiento acerca de los servicios gubernamentales para los que pueden reunir los requisitos.
  • Recuerdos o imágenes de otros eventos de sus vidas en los que resultaron traumatizados o sufrieron pérdidas graves.
  • Ansiedad provocada por la falta de capacidad para leer y poco dominio del idioma inglés.
  • Preocupación por recursos financieros limitados y tener tiempo suficiente para reconstruir sus hogares.
  • Miedo a ser internados en centros porque no pueden regresar a una vivienda destruida por el desastre.
  • Aislamiento y alejamiento de sus familiares y amigos.
  • En casos severos, las personas mayores pueden sufrir cambios de personalidad luego de un desastre.

Debido a que es posible que los ancianos estén tomando medicamentos para sus afecciones de salud, es importante asegurarse de que se encuentran médicamente estables antes de decidir si alguno de los síntomas antes mencionados se debe a un estrés emocional.

También es importante tener en cuenta que las personas mayores tiene décadas de experiencia y fortalezas desarrolladas al haber enfrentado desastres y adversidad anteriormente.

Las personas que viven o trabajan con adultos mayores que se han visto afectados por el huracán Sandy pueden tomar medidas para controlar y mejorar su salud mental:

  • Tranquilícelos constantemente con sus palabras.
  • Ayúdelos a recuperar sus pertenencias personales.
  • Ayúdelos a reestablecer el contacto con sus familiares, amigos y redes sociales.
  • Ayúdelos a encontar una residencia alternativa adecuada hasta que puedan volver a su hogar, idealmente en un entorno que les resulte familiar con amigos o conocidos.
  • Visítelos con frecuencia en su hogar y organice para que otras personas los visiten.
  • Asegúrese de que tengan asistencia médica y financiera.
  • Proporcióneles transporte al médico, al supermercado, etc.
  • Reestablezca y controle sus necesidades nutricionales y de medicamentos.

Las personas mayores y sus familiares y amigos que busquen información adicional acerca del asesoramiento y los servicios para combatir el estrés deben comunicarse con sus agencias locales de salud mental. El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de New Jersey está coordinando iniciativas en todo el estado para ayudar a las personas y a las comunicades a manejar el impacto emocional de la tormenta. Los asesores para casos de crisis actualmente ofrecen apoyo y asistencia en Centros de Recuperación por Desastre de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) según sea necesario. 

Además de proporcionar asesoramiento para casos de crisis por desastre en forma personalizada, el estado ofrece material informativo acerca de cómo afrontar estas situaciones y colabora con la Asociación de Salud Mental de New Jersey para ofrecer asistencia a través de una línea de ayuda gratuita: 877-294-4357 (también funciona para usuarios del Servicio de Transmisión de Video [VRS, por sus siglas en inglés] y el servicio 711) o TTY 877-294-4356. Puede encontrar más información acerca del estrés relacionado con un desastre en el sitio web:

Para acceder posibles fotografías: Vea las siguientes páginas.

La Cruz Roja ofrece asistencia a los sobrevivientes del huracán Sandy (ID: 60611)

Especialistas en Relaciones Comunitarias hablan con sobrevivientes de Sandy (ID: 60564)

Especialista en Relaciones Comunitarias de FEMA presta asistencia a los residentes de New Jersey (ID: 60443)

La misión de FEMA es apoyar a los ciudadanos y a las agencias de primera respuesta para garantizar que trabajemos juntos como nación para desarrollar, mantener y mejorar nuestra capacidad de prepararnos, protegernos, y recuperarnos de los peligros, responder ante ellos y mitigarlos.

Siga a FEMA en línea en,,, y También, siga las actividades de administrador Craig Fugate en

Los enlaces a redes sociales se proporcionan solamente a manera de referencia. FEMA no endosa ninguna página de Internet, compañía o aplicación no gubernamental. 

Read more: 

El Estrés Por El Desastre y Los Adultos Mayores

TRENTON, N.J. – Los fraudes y estafas son males conocidos que aparecen luego de cualquier desastre. Con métodos viejos y modernos, los estafadores buscan obtener información muy importante o aprovecharse de los sobrevivientes ocupados en su recuperación.  

Los residentes de New Jersey deben mantenerse alerta. Algunos de los fraudes más comunes luego de un desastre incluyen:

Estafas por reparaciones en la vivienda

Contratistas para la mejora de viviendas no registrados pueden llevarse el dinero de los sobrevivientes, dejando, en su huida, reparaciones inconclusas y viviendas inseguras. Antes de contratar a un contratista, el sobreviviente debe informarse con la oficina del Departamento de Defensa al Consumidor de New Jersey, llamando al número 800-242-5846, para asegurarse de que el contratista está registrado. También debe solicitar la póliza de seguro de responsabilidad civil del contratista y verificar que sea válida. Todos los contratos deben realizarse por escrito y revisarse antes de firmarlos. Tampoco se debe pagar el total de las reparaciones antes de que los trabajos sean concluidos.

Se debe notificar al departamento de policía local sobre las sospechas de fraude.

