DENTON, Texas – The state of New Mexico has been awarded nearly $2.5 million in federal disaster assistance in the aftermath of the Tres Lagunas Fire that happened in late May, early June 2013.

The funding, which is made possible by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Fire Management Assistance Grant Program, serves as reimbursement for firefighting costs incurred while fighting the fire.
In 2013, the Tres Lagunas Fire threatened hundreds of homes, as well as roads and bridges, and burned thousands of acres of land in San Miguel County.

The Fire Management Assistance Grant Program provides a 75 percent federal cost share, with the state paying the remaining 25 percent for actual costs.

Before a grant can be awarded, the state must demonstrate that total eligible costs for the declared fire meet or exceed either the individual fire cost threshold – which is applied to single fires, or the cumulative fire cost threshold, which recognizes smaller fires burning throughout a state.
Eligible firefighting costs may include expenses for field camps; equipment use, repair and replacement; tools, materials and supplies; and mobilization and demobilization activities.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Follow us on Twitter at, and the FEMA Blog at

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New Mexico Receives Nearly $2.5 Million in Federal Disaster Assistance for the Tres Lagunas Fire

DENTON, Texas – The state of Texas has received more than $1.1 million for repairs to roads and other facilities in the aftermath of the 2013 Halloween flooding.

Overflow from Onion Creek damaged Falwell Lane in Austin, washing away parts of the asphalt road, shoulders and slope embankments and other infrastructure at seven different locations.

Of the total funding, which is made possible by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance program, $925,076 covers necessary repairs at those sites, as well as measures to mitigate against future damage.

In Travis County, the flooding from Onion Creek caused damage to and the accumulation of mud, silt and other types of debris within multiple water control facilities. These facilities are constructed to serve as a buffer during periods of heavy rain, reducing the amount and intensity of storm water runoff that would otherwise occur.

The FEMA PA funding, $187,776, covers repairs at the Howard Lane Detention Pond, the Northeast Metro Park Storm Water Outflow and the Gattis School Road Detention Pond, as well as measures to mitigate against future damage.

To date, FEMA has obligated more than $10.1 million in Public Assistance funding in relation to the 2013 Halloween floods.

The funding represents a 75 percent federal cost share. FEMA awards funding for projects directly to the state of Texas; the state then disburses the grant to the eligible applicant.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Follow us on Twitter at, and the FEMA Blog at

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Texas Receives More Than $1.1 Million for Repairs Following the 2013 Halloween Flooding

DENTON, Texas – Homeowners, renters and business owners in Morehouse Parish are encouraged to look over newly-revised preliminary flood maps in order to determine their flood risks and make informed decisions.

Parish officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are presenting the revised preliminary maps to communities and unincorporated areas in order to help leaders and residents identify known flood risks in their area. Residents and business owners can use this information to make decisions about buying flood insurance and other building decisions. Community leaders can use this information to identify how the community should move forward with any development.    

“We have worked with our state and local partners to bring this critical information to the parish and hope that everyone reviews the maps to understand what flood risks are involved,” said Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “It is very important to have the community as an active partner in the flood mapping process.”

To view the revised flood maps, please contact your local floodplain administrator who may be located at City Hall or the local parish government building. You can also visit or  To contact a FEMA Map Specialist, call 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or send an email to

Once a flood risk is identified, the next step is to consider the purchase of a flood policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Visit or call 1-888-379-9531 to locate an agent in your area.
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
Follow us on Twitter at!/femaregion6, and the FEMA Blog at

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Revised Preliminary Flood Maps in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana Ready for Public View

DENTON, Texas ––In early July, new flood maps for Pulaski County will become effective.

Local, state and federal officials encourage everyone to view the maps before Monday, July 6, 2015 in order to understand their flood risk and then consider buying flood insurance.

Most property insurance policies do not cover the effects of flooding. People without flood insurance, either through a private policy or through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a voluntary protection program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), risk uninsured losses to their homes, personal property and businesses.

Flooding is the #1 natural disaster in the U.S. and only flood insurance covers these unexpected, damaging and sometimes fatal events. “It is critical that everyone is prepared for the hazards and risks in their communities. Knowing your risk of flooding is the first step in taking the appropriate actions to prepare,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson.

To learn if your community participates in the NFIP and to review the new flood maps, contact your local floodplain administrator.

FEMA map specialists and flood insurance experts also are available to answer questions. They can be reached by phone and online chat.  

