EATONTOWN, N.J. — The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy left survivors and businesses in New Jersey with large-scale recovery needs. In the three years since, the state’s private sector has made significant contributions to strengthen recovery efforts.

Immediately after Sandy struck, Private Sector specialists with FEMA’s External Affairs division deployed to New Jersey to work with chambers of commerce, industry associations, individual companies, colleges and universities, the medical industry and other organizations.

An outside shot of the Panini Bay Restaurant

Panini Bay Restaurant in Tuckerton built an innovative elevator for wheel chair accessibility

Response was immediate. Utility companies inserted disaster assistance information in utility bill inserts, reaching 3.3 million customers. The South Jersey Transportation Authority featured registration information on its Vehicle Messaging Systems at toll plazas as well as on its website ticker messaging system, reaching an estimated 2.9 people a month.

Through utility bill inserts, newsletters, signage, advisories and other means, FEMA’s Private Sector specialists successfully distribute some 14 million disaster assistance messages to New Jersey residents.

One fast food chain that requested anonymity handed out disaster assistance messaging along with 7,000 sandwiches they distributed at 32 locations throughout New Jersey. “That’s just one example of how essential the private sector is to a strong recovery effort,” noted Gracia Sczech, who served as Federal Coordinating Officer for FEMA’s Joint Field Office in Lincroft during the early days of the disaster.

Chambers of commerce, associations and businesses shared FEMA’s electronic newsletter, the E-News Update, with their memberships and contacts. This access to recovery information proved invaluable to their members and had far-reaching effects.

FEMA’s Private Sector worked with The New Jersey Association of Realtors to present a series of seminars and question and answer sessions on recovery issues. These events updated and advised the real estate community on issues pertinent to Sandy recovery, including, Flood Mapping, the National Flood Insurance Program, Home Elevation, Business Continuity, Federal and State recovery programs, and grant and loan opportunities.

In all, more than 2,000 realtors received the latest information regarding Sandy recovery. “To have the opportunity to interact directly with FEMA representatives, ask questions and get answers has helped not only members, but their clients as well,” said New Jersey Association of Realtors Chief Executive Officer Jarrod Grasso. “The recovery process in the aftermath of Sandy has not been easy, but getting the correct facts to our members has relieved a great deal of uncertainty related to flood maps, insurance and elevation that so many New Jersey residents felt.”

Two FEMA program areas, Private Sector and the Federal Disaster Recovery Coordination group, facilitated an Insurance Industry Roundtable, forming a public-private partnership that resulted in a series of four meetings to explore how to enhance and expedite the disaster assistance process. A roundtable work group identified issues impeding the process and then developed recommendations that were submitted to President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force.

A view of the info tables at Home Depot on Preparedness Day

FEMA’s Mitigation and Private Sector teams man tables at Home Depot’s Preparedness Day

The private sector reached out in more basic ways as well. Sometimes, it was as simple as speaking at a local chamber of commerce meeting or a single business, staffing information tables at business and industry functions or offering work space for businesses displaced by the storm.

Operation Photo Rescue, a nonprofit organization of volunteer photojournalists from around the nation, came to New Jersey to help Sandy survivors restore treasured photos. The organization began helping disaster survivors during the Hurricane Katrina recovery in Louisiana.  Operation Photo Rescue volunteers needed to set up a temporary site close enough for survivors to access their free services.

“Finding a place for us to host our copy run was turning into a major problem as we could not secure a building close enough to where Sandy hit,” recalled Operation Photo Rescue President Margie Hayes.

“We were coming up empty-handed until Chris Spyridon, regional pro sales manager for Home Depot, offered us a space at Home Depot in Seaside Heights.”

Another area in which the private sector played an important role was in the academic arena. FEMA offers a disaster preparation program to elementary schools titled “FEMA for Kids,”  which helps children recover from the stress and uncertainty of the unknown that a disaster can bring by teaching them skills that serve to alleviate that uncertainty, including developing a family communications plan for disasters and determining what items their family should plan to have on hand to prepare for disaster, such as canned food, medications, water and pet supplies.

With the success of FEMA for Kids came a similar prepared program aimed at high school and college-age students titled “Ready, Steady, Strong.” Designed and developed by a FEMACorps team at the NJ Sandy Joint Field Office in Lincroft, Ready, Steady, Strong teaches the same principles as FEMA for Kids at a more sophisticated level, including a tabletop exercise simulating a disaster in which the students practice emergency management skills.