Aumento ilegal de precios

Los aumentos excesivos de precios son ilegales. Infórmese con la oficina del Departamento de Defensa al Consumidor de New Jersey en el sitio o llame al número 800-242-5846 si sospecha que los precios son demasiado altos.

Robo de identidad

Algunas personas pueden hacerse pasar por empleados de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency) u otras organizaciones gubernamentales, como la Agencia Federal para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa (SBA, U.S. Small Business Administration), o servicios públicos. Los estafadores, que estén yendo de puerta en puerta por las viviendas dañadas, por teléfono o por Internet, pueden intentar obtener información personal como el número de Seguro Social o números de cuentas bancarias.  


  • Una playera o chaqueta de FEMA o SBA no es prueba suficiente de la afiliación de alguien con estas agencias. Todo el personal autorizado de FEMA y SBA tienen una identificación oficial laminada y con foto que deben llevar de forma visible todo el tiempo;
  • Los individuos pueden inscribirse para recibir asistencia y realizar un seguimiento de sus solicitudes anteriores en línea en el sitio o a través de un dispositivo móvil que permita el acceso a Internet en el sitio Por teléfono o a través de las líneas 711/VRS, llamando al 800-621-3362 o TTY 800-462-7585;
  • Para las llamadas de seguimiento, un representante de FEMA sólo pedirá los últimos cuatro dígitos del número de Seguro Social del solicitante.

Sobornos o pagos falsos

Los impostores pueden requerir alguna forma de pago por servicios o sobornos – algo que FEMA, SBA o el empleado de una agencia federal nunca requerirá. Los inspectores de vivienda contratados por FEMA evalúan los daños pero no estiman los costos. FEMA no contrata o recomienda contratistas específicos para reparar las viviendas o recomienda reparaciones.

Los estafadores pueden presentarse como especialistas en seguros o gestores que declaran que pueden convencer a FEMA para aumentar la ayuda de las reparaciones en la vivienda o convencer al seguro de pagar un acuerdo más alto. Los estafadores le piden al solicitante o persona asegurada que firmen un contrato donde establecen que les pagarán un porcentaje del pago incrementado. La esencia del fraude consiste en llevarse un porcentaje del subsidio por daños o acuerdo con el seguro que se les proporcionaría normalmente a los sobrevivientes. FEMA siempre negocia directamente con cada solicitante y siempre está dispuesta a considerar una apelación y enviar a otro inspector a revisar los daños en la propiedad dañada o las pérdidas declaradas.

Fraudes de caridad

Antes de realizar una donación, las personas deben investigar a las organizaciones para asegurarse de que están registradas para recaudar fondos en New Jersey. También deben preguntar cómo se va a utilizar el dinero recaudado.

Para más preguntas, los residentes de New Jersey pueden ponerse en contacto con la oficina del Departamento de Defensa al Consumidor de New Jersey en el sitio o llamando al 800-242-5846.

La misión de FEMA es apoyar a los ciudadanos y a las agencias de primera respuesta para garantizar que trabajemos juntos como nación para desarrollar, mantener y mejorar nuestra capacidad de prepararnos, protegernos, y recuperarnos de los peligros, responder ante ellos y mitigarlos.

Siga a FEMA en línea en,,, y También, siga las actividades de administrador Craig Fugate en

Los enlaces a redes sociales se proporcionan solamente a manera de referencia. FEMA no endosa ninguna página de Internet, compañía o aplicación no gubernamental.


Los Estafadores Intentan Aprovecharse De Los Sobrevivientes Del Desastre

TRENTON, N.J. — Hurricane Sandy left behind more than physical destruction. As people in New Jersey begin to rebuild, every affected family has faced a disruption of their normal lives. Many must also confront the anguish of losing a home.

Children are particularly vulnerable to the stress that follows a natural disaster, and their symptoms may linger much longer than in adults, according to mental health experts. They also react to how adults behave in stressful situations, so it’s important for parents and caregivers to look after their own mental health in the wake of a disaster.

Parents and other caregivers should be alert to signs of stress-related troubles and learn how to deal with their children’s fears and unusual behaviors.

Children ages 5 or younger may cry more frequently than usual, become clingy, have nightmares, show excessive fear of the dark, fear of animals or fear of being alone. Appetites may change. They may speak with difficulty or revert to behaviors such as bed-wetting or thumb-sucking.

Children ages 5 to 11 may exhibit increased irritability, aggression, and competition with their siblings for parental attention. Some become preoccupied with the disaster and want to talk about it continually. They may also show anxiety through whining, withdrawing from their peers, and losing interest in normal activities.

Teenagers 11 to 18 may show outright rebellion, physical problems, and sleep disturbances. They may engage in risk-taking behaviors such as reckless driving or alcohol and drug abuse.

