KANSAS CITY, Mo. – With the potential for severe weather across the plains and several Midwestern states this week, staff at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Region VII office are coordinating with state and local officials in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska and urge the public to be prepared and stay informed.

“As the threat of severe weather develops, we urge residents to listen to NOAA Weather Radio and local newscasts, monitor digital media feeds for updates and follow the  instructions provided by local emergency officials,” said FEMA Region VII Administrator Beth Freeman. “This severe weather threat is a reminder that everyone needs a family emergency plan as we can’t always anticipate when or where a disaster might strike.”

For more information on creating your family’s emergency plan, visit http://www.ready.gov/make-a-plan.

Preparing for Severe Weather Now

To prepare for power outages and the disruption of essential services, FEMA urges families to prepare an emergency supply kit for their homes and cars. For more information, visit http://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit.  When preparing a kit, remember water, medications, and items needed for the well-being of your pets.

Staying informed is equally important when preparing for any emergency, particularly severe weather threats. In addition to monitoring the guidance and reports of local emergency and weather officials, monitor social media before, during and after emergencies. Consider following the Facebook, Twitter or Instagram handles of your local emergency management office as well as hospitals, schools and voluntary organizations that serve your community. More information on building your own preparedness list is available from @FEMARegion7 on Twitter, using the hashtag #preplist, or by visiting www.twitter.com/femaregion7/lists.

Responding to Severe Weather

If you have severe weather in your area, keep in mind these safety tips:

  • Become familiar with the terms used to identify a severe weather hazard and discuss with your family what to do if a watch or warning is issued. Terms used to describe weather hazards include the following:
  • Watch: Meteorologists are monitoring an area or region for the formation of a specific type of threat (e.g. flooding, severe thunderstorms, or tornados).
  • Warning: Specific life and property threatening conditions are occurring and imminent. Take appropriate safety precautions.
  • Mobile homes, even if tied down, offer little protection from tornadoes and should be abandoned. A mobile home can overturn very easily even if precautions have been taken to tie down the unit. Residents of mobile homes must plan in advance and identify safe shelter in a nearby building.
  • While community safe rooms offer significant reassurance and protection during a severe weather event, always make the safe and certain choice about where to seek shelter – particularly if there is little time to travel to the location of the community safe room. It is always best to seek shelter in your basement or in the lowest possible structure in your residence if time and warning are limited when severe weather hits.
  • Know your surroundings and your structures if you’re planning to attend an event, take vacation, visit family, or if you are staying in a location other than your home like a hotel, campground or cabin. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the facility’s emergency plans including sirens and warnings, how to shelter in place, and steps to be taken in the event of an evacuation. 
  • Do not touch downed power lines or objects in contact with downed lines. Report downed power lines and electrical hazards to the police and the utility company.
  • After a disaster, be aware of possible structural, electrical or gas-leak hazards in your home. Contact your local city or county building inspectors for information on structural safety codes and standards and before going back to a property with downed power lines, or the possibility of a gas leak. They may also offer suggestions on finding a qualified contractor to do work for you. 
  • Injury may occur when people walk amid disaster debris and enter damaged buildings. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, long sleeves and gloves when handling or walking on or near debris.

Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema.  Find regional updates from FEMA Region VII at www.twitter.com/femaregion7. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.  The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


See original article – 

In Anticipation of Severe Weather, FEMA Monitors and Encourages Residents to Prepare Now

FEMA Region VII’s “Be A Hero, Preparing Means Caring” campaign

calls on all Americans to exercise an inclusive approach when preparing for emergencies


KANSAS CITY, MO –Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Captain America bring very familiar images to mind. This September, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Ready Campaign and FEMA Region VII, in partnership with Citizen Corps and the Ad Council call on all Americans to embrace their own heroic powers to prepare themselves and others for disasters.

