NEW YORK — FEMA has approved more than $38 million in Hurricane Sandy assistance to fund emergency efforts and help repair and rebuild public infrastructure in Westchester County.

To date, local, state and federal recovery officials have identified 345 projects from applicants in Westchester County that are eligible for Public Assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The $38,398,651 million represents 90 percent of the cost of approved PA projects that will be reimbursed by FEMA. The state manages the PA program and disburses funding.

A breakdown by category of work:

         Debris Removal                                                   $   23,348,532           

         Emergency Protective Measures                         $   10,300,909

         Roads and Bridges                                              $        724,592

         Water Control Facilities                                       $          10,057

         Buildings and Equipment                                     $        965,384

         Utilities                                                                 $     1,684,093

         Parks, Recreational and Other Facilities             $     1,365,081

$1,708,524 is included in the funding for Westchester County for permanent work that will reduce or eliminate repeat disaster damage.                                               

PA applicants can include:

  • state agencies
  • local and county governments
  • private nonprofit organizations that own or operate facilities that provide essential government-type services

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.


$38 Million in Federal Funding Supports Westchester County’s Sandy Recovery

NEW YORK — FEMA has approved more than $1 million in Hurricane Sandy assistance to fund emergency efforts and help repair and rebuild public infrastructure in Sullivan County.

To date, local, state and federal recovery officials have identified 55 projects from applicants in Sullivan County that are eligible for Public Assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The $1,088,388 million represents 90 percent of the cost of approved PA projects that will be reimbursed by FEMA. The state manages the PA program and disburses funding.

A breakdown by category of work:

         Debris Removal                                                   $    752,676   

         Emergency Protective Measures                         $    292,612

         Roads and Bridges                                              $        2,784

         Water Control Facilities                                       $        3,353

         Buildings and Equipment                                     $      30,736

         Public Utilities                                                      $        4,500

         Parks, Recreational and Other Facilities             $        1,726 

$2,800 is included in the funding for Sullivan County for permanent work that will reduce or eliminate repeat disaster damage.

PA applicants can include:

  • state agencies
  • local and county governments
  • private nonprofit organizations that own or operate facilities that provide essential government-type services

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585

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$1 Million in Federal Funding Supports Sullivan County’s Sandy Recovery

DENTON, Texas – More than $1 million was recently awarded to the state of New Mexico by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for debris removal in Lincoln County in the aftermath of last summer’s flooding.

The FEMA funding covers the hauling away of debris and the clearing of roads in order to allow for public access, the safety of the population and the protection of property, as well as direct administrative costs.

“The removal of debris is a critical step in the recovery process after a disaster,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “We are proud to support our state and local partners in New Mexico, reimbursing them for the work they have done to rebuild and repair communities after last year’s flooding.”

FEMA’s contribution, made possible by a Public Assistance grant, represents a 75 percent federal cost share. FEMA awards funding for projects directly to the state of New Mexico; the state then forwards the grant to the eligible applicant.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. 

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FEMA Awards More Than $1 Million to New Mexico for Flooding Cleanup

BATON ROUGE, La. East Baton Rouge Parish will receive a nearly $3.2 million federal grant to reimburse the parish for removing and disposing of debris resulting from Hurricane Isaac, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said Friday.

The FEMA Public Assistance grant, totaling $3,189,504, will help the parish pay for removing more than 355,800 cubic yards of debris from three public rights of way. A cubic yard of debris is about the size of a residential washing machine.

“Removing debris after a storm protects public health and safety,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Gerard M. Stolar. “These funds support East Baton Rouge’s efforts to eliminate hazardous debris and help return the parish to normal.”

The grant covers the federal share of the parish’s eligible costs for the work. Under a cost-sharing formula, FEMA reimburses the state for 75 percent of the total costs, while the state and/or applicant pay the remaining 25 percent.

The newly awarded funds are a portion of the $195.5 million in total Public Assistance recovery dollars approved for the state since the Aug. 29, 2012, disaster declaration.

