La asistencia por desastre alcanza los $5.1 millones para las tormentas ocurridas entre el 18 y el
27 de mayo

OKLAHOMA CITY – La asistencia por desastre estatal y federal ahora alcanza $5.1 millones para los propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos de Oklahoma afectados por los tornados y tormentas severas ocurridas entre el 18 y el 27 de mayo.

Más de 8,000 residentes de Oklahoma han solicitado asistencia al Departamento de Oklahoma para el Manejo de Emergencias (OEM, por sus siglas en inglés) y a la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) luego de las tormentas que se produjeron entre el 18 y el
27 de mayo.

La asistencia por desastre puede incluir subvenciones para ayudar a pagar una vivienda temporal, reparaciones para viviendas u otros gastos importantes relacionados con el desastre, como gastos médicos y dentales o costos funerarios y de entierro que no estén cubiertos por un seguro u otro recurso.

• Fondos de Asistencia Individual aprobados: $5,153,643
o Asistencia para vivienda: $3,699,408
o Asistencia para otras necesidades: $1,145,234
• Inscripciones: 8,049

OEM y FEMA cuentan con cuatro Centros de Recuperación por Desastre donde los sobrevivientes pueden asistir para recibir información y solicitar asistencia. Los especialistas de OEM, FEMA y la Agencia Federal para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa (SBA, por sus siglas en inglés) de los Estados Unidos estarán disponibles para responder preguntas. A la fecha, 3,179 personas han visitado los centros:

• Little Axe Elementary School, 2000, 168th Ave. NE, Norman, horario de atención: 9.00am—
• Carney High School, 204 South Carney St., Carney, horario de atención: 8.00am—7.00pm.
• Westmoore High School, 12613 South Western Ave., Oklahoma City, horario de atención:
• Gordon Cooper Technology Center, One John C. Bruton Blvd., Shawnee, horario de atención:

También hay disponibles préstamos por desastre a bajo interés de la SBA para los propietarios de vivienda, inquilinos y empresas de todos los tamaños y organizaciones privadas sin fines de lucro. Ya se aprobaron los primeros préstamos para propietarios de viviendas e inquilinos que reúnen los requisitos.

Los propietarios de viviendas, inquilinos y propietarios de empresas de los cinco condados designados (Cleveland, Lincoln, McClain, Oklahoma y Pottawatomi), que hayan sufrido daños por las tormentas ocurridas entre el 18 y el 27 de mayo, pueden solicitar asistencia estatal y federal en línea en o a través de un teléfono inteligente en

Los sobrevivientes de las tormentas ocurridas entre el 18 y el 27 de mayo también pueden completar una solicitud por teléfono llamando al 800-621-3362 o al (TTY) 800-462-7585. Las personas que utilizan el servicio 711 o el servicio de transmisión de video, pueden llamar al 800-621-3362 para inscribirse.

Para obtener más información sobre la recuperación por desastre en Oklahoma, haga clic en o visite el sitio del OEM en

La asistencia de recuperación por desastre se encuentra disponible sin distinción de raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, sexo, edad, discapacidad, dominio del inglés o condición económica.  Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido discriminado, comuníquese sin cargo con FEMA al 800-621-3362. Para utilizar la línea TTY, llame al 800-462-7585.

El OEM trabaja en la preparación, la respuesta, la recuperación y la mitigación de emergencias y desastres. El Departamento presta servicios a las ciudades, los pueblos y los condados de Oklahoma a través de una red de más de 350 administradores de emergencias locales.

La misión de FEMA es apoyar a los ciudadanos y a las agencias de primera respuesta para garantizar que como país trabajemos juntos para desarrollar, mantener y mejorar nuestra capacidad de prepararnos, protegernos y recuperarnos de los peligros, responder ante ellos y mitigarlos.

La SBA es la fuente principal de dinero del gobierno federal para la reconstrucción a largo plazo de la propiedad privada dañada por el desastre. La SBA ayuda a propietarios de viviendas, inquilinos, empresas de todos los tamaños y organizaciones privadas sin fines de lucro para que puedan financiar sus esfuerzos de reparación o de reconstrucción y a cubrir el costo de reemplazar la propiedad privada que se perdió o que sufrió daños por desastre. Los préstamos por desastre cubren pérdidas que el seguro u otras fuentes de recuperación no cubren en su totalidad y no duplican beneficios de otras agencias u organizaciones.

Síganos en Twitter en!/femaregion6 y en el blog de FEMA en


La asistencia por desastre alcanza los $5.1 millones para las tormentas ocurridas entre el 18 y el 27 de mayo

Calling all community and faith-based organizations; youth development leaders; educators; leaders of after-school, extracurricular, weekend, and camp programs; and, emergency management and preparedness professionals interested in youth programs!  FEMA Region X and the American Red Cross (ARC), Western Washington Chapters, will be co-sponsoring free workshops in May on how your organization can easily incorporate emergency readiness into your programs. 