“Like so many of the superheroes we grew up watching, the overarching concept behind being a ‘hero’ is helping others, particularly those who may not be able to help themselves or may need some extra assistance,” said FEMA Region VII Administrator Beth Freeman. 

On September 1, National Preparedness Month Community members across the nation will respond to the call to help prepare their families, businesses and communities for emergencies of all kinds. This spring’s deadly tornado in Moore, OK, summer flooding in the Midwest, and the not-so-distant Hurricane Sandy which struck the Eastern Seaboard in 2012, demonstrate that disasters can happen anywhere at any time.

This year’s National Preparedness Month campaign slogan, “You Can Be the Hero”, seeks to transform awareness into action by encouraging all Americans to be the heroes in their own homes, businesses, schools and other common places, taking the necessary steps to ensure their communities and the people within those communities are prepared for emergencies of all kinds.  

Localizing the national theme with an emphasis on issues true to the Nation’s Heartland, FEMA Region VII will launch its regional campaign, Be A Hero, Preparing Means Caring, in conjunction with National Preparedness Month. The initiative includes extensive outreach throughout the Region VII states of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska.

Freeman said “Our goal in adopting a regional focus for National Preparedness Month is to promote the importance of taking an inclusive approach to disaster preparedness because everyone, regardless of abilities, has something to offer when it comes to preparedness. 

“We can be heroes by learning what it takes to prepare, by understanding the variety and complexity of needs in our communities – particularly for people with access or functional needs and to ensure the well-being of pets – and by exercising a few simple activities now to ensure everyone within our community circles is prepared.”

Through FEMA Region VII’s Be A Hero, Preparing Means Caring campaign, information will be distributed on a variety of topics and issues to consider when practicing preparedness including: caring for the elderly and those with disabilities, ensuring your business is resilient and accessible, and building an emergency supply kit to care for pets.

As the baseline for all FEMA emergency preparedness information, the campaign focuses on starting preparedness with four simple steps:

  1. Be informed about emergencies that could happen in your community, and identify sources of local information that will be helpful before, during and after an emergency.
  2. Make a plan for what to do in an emergency.
  3. Build an emergency supply kit.
  4. Get involved.

Although a majority of the Campaign’s information and outreach will be distributed throughout National Preparedness Month in September, FEMA Region VII is using the initiative as a kick-off effort to taking a more focused, long-term approach to engaging with citizens and community partners throughout the year.”

Preparedness is a shared responsibility; it takes a whole community. To join the National Preparedness Community or to make a pledge to learn more, get involved and Be A Hero in your own community, visit http://community.fema.gov. Information is also available at 1-800-BE-READY, 1-888-SE-LISTO or TTY 1-800-462-7585.

Follow FEMA online at http://blog.fema.gov, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications. 

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.



Continue reading – 

September 1 Marks the Start of National Preparedness Month; Citizens invited to ‘Be a Hero’ All Year Long

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – As officials from the National Weather Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Region VII office continue monitoring the development of what could be the most powerful winter storm the central U.S. has seen since 2011, residents are encouraged to act now, preparing both their homes and their families for whatever may arise.   

“We are watching what could become a very intense and potentially dangerous winter storm, complete with a significant accumulation of ice and snow, high winds, and bitterly cold temperatures,” said FEMA Region VII Administrator Beth Freeman.

“Residents should take this storm seriously and stay informed; the current forecast serves as a very real reminder, disasters – including severe winter weather, can strike anytime, anywhere. Its critical people remain prepared throughout the year and www.Ready.gov can help you do just that.”  


Take Protective Measures

Before Winter Storms and Extreme Cold

Develop a family disaster plan or modify an existing plan to account for winter weather related hazards. Understand the winter weather-related risks in your area; different areas have different risks associated with winter storms.