Once FEMA reimburses the state of Louisiana it is the state’s responsibility to manage the funds, which includes making disbursements to local jurisdictions and organizations that incurred costs.

For more information on Louisiana disaster recovery, click or You can follow FEMA on Twitter at or on Facebook at Also visit our blog at

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FEMA Awards Nearly $3.2 Million to East Baton Rouge for Hurricane Isaac Recovery

BATON ROUGE, La. – A $4.5 million federal grant has been awarded to Jefferson Parish to help with costs for cleaning up debris created by Hurricane Isaac’s high winds and flooding, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said Thursday.

The FEMA grant, totaling $4,510,862, helps reimburse the parish for work to remove and dispose of debris from the public rights of way. That includes more than 203,000 cubic yards of vegetative debris and nearly 54,400 cubic yards of construction and demolition debris.

“This grant demonstrates FEMA’s strong support for Jefferson Parish’s efforts to clear debris after the storm,” said FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer Gerard M. Stolar. “The funds go to the parish but ultimately they will help the whole community recover from Hurricane Isaac.”

The FEMA grant covers the federal share of the parish’s eligible costs for the work. Under a cost-sharing formula, FEMA reimburses the state for 75 percent of the total costs, while the state and/or applicant pay the remaining 25 percent.

The newly obligated funds are a portion of the $14.3 million in total Public Assistance recovery funds approved for applicants in Jefferson Parish since the Aug. 29, 2012, declaration for Hurricane Isaac. Statewide, Public Assistance grants total $171.2 million.

Once FEMA reimburses the state of Louisiana it is the state’s responsibility to manage the funds, which includes making disbursements to local jurisdictions and organizations that incurred costs.

For more information on Louisiana disaster recovery, click or You can follow FEMA on Twitter at or on Facebook at Also visit our blog at

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FEMA Obligates $4.5 Million to Jefferson Parish for Debris Removal

WINDSOR, Conn. — While the Federal Emergency Management Agency expects to help the state pay for repairing infrastructure damaged by Hurricane Sandy, FEMA can also help cover the costs of rebuilding critical infrastructure to a stronger, safer standard.

The work is known as mitigation, which is intended to break the cycle of damage and reduce repetitive losses.

“Studies show that every dollar spent on mitigation saves $4 down the road by preventing disaster-related damage and loss,” said FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Albert Lewis.

FEMA’s Public Assistance program helps local governments and certain private, nonprofit organizations pay for eligible disaster-related costs for debris removal, emergency protective measures and repair or restoration of public infrastructure. FEMA provides a minimum of 75 percent of the cost of repairs.

Generally, the PA program restores disaster-damaged infrastructure to pre-disaster conditions.  However, where cost-effective and technically feasible, additional funding can be approved to restore the facility to a higher standard and make it more disaster-resistant.

Such projects can include:

  • Increasing the size of culverts under bridges and roadways to allow floodwaters to flow through without damage;
  • Armoring riverbanks with stone to forestall erosion; and
  • Constructing gated floodwalls to prevent the inundation of structures or neighborhoods.

Eligible applicants for Public Assistance funding and mitigation include state agencies, local and county governments, tribal nations and nonprofit agencies that provide essential services. As part of the federal assistance application process, FEMA and the state help applicants identify projects that qualify for mitigation funding.

FEMA and its state partners are encouraging applicants to take advantage of mitigation funding to help reduce repetitive losses from disasters.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

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Public Assistance Mitigation Funds Can Help Break Cycle of Repetitive Loss

BATON ROUGE, La. Two grants totaling $3.2 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will help St. John Parish schools recover from Hurricane Isaac, FEMA has announced.

After the late August storm’s flooding severely damaged most of the buildings at the East St. John High School campus in Reserve, the district relocated most students to temporary classrooms at the nearby Leon Godchaux Academy campus.

But without enough classroom space at the academy, students are attending school daily in two, five-hour shifts this semester. On that limited schedule, the 2012-2013 academic year would extend through next summer and into September in order for students to get the required annual instructional time.