Those signs of anxiety often result from the losses, disruption to family life, and a sense of a hostile world created by a natural disaster. The following suggestions may help to reduce stress in children:

  • Spend time each day giving each child undivided attention, even if just for a few minutes. Share experiences. Reaffirm your love. Make plans together. Just “be there” for each other.
  • Encourage them to talk. Ask children to describe what they are feeling. Let them talk about the disaster and ask as many questions as they like. Listen to what they say. Assure them that the disaster was an act of nature and not caused by them. Include the entire family in the discussion, if possible.
  • Understand their fears. It is important that parents accept anxieties as being very real to children. Help them understand what causes their anxieties and fears. Recognize their losses, such as their pets, favorite toys and other personal items. Reassure them that everything will be all right.
  • Explain what is going on. Make every effort to keep children informed about what is happening. Explanations should be in simple language. With children 5 or older, rehearse safety measures for use in case of future disasters.
  • Reassure them. Parents can help reassure children by telling them they are safe, holding and hugging them frequently, restoring normal routines, providing play experiences for them, and making bedtime a special moment of calm and comfort.
  • Encourage activities with their peers. As with adults, social time with friends is a very important part of the recovery process.
  • Temporarily lower expectations of them. Allow for the fact that stress from the disastercan show itself in many ways over a period of time, and make appropriate allowances. 

The New Jersey Department of Human Services is coordinating statewide efforts to help individuals and communities manage the emotional impact of the storm. Crisis counselors are currently providing support in many shelters and assisting in FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers as needed. 

In addition to providing face-to-face disaster crisis counseling, the state provides informational materials about coping and they partner with the Mental Health Association in New Jersey to offer assistance through a toll free helpline: 877-294-4357 (also apples to VRS or 711-Relay users)or TTY 877-294-4356. Or visit their website:

Parents, guardians and caregivers may also want to contact their local mental health agency for information on resources in their community that can assist children after disasters.

For more information call 877-652-7624, 24 hours a day, seven days a week; or visit the website

PHOTOS: See following links.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,,

Land  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


View original: 

Children Vulnerable To Disaster-Related Stress

Trenton, N.J. — Survivors have the right to appeal the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s decision about what assistance they can receive.

You may ask for another review to appeal the amount or type of help provided or any other decision about federal disaster assistance.

Before asking for an appeal, it is important to review the “Help After a Disaster” applicant’s guide. The booklet explains the different types of assistance that may be available to survivors and could answer some questions you have about the appeal process. Each applicant receives a copy and it is available online at

When appealing, explain in writing why you disagree with a decision. Include any new or additional documents that would support the appeal. Be as specific as possible in the letter. Include materials such as itemized receipts and contractor estimates.

When sending an appeal letter for Hurricane Sandy, remember to include:

  • On all pages of all documents:
    • Federal disaster declaration number 4086-DR-NJ.
    • Nine-digit FEMA application number.
  • Applicant’s name, place and date of birth, and the address of the damaged dwelling.
  • Copies of documentation that supports the appeal. All receipts, bills and estimates must include contact information for the service provider. Keep all originals for your records.
  • A copy of a state-issued identification card, unless the letter is notarized or includes the following statement: “I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.”
  • The applicant’s signature.

Appeal letters must be postmarked within 60 days of the date on the decision letter.

Survivors may send the appeal letter to FEMA by:

  • Fax:        (800) 827-8112 Attention:FEMA
  • Mail:       National Processing Service Center, P.O. Box 10055, Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055
  • Visiting a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). Find the nearest Disaster Recovery Center here.

If you would like to speak with a specialist who will listen and help you with the appeal process, you can visit a local Disaster Recovery Center or call the FEMA helpline.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

Taken from: 

FEMA Assistance Denial Still Offers Option For Appeal

TRENTON, N.J. — Feeling blue?  Disoriented?  Powerless?

For disaster survivors who may feel overwhelmed after Hurricane Sandy, help is just a phone call away.

The New Jersey Disaster Mental Health Helpline at 877-294-4357, or TTY 877-294-4356, is open and ready for talk from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

“The help is free and confidential,” said Lynn Kovich, Assistant Commissioner in charge of the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services. “Simply talking with a counselor can sometimes ease the symptoms. We can help folks in distress move forward on their path to recovery.

“The majority of calls are from people having temporary reactions, people who before the disaster were healthy and functioning normally. Hotline crisis counseling can help keep the symptoms from escalating into major mental health concerns,” she said.

Disaster-induced mental distress may include:

  • Sleeping too much or too little.
  • Stomach aches or headaches.
  • Worrying a lot of the time; feeling guilty but not sure why.
  • Lack of energy or always feeling tired.
  • Severe disorientation or confusion. 
  • Overwhelming sense of guilt.
  • Depression, sadness and feelings of hopelessness.
  • Increased use of substances like drugs or alcohol.

Disaster survivors often doubt that happiness will ever be possible again.  Talking about those feelings with friends or counselors can help, according to experts.

Talking to someone can help survivors keep perspective.  Eventually, these out-of-balance times will improve.  In the meantime, it is important to connect with others.

Rest, exercise, and healthy eating help the body deal with stress.

FEMA also supports a Disaster Mental Health Helpline run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, where counselors are available 24/7.  The number is 800-985-5990.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Help Offered For Stressed Survivors Of Hurricane Sandy

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