Citizens should get familiar with the terms that are used to identify a winter storm hazard and discuss with your family what to do if a winter storm watch or warning is issued. Terms used to describe a winter storm hazard may include:

  • Freezing Rain creates a coating of ice on roads and walkways.
  • Sleet is rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet also causes roads to freeze and become slippery.
  • Winter Weather Advisory means cold, ice and snow are expected.
  • Winter Storm Watch means severe weather such as heavy snow or ice is possible in the next day or two.
  • Winter Storm Warning means severe winter conditions have begun or will begin very soon.

Create an emergency supply kit that includes a three-day supply of food and water, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio and extra flashlights and batteries.  Thoroughly check and update your family’s emergency supply kit and add the following supplies in preparation for winter weather:

  • Rock salt to melt ice on walkways;
  • Sand to improve traction;
  • Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment;
  • And adequate clothing and blankets to help keep you warm.
  • Ensure your family preparedness plan and contacts are up to date and exercise your plan.  Learn about the emergency plans that have been established in your area by your state and local government, and ensure your home and car are prepared for the winter weather.

Emergency Response and Exercising Caution

In the Aftermath of Winter Storms

When winter storms hit, the first responders are local emergency and public works personnel, volunteers, humanitarian organizations, and numerous private interest groups. This collection of agencies helps provide emergency assistance required to protect the public’s health and safety to meet immediate needs. FEMA has pre-staged emergency commodities across the United States should they be needed to support state and local emergency response operations.

Residents should follow the instructions of state, local and tribal officials and listen to local radio or TV stations for updated emergency information. If you are told to stay off the roads, stay home, and when it is safe, check on your neighbors or friends nearby who may need assistance or extra support. Older adults and individuals who are dependent on life-sustaining medical equipment or assistive devices such as a ventilator or mobility devices, may need additional support in areas that have lost power.

Important Tips to Remember:

Severe winter weather can include snow or subfreezing temperatures, strong winds and ice or heavy rain storms. Avoid traveling by car, but if you must, make sure you have an emergency supply kit in the trunk of your car. FEMA urges families to maintain an emergency supply kit both at home and in the car to help prepare for winter power outages and icy or impassable roads.

Do not put your family at risk. Follow these important safety tips from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), FEMA and the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) in the aftermath of the storm:

  • Portable Generators

Never use a generator inside a home, basement, shed or garage even if doors and windows are open. Keep generators outside and far away from windows, doors and vents. Read both the label on your generator and the owner’s manual and follow the instructions. Any electrical cables you use with the generator should be free of damage and suitable for outdoor use.

  • Charcoal Grills and Camp Stoves

Never use charcoal grills or camp stoves indoors. Deaths have occurred when consumers burned charcoal or used camp stoves in enclosed spaces, which produced lethal levels of carbon monoxide.

  • CO Alarms

Install carbon monoxide alarms immediately outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home to protect against CO poisoning. Change the alarms’ batteries every year.

  • Electrical Safety

Stay away from any downed wires, including cable TV feeds. They may be live with deadly voltage.

  • Candles

Use caution with candles. If possible, use flashlights instead. If you must use candles, do not burn them on or near anything that can catch fire. Never leave burning candles unattended. Extinguish candles when you leave the room.

For more information and winter safety tips, please visit: http://www.ready.gov/winter-weather or www.listo.gov to find out how you can prepare your family for winter storms and other disasters.

Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema.  Find regional updates from FEMA Region VII at www.twitter.com/femaregion7. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.  The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


View original: 

As Winter Storm Approaches, FEMA Encourages Residents to Prepare Now

Heading To The All-Star Game, The College World Series, A Concert? Be Tornado Ready 

Release Date: June 15, 2012
Release Number: R7-12-008

» 2012 Region VII News Releases

Kansas City, Mo. — As you and your family make plans to go to baseball’s All-Star Game 2012 in Kansas City, the College World Series in Omaha, attend a concert, an outdoor event, or go on a road trip this summer, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wants you to know what you should do if a tornado threatens.

“It’s automatic for parents—you step into a crowded shopping mall, or athletic stadium and you check to make sure your children are safely by your side. Your very next thought should be ‘what if?’ What if there’s a need to evacuate this building, or take shelter quickly inside it?” said Regional Administrator Beth Freeman, of FEMA Region VII. “Preparing before severe weather threatens is always the wisest thing to do, but it can be tricky when you’re out in public or in unfamiliar areas. We want to see people consider their options and know what to do during any emergency like it’s second nature.”


If you’re inside a building (e.g. residence, athletic stadium, small building, school, nursing home, hospital, factory, shopping center, high-rise building) the goal is to find the best available refuge area. In the event of a tornado warning, to go the safest refuge area such as a safe room, basement, storm cellar, or the lowest building level. If there is no basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level (closet, interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck. In a high-rise building, go to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible. Put on sturdy shoes. Do not open windows.

If you plan to attend an event in an outdoor stadium or arena, consider how you would evacuate or take shelter in the event of a tornado. It’s best to plan ahead and when possible learn what emergency plans are in place.

If you’re driving or outdoors with no shelter immediately drive to the closest sturdy shelter IF, and only if, it’s five or less minutes away. If your vehicle is hit by flying debris while you are driving, pull over and park. Stay in the car with the seat belt on. Put your head down below the windows; cover your head with your hands and a blanket, coat or other cushion if possible.

If you can safely get noticeably lower than the level of the roadway, like into a ditch, leave your car and lie in that area, covering your head with your hands. Do not get under an overpass or bridge because it is a very dangerous place to be during a tornado. You are safer in a low, flat location. Watch out for flying debris. Flying debris from tornadoes causes most fatalities and injuries. Also, never try to outrun a tornado in urban or congested areas in a car or truck.

Understand alert and warning systems and stay informed

Learn about weather alerts so you can make good decisions regardless of where you are when severe weather threatens. A tornado Watch means existing weather conditions could create a tornado. However, when a tornado Warning is issued, a tornado has been seen on the ground or Doppler radar indicates there is a strong possibility one may soon form in the area under the Warning. When a tornado warning is issued, seek safe shelter immediately.

If at home or in your car, listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or to commercial radio or television newscasts for the latest information. During severe weather, keep the weather radio with you at all times, including while sheltering. Sign up on www.weather.gov to receive email or text message alerts for severe weather. NOAA has more information about choosing a weather radio at www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/nwrrcvr.htm.

Understanding Outdoor Sirens

Outdoor sirens may warn of an immediate tornado threat, but they’re only meant to alert people outdoors. The sirens in your community may work differently than those in a neighboring town, so it’s important to become familiar with the local siren system. Speak with local emergency management officials to determine:

  • When do they turn the siren on?
  • If the siren has different tones, what are they and what do they mean?
  • When the siren stops, does it mean the threat is over?
  • What does the emergency manager recommend doing when the siren sounds, or for each broadcasted tone?
  • When does the siren system get tested?

Once you understand your local siren system, teach everyone in the family and then practice getting to the best available refuge area. That way the whole family knows what to do, even if you’re not together during an emergency. During any emergency, always listen to the instructions given by local emergency management officials.

Have a plan and supplies

According to the National Weather Service, no geographic location, including downtown urban areas, around lakes, rivers or mountains, are safe from tornados. Those outdoors or living in mobile homes are most vulnerable, but everyone should have a plan and prepare.

Begin preparing by building an emergency supply kit (www.ready.gov/build-a-kit), making a family emergency plan (www.ready.gov/make-a-plan) and purchasing a NOAA weather radio. Keep an emergency supply kit at home, work, and in your car, and be sure everyone in the family understands the emergency plan.

Once you have an emergency supply kit, check it monthly to be sure the water is fresh, medications and batteries are still usable and it is tailored to meet your family’s needs that month.