Thousands of students throughout New Jersey participated in the two programs, gaining the attention of the Mayor of Newark, who invited FEMA to present the program in the Newark school system. More than 45,000 elementary and high school age students as well as teachers and administrators participated.

The business of recovery is long-term, and an important part of recovery is preparedness, which not only helps individuals survive a disaster but can help businesses endure as well. FEMA’s Private Sector specialists have traveled throughout the state to help executives and officials understand the need for a business continuity plan to implement in an emergency to ensure the business can survive and continue once the emergency is over. Montclair State University recorded FEMA’s preparedness webinar to share with all of New Jersey’s colleges and universities.

As we mark the third year of Hurricane Sandy Recovery, the work of our Private Sector partners continues to benefit residents and businesses throughout New Jersey.

“We are proud of the contributions that members of New Jersey’s business communities made toward the goal of recovery,” said NJ Sandy Recovery Office Director Christopher Hartnett. “Their efforts have made a difference for thousands of residents and businesses across the state.”

Please be sure to watch the following video-links for two success stories: Partnering for Preparedness:  Jenkinson’s Aquarium Continuity Plan Works at and Serenity Spa Open for Business at

You may also enjoy two FEMA links called Ready Steady Strong Visits East Side High School at and First Avenue Elementary School is Prepared for Emergencies at

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,,,, and, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.”

Original post:  

Three Years after Sandy: New Jersey’s Private Sector Continues the Work of Recovery

For Immediate Release:  February 19, 2014

Media Contact:  Mary Simms,


FEMA, Arizona Host Leadership Conference to Discuss Emerging Trends in Emergency Management, Collaborate with Public, Private Sector before Next Disaster
Microsoft, Verizon, Facebook to Attend along with Many More

Phoenix, Ariz., — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in concert with the Arizona Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) will today host its third annual FEMA Region 9 Public-Private Sector Leadership Conference in Phoenix, Ariz. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Perception vs. Reality.” 

“Engaging with partners to share thoughts and tactics on how to improve government and private sector collaboration benefits community preparedness while also protecting economic resilience,” said Nancy Ward, Regional Administrator for FEMA Region 9.  “The ability to initiate and strengthen linkages to the often untapped resources of the ‘Whole of Community’ is of paramount importance.”

The Public-Private Sector Leadership Conference affords representatives of the public, private and nonprofit sectors the opportunity to network, share best practices, and generally learn and benefit from the emergency management experiences of the “Whole Community.” Administrator Ward and ADEM Director Wendy Smith-Reeve will deliver this year’s keynote addresses.

“Events like this conference are an important outreach to our present and future partners,” said Director Smith-Reeve. “We want to inspire the public, private and nonprofit sectors to actively engage in Whole Community emergency management.”

“Whole Community” is an approach to emergency management that reinforces the fact that FEMA is only one part of our nation’s emergency management team; that we must leverage all of the resources of our collective team in preparing for, protecting against, responding to, recovering from and mitigating against all hazards; and that collectively we must meet the needs of the entire community in each of these areas. This larger collective emergency management team includes, not only FEMA and its Federal partners, but also local, tribal, state and territorial partners; non-governmental organizations like faith-based and non-profit groups and private sector industry; to individuals, families and communities, who continue to be the nation’s most important assets as first responders during a disaster.

Today’s conference aims to improve public and private sector capabilities to integrate, collaborate and work together.  Another primary goal is to provide a networking framework in order to develop relationships prior to a crisis throughout Region 9. 

The event is being held today, Feb. 19, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Allen Readiness Center, 5636 E. McDowell Rd, Phoenix, Arizona, 85008. 

For those unable to attend the conference in person, Cisco WebEx will webcast the event at The password to attend the event is: welcome. 

To view the agenda and additional event details please visit:  The event hashtag is #PPP2014AZ.

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See original article:  

FEMA, Arizona Host Leadership Conference to Discuss Emerging Trends in Emergency Management, Collaborate with Public, Private Sector before Next…

LINCROFT, N.J. – The devastating aftermath of Superstorm Sandy left survivors and businesses in New Jersey with large-scale recovery needs. Throughout the year, the state’s private sector has made significant contributions to the recovery process and continues to play a key role.