To be a part of this exciting opportunity, register for an Emergency Readiness Workshop at There are two workshops available to choose from: Wednesday, May 1 from 4-8 pm in Seattle and Saturday, May 11 from 10-2 pm in DuPont. Please register ASAP, as seats are filling quickly!

As committed leaders for youth emergency preparedness, FEMA and ARC developed the Emergency Readiness Workshops focused on engaging youth-serving organizations in emergency preparedness. These workshops are coordinated through multiple partners, including: Washington Emergency Management Division, Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Seattle Office of Emergency Management, Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, and Radio Disney AM 1250.

Nearly one million youth call the Puget Sound home, which is a region that is highly susceptible to a wide range of natural hazards and threats. Therefore, this youth outreach effort is essential to building a more resilient community. Research shows that households with children who bring home preparedness materials are significantly more likely to be prepared for an emergency (

“Engaging and preparing our youth is a critical part of Whole Community emergency preparation because youth have a unique ability to influence their peers and families to be more ready and resilient,” said Ken Murphy, FEMA Region X Administrator. “Youth play important roles in disaster preparedness during and after a crisis.”

Visit source:  

Getting Youth Prepared!

DULUTH, Minn. — The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that $2,012,087 has been made available to the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) in federal disaster aid for repairs to the Scanlon (Division D) Interceptor. Additionally, Minnesota Recovers has approved $2,334,497 in Disaster Relief Appropriation Funds to assist with essential restorations. The interceptor sustained damages during the June 14 – 21 severe storms and flooding. The FEMA funds are being made available as part of recovery efforts in response to President Obama’s federal disaster declaration of July 6, 2012.


The Scanlon Interceptor is a 36 inch iron pipe that carries wastewater to the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) Knowlton Creek Pump Station in West Duluth. Flooding damaged a 150 foot portion of the Pipe Bridge, where the pipeline emerges from ground cover and is elevated over a creek. Three of the seven supporting concrete piers and the pipe itself were damaged. Rip-rap was eroded on each side of the creek and a portion of the six-foot high chain link fence that surrounds the pipeline and piers was destroyed.


In addition to repairing the damages caused by the disaster, WLSSD plans on replacing an additional 265 linear feet of the pipe, lining 175 linear feet of the buried portion of pipeline, and renovating three manholes. WLSSD intends to utilize the MN Recovers funds to cover the costs of these restorations.


FEMA’s Public Assistance Program provides funding to local government jurisdictions and eligible private non-profits for the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged infrastructure as well as costs incurred for disaster cleanup or emergency actions taken to protect lives or property. The federal share of recovery costs is 75 percent. The remaining share is the responsibility of the state and local government or non-profit organization.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


See original:

FEMA and HSEM Provide More Than $4.3 Million Combined for Scanlon Interceptor Repairs

TRENTON, N.J. — Nine Disaster Recovery Centers in the western area of New Jersey will be closing over the next week and a half. 

State and federal officials have been paying close attention to how many applicants are visiting centers throughout the state. Over the past weeks, the number of individuals seeking help at DRCs in the western counties has dropped, indicating the information needs of survivors in the area have mostly been met. 

Disaster specialists encourage applicants in western New Jersey to visit these centers while they are open. After these centers close, an applicant may go to any DRC, even if it is located in another county or state.

Final schedules are as follows:

Cumberland, Mercer and Morris DRCs are open this week through Saturday, Dec. 8 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., closing Dec. 8 at 7 p.m.

Burlington, Gloucester and Warren DRCs will be open Monday through Wednesday, Dec. 10-12 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., closing Dec. 12 at 7 p.m.

Salem, Somerset and Sussex DRCs will be open Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 13-15 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., closing Dec. 15 at 7 p.m.

DRCs allow residents to speak one-on-one with recovery representatives. FEMA program specialists are available to provide registration and other information, and to answer questions at the centers. These include mitigation specialists who can provide guidance on cost-effective rebuilding and repair techniques to reduce property damage in future disasters.

In addition to FEMA program specialists, customer service representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are available to answer questions about the SBA low-interest disaster loan program, and to assist with disaster loan applications.

DRC locations may change. The nearest open offices can be found online at

It is not necessary to visit a center to receive disaster assistance.

Individuals can register for assistance and follow up on their applications online at, or by web-enabled mobile device at By phone or 711/VRS, call 800-621-FEMA (3362) or TTY 800-462-7585.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Follow this link – 

Recovery Centers To Close In Western New Jersey Counties