Factors that should be considered for both the supply kit and the family emergency plan could include the needs of family members of different ages, dietary needs, and disabilities or access and functional needs, including assistive technology equipment. Most or all people have both specific personal needs as well as resources that can assist others. Working with your family and neighbors, you can make a supply kit and plan to fit existing needs.

It’s also important to test your family emergency plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes and you’ll want to find them as soon as the crisis is over.

Get step-by-step instructions on how to prepare your family and/or business online at www.ready.gov. You may also download the FEMA application (www.fema.gov/help/social_media.shtm) for disaster safety tips, interactive lists for storing your emergency kit and emergency meeting location information for your emergency plan.

Follow www.twitter.com/femaregion7 (even if you don’t have a Twitter account) for more tornado and severe weather safety tips all week.

Visit FEMA Region VII online at www.fema.gov/region7. Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/femaregion7, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema. The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Friday, 15-Jun-2012 16:02:51

Taken from: 

Heading To The All-Star Game, The College World Series, A Concert? Be Tornado Ready

Take The Pledge: Seven Minutes For Seven Days To A Family Emergency Plan 

Release Date: April 20, 2012
Release Number: R7-12-007

» 2012 Region VII News Releases

Kansas City, Mo. – To kick-off the first annual National Severe Weather Preparedness Week, April 22-28, 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Region VII office is launching the interactive social media campaign Seven Minutes for Seven Days to a Family Emergency Plan.

National Severe Weather Preparedness Week is sponsored by FEMA and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. It is a nationwide effort designed to increase awareness of how severe weather impacts individuals, families, businesses and communities.

In support of the week’s goals, Region VII’s social media campaign asks individuals to pledge to take just seven minutes of their day every day for 7 days to prepare a plan that could help their family survive an emergency.

“This campaign breaks the task of creating an emergency family plan down into simple, daily steps that can be accomplished in just a few minutes,” said Regional Administrator Beth Freeman, of FEMA Region VII. “Life can get really busy, but planning for the unexpected—which we’ve seen a lot of in the last year or so here in the Midwest-is just a really important part of protecting your family.”

Starting this weekend and throughout next week, Twitter users will be asked to be an example for their family, their friends and their community by tweeting a message that mentions “@FEMARegion7” in which they pledge to take the Seven Minutes for Seven Days to a Family Emergency Plan challenge.

The campaign will be explained in daily tweets on www.twitter.com/femaregion7 throughout this weekend. Then on Sunday and through next week, tweets—to be posted daily at 12 noon—will guide individuals through the process of how to create and tailor their family’s emergency plan.

Anyone with Internet access, regardless of if they have a Twitter account, can easily follow the daily messages and create a family emergency plan simply by typing this into their browser: www.twitter.com/femaregion7.

The daily tweets will link to FEMA’s Web site www.ready.gov/emergency-planning-checklists, which has all the same information that will be broken down into easy steps for campaign participants.

Also as part of the social media campaign, participants will be encouraged to ask questions (of @FEMARegion7 on www.twitter.com/femaregion7) about how to develop the family emergency plan, if they have them, and they will be answered by FEMA experts. Daily tips will be posted explaining how to tailor the plan to meet specific family needs. Participants in the campaign will be setting an excellent example to others, so when they help spread the word by retweeting or mentioning the posts, @FEMAregion7 will tweet their username and say “thank you.”

In this developing era of social media and the quick movement of information – particularly during times of disaster—FEMA realizes the importance of engaging the whole community in all levels of emergency management. The instantaneous delivery of social media provides a way to engage individuals now, before disaster strikes, so we can establish ourselves as a source for vital information throughout all phases of a disaster. This is another step in the direction of involving everyone—every individual is an emergency manager–in disaster response, recovery, mitigation and preparedness.

Visit FEMA Region VII online at www.fema.gov/region7. Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/femaregion7, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema. The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Friday, 20-Apr-2012 16:55:50

Read the article:  

Take The Pledge: Seven Minutes For Seven Days To A Family Emergency Plan