FEMA’s $1.4 million grant will provide additional modular classroom units for high school students. More class time is expected to be scheduled each day beginning in January. The school year then may end in July.

“Getting closer to the regular academic calendar is an important part of recovery for the St. John district and community,” said FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer Gerard M. Stolar. “These funds will help the district recover costs for adding the temporary classroom space that will help students stay on schedule.”

FEMA’s second grant for $1.8 million will help pay cleanup costs at the damaged high school campus and at Lake Pontchartrain Elementary School in LaPlace. Both schools sustained extensive flooding during the storm.

The FEMA grants will pay the federal share of the St. John school district’s eligible costs for the work. Under a cost-sharing formula, FEMA reimburses the state for 75 percent of the total costs, while the state and/or applicant cover the remaining 25 percent.

Once FEMA pays the funds to the state of Louisiana, their management, including disbursement to local school districts and organizations performing services, is the responsibility of the state. The obligated funds are a portion of nearly $121.8 million in total Public Assistance recovery funds obligated to the state since the Aug. 29 declaration for Hurricane Isaac.

For more information on Louisiana disaster recovery, click or You can follow FEMA on Twitter at or on Facebook at Also visit our blog at

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status.  If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at!/femaregion6, the R6 Hurricane Preparedness website at and the FEMA Blog at

See original:  

FEMA Obligates $3.2 Million to St. John Parish Schools for Classrooms and Cleanup

TRENTON, N.J.– It’s important to know the difference between myth and fact in the aftermath of a hurricane. Survivors need accurate information on registering for FEMA aid and on what they may be eligible to receive. The best rule of thumb: if you’re unsure if you are eligible for assistance, go to or, or call 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA). Those with access or functional needs can call 1-800-462-7585, or 1-800-621-3362 if using 711 or Video Relay Service.

Here are some common misunderstandings:

  • MYTH: I’ve already cleaned up the damage to my home and had the repairs made. Isn’t it too late to register once the work is done?
    FACT: You may be eligible for reimbursement of your clean up and repair costs, even if repairs are complete.
  • MYTH: I’m a renter. I thought FEMA assistance was only for homeowners for home repairs.
    FACT: FEMA assistance is not just for homeowners. FEMA may provide assistance to help  renters who lost personal property or who were displaced.
  • MYTH: FEMA assistance could affect my Social Security benefits, taxes, food stamps or Medicaid.
    FACT: FEMA assistance does not affect benefits from other federal programs and is not considered taxable income.
  • MYTH: My insurance agent told me I could not get help from FEMA because I have flood insurance.
    FACT: Even if you have flood insurance you should register. FEMA may be able to help with uninsured costs.
  • MYTH: I heard registration involves a lot of red tape and paperwork.
    FACT: There is no paperwork to register with FEMA. The process is very easy and normally takes between 15 and 20 minutes.
  • MYTH: I believe FEMA only makes loans so I didn’t apply for help because I don’t want a loan.
    FACT: FEMA only provides grants. The grants may cover expenses for temporary housing, home repairs, replacement of damaged personal property and other disaster-related needs such as medical, dental or transportation costs not covered by insurance or other programs. They don’t have to be repaid.

    The U.S. Small Business Administration provides low-interest disaster loans to renters, homeowners and businesses of all sizes. Some applicants may receive an SBA loan application after registering with FEMA. No one is obligated to take out a loan, but if they don’t complete the application they may not be considered for other federal grant programs.

  • MYTH: Since I received disaster assistance last year, I’m sure I can’t get it again this year.
    FACT: Assistance may be available if you suffered damages from a new federally declared disaster.
  • MYTH: My income is probably too high for me to qualify for disaster assistance.
    FACT: Income is not a consideration for FEMA assistance. FEMA grants may cover uninsured losses.
  • MYTH: I don’t want to apply for help because others had more damage than I had; they need the help more than me.
    FACT: FEMA has enough funding to assist all eligible survivors with their disaster related needs. 

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.



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Myth vs. Fact About Registering For FEMA Aid

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