FEMA Private Sector Specialists discuss disaster mitigation with business ownersEdison, N.J., Aug. 27, 2013 — Federal Emergency Management Agency Private Sector Specialists, Pamela Mason and Art Goetz, speak with business owners and the public about preparedness techniques to mitigate disasters like Sandy at the Sam’s Club Emergency Preparedness Expo. Rosanna Arias/FEMAMore than 600 businesses, utility companies, banks, insurance companies, colleges and universities, and professional organizations stood with local, state and federal agencies, voluntary agencies and faith-based organizations to strengthen the recovery efforts.

They disseminated information about disaster assistance to 7.2 million New Jersey residents through bill inserts, newsletters, signage and other means.

“One fast-food chain, which asked to remain anonymous, distributed 7,000 sandwiches with disaster-assistance information at 32 distribution points in three counties,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Gracia Szczech of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “That’s just one example of how essential the private sector is to a strong recovery effort.”

Immediately after Sandy struck, specialists with FEMA’s Private Sector Division in External Affairs deployed to New Jersey to work with chambers of commerce, industry associations, individual companies, colleges and universities and other organizations.

Kathy Cook, Public Information Officer, explains her role in assisting Sandy survivors to roundtable of federal and insurance industry partnersLincroft, N.J., Feb. 12, 2013 — Kathy Cook, Public Information Officer for Small Business Administration, explains her role in assisting Sandy survivors to roundtable of federal and insurance industry partners. Rosanna Arias/FEMA.Response was immediate. Utility companies inserted messages in billing statements, reaching 3.3 million customers. The South Jersey Transportation Authority featured registration information on its Vehicle Messaging Systems at toll plazas, and the ticker messaging system on its website, reaching an estimated 2.9 million people a month.

Chambers, associations and businesses shared FEMA’s electronic newsletter (the E-News Update) for the private sector stakeholders with their memberships and contacts. The access to recovery information proved invaluable to their members and had far-reaching effects.

“To have the opportunity to interact directly with representatives, ask questions and get answers has helped not only members, but their clients as well,” said New Jersey Association of Realtors Chief Executive Officer Jarrod Grasso. “The recovery process in the aftermath of Sandy has not been easy, but getting the correct facts to our members has relieved a great deal of the uncertainty related to flood maps, insurance and elevation that so many New Jersey residents felt.”

Home Depot Hurricane Workshop Hazlet, N.J., July 27, 2013 — A homeowner discusses storm preparation and prevention with Federal Emergency Management Agency Mitigation specialist Mark Rollins and External Affairs specialist Art Goetz at the Home Depot Hurricane Workshop in Hazlet, New Jersey. The multi-state event shares information on how to prepare for storms like Sandy. Rosanna Arias/FEMA Two FEMA program areas, Private Sector and the Federal Disaster Recovery Coordination group, facilitated an Insurance Industry Roundtable. The resulting public-private partnership engaged the insurance industry in a series of four meetings to explore how to enhance and expedite the disaster assistance process. A roundtable work group identified issues impeding the process and then developed recommendations that were submitted to President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force.

The private sector reached out in more basic ways as well. Sometimes it was as simple as offering a space to work. Operation Photo Rescue, a nonprofit organization of volunteer photojournalists from around the country, wanted to help Sandy survivors restore treasured photos. The organization began helping disaster survivors during Hurricane Katrina recovery. Volunteers need to set up a temporary shop close enough for survivors to access the free services.

“Finding a place for us to host our copy run was turning into a major problem as we could not secure a building close enough to where Sandy hit,” said Operation Photo Rescue President Margie Hayes. “We were coming up empty handed until Chris Spyridon, regional pro sales manager for Home Depot, offered us space at a Home Depot in Seaside Heights.”

The business of recovery is long-term, and an important part of that is preparedness, which not only helps individuals survive a disaster but can help businesses endure as well. FEMA’s Private Sector specialists have covered the state to help executives and officials understand the need for a continuity plan so work continues once the emergency is over. Montclair State University recorded FEMA’s preparedness webinar to share with all of New Jersey’s colleges and universities.

Amy Ferdinand, the university’s director of Environmental Health and Safety, said, “With the recent trend of ever-increasing disasters – whether natural or manmade – being the ‘new normal,’ there is a definite need among business leaders and stakeholders to become better informed on the topic of continuity and business planning.”


Video-links: Partnering for Preparedness, Jenkinson’s Aquarium Continuity Plan Works,
Serenity Spa Open for Business

Next in the One Year Later series: the role of Environmental and Historic Preservation in disaster recovery.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

Source article: 

New Jersey Private Sector Gets Down to Business with Sandy Recovery