•    To use the live chat service, visit  Click on the “Live Chat” icon.
•    To contact a FEMA Map Specialist, call 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or send an email to
•    To view a Preliminary Interactive Flood Map:

FEMA encourages communities not currently participating in the NFIP to look at the benefits of joining the program. Contacting a local insurance agent is the first step to obtaining information about insurance. Folks can visit or call 1-888-379-9531 to locate an agent in their area.                                                                                                   

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.   Follow us on Twitter at and the FEMA Blog at

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Pulaski County, Arkansas Flood Maps Become Final in July

DENTON, Texas – More than $465,000 was recently awarded to the state of Texas from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for repairs to two lift stations; multiple sewer manhole covers; a city of Austin water supply pipe; and the removal of more than 40,000 cubic yards of debris in the aftermath of the 2013 Halloween flooding.

The damage from the flooding includes:

  • Multiple components inside the lift stations including motors, pumps, starter and control panels, a wet well and an electric generator;
  • 60 feet of a city of Austin water supply pipe, which was washed away; and
  • Six sewer manholes, as well as the structure surrounding the manholes.

The Public Assistance funding totaling $326,028 pays for the repair and replacement of the components inside the lift stations and the elevation of electrical panels. It also pays for the replacement of the washed away section of the water supply pipe; repairs to the manhole covers; and mitigation measures to protect the structures against future damage. The funding awarded represents a 75 percent federal cost share.

he Public Assistance funding for debris removal totaling $139,776 represents an 80 percent federal cost share. It was made possible by FEMA’s Debris Removal Pilot Program, which offers incentives on a sliding scale for the speedy removal of disaster-related debris. To date, FEMA has obligated more than $1 million for Austin’s debris removal after the 2013 floods.  

To learn more about FEMA’s Debris Removal Pilot Program visit  FEMA awards funding for projects directly to the state of Texas; the state then forwards the grant to the eligible applicant.                                                            


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Follow us on Twitter at, and the FEMA Blog at

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Texas Receives Federal Funding for Repairs & Debris Removal Following the 2013 Floods

DENTON, Texas – Nearly $2.4 million has been awarded to the state of New Mexico from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for removal of sediment from the Nambe Reservoir in Santa Fe County.

During the severe storms in Sept. 2013, heavy rains flooded multiple arroyos, acequias – communal irrigation canals – and various rivers in central New Mexico causing sediment to be deposited in the Nambe Reservoir. The reservoir provides water for municipal and irrigation use in the Pojoaque Valley Irrigation District.

“Removal of sediment from the reservoir is an important step in the recovery process,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “This project is part of our continuing partnership with the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to assist with ongoing recovery in Santa Fe County.”

The Public Assistance grant program funding covers the removal, hauling away and proper disposal of nearly 41,000 cubic yards of sediment from the reservoir, which is enough sediment to fill the truck beds of more than 20,000 average-sized pickups!

This grant is part of more than $38.5 million in Public Assistance grants that have been obligated to the state of New Mexico related to the severe storms and flooding in Sept. 2013. The awarded funding represents a 75 percent federal cost share. FEMA awards funding for projects directly to the state of New Mexico; the state then forwards the grant to the eligible applicant.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow us on Twitter at, and the FEMA Blog at

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FEMA Funds Sediment Removal from Nambe Reservoir in Santa Fe County, New Mexico

DENTON, Texas — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided more than $47 million in 2014 funding to the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) and community partners for disaster recovery, mitigation and preparedness.

“FEMA, in partnership with ADEM, continues to provide funding to assist communities recovering from and mitigating against future damage,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “We are committed to helping Arkansas residents strengthen their resilience.”

The $47 million includes more than $7 million from FEMA’s Individual Assistance program, $23 million in Public Assistance dollars for repair and replacement of infrastructure after a disaster, $6 million in Hazard Mitigation, and more than $11 million in Preparedness funding to mitigate damage from future disasters.

“We at Arkansas Department of Emergency Management and all Arkansans affected by disaster appreciate the partnership we have with FEMA,” said ADEM Director David Maxell. “This relationship allows governmental entities and individuals to better protect themselves before an emergency and then begin down the road to recovery if a disaster occurs.”

The 2014 federal funding covered numerous projects in Arkansas including:
•    More than $7 million to individuals for rental and lodging expenses, home repair, and replacement for those who suffered damage during the April severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding.
•    Over $3 million was used to either replace or repair bridges and low water crossings destroyed or substantially damaged during the declared events.
•    $2.2 million was provided for school safe rooms throughout the state increasing the capacity to protect students, faculty/staff and residents.

In addition to providing federal funding, FEMA’s Mitigation Division has taken steps to improve the on-line resources for communities. In 2014 the Risk Communications Guidebook was updated to include the most recent information on the National Flood Insurance Program reform.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at or on Facebook at

Continue reading here: 

FEMA 2014 Funding for Arkansas Tops $47 Million

DENTON, Texas —The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided more than $79.4 million in 2014 funding to the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM), tribal governments and community partners for disaster recovery, mitigation and preparedness.

“FEMA, in partnership with DHSEM and tribes, continues to provide funding to assist communities recovering from and mitigating against future damage,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “We are committed to helping New Mexico residents strengthen their resilience.”

The $79.4 million includes more than $65.2 million in Public Assistance dollars for repair and replacement of infrastructure after a disaster, more than $12.5 million in Preparedness grants, and over $1.7 million for projects to mitigate damage from future disasters.

“In recent years, the state of New Mexico has experienced widespread damage caused by natural disasters,” said New Mexico DHSEM Cabinet Secretary-Designate Jay Mitchell. “We appreciate the strong partnership and support we have received from our friends at FEMA.” 

The 2014 federal funding covered numerous projects in New Mexico, including:

  • A grant to the City of Alamogordo for removal of debris from flooding at the Bonito Lake Reservoir, a source of drinking water.

  • Santo Domingo Pueblo received funding for the removal of 53,000 tons of debris deposited by flooding in the Middle West Drainage facility, an archaeologically and culturally sensitive area.

  • Lincoln County received $118,000 for a Hazardous Fuels Reduction Education and Outreach project, to raise public awareness for the need to thin and manage vegetation to reduce losses from wildfires.

  • Santa Clara Pueblo received funds for an engineering study to plan the replacement of four primary detention pond dam facilities in Santa Clara Canyon. Continued funding was also provided for the removal of debris from the canyon, caused by monsoon flooding in 2013.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at or on Facebook at

Read this article:

FEMA 2014 Funding for New Mexico Tops $79 Million

DENTON, Texas ––In early May, new flood maps for Chambers County will become effective.

Local, state and federal officials are encouraging everyone to view the maps before Tuesday, May 5, 2015 in order to understand their flood risk and then consider buying flood insurance.

Most property insurance policies do not cover the effects of a flood. Floods can place people at risk of uninsured loss to their businesses, homes and personal property if they don’t have either a private flood insurance policy or coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a voluntary protection program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Flooding is the #1 natural disaster in the U.S. and only flood insurance covers these unexpected, damaging and sometimes fatal events. “Where there is rain, there could be flooding,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “Everyone lives in a flood zone.”

To learn if your community participates in the NFIP and to review the new flood maps, contact your local floodplain administrator.

FEMA map specialists and flood insurance experts also are available to answer questions. They can be reached by phone and online chat.  

•    To use the live chat service, visit  Click on the “Live Chat” icon.
•    To contact a FEMA Map Specialist, call 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or send an email to
•    To see the interactive web page visit:
•    To view a Preliminary Interactive Flood Map:

FEMA encourages communities not currently participating in the NFIP to look at the benefits of joining the program. Contacting a local insurance agent is the first step to obtaining information about insurance. Folks can visit or call 1-888-379-9531 to locate an agent in their area.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.   Follow us on Twitter at and the FEMA Blog at

From – 

Chambers County, Texas Flood Maps Become Final in May

DENTON, Texas – Homeowners, renters and business owners in Lafayette Parish are encouraged to look over newly-revised preliminary flood maps in order to determine their flood risks and make informed decisions.

Parish officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are presenting the revised preliminary maps to communities and unincorporated areas in order to help leaders and residents identify known flood risks in their area. Residents and business owners can use this information to make decisions about buying flood insurance and other building decisions. Community leaders can use this information to identify how the community should move forward with any development.    

“We have worked with our state and local partners to bring this critical information to the parish and hope that everyone reviews the maps to understand what flood risks are involved,” said Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “It is very important to have the community as an active partner in the flood mapping process.”

To view the revised flood maps, please contact your local floodplain administrator who may be located at City Hall or the local parish government building. You can also visit or To contact a FEMA Map Specialist, call 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or send an email to

Once a flood risk is identified, the next step is to consider the purchase of a flood policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Visit or call 1-888-379-9531 to locate an agent in your area.
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
Follow us on Twitter at!/femaregion6, and the FEMA Blog at


Revised Preliminary Flood Maps in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana Ready for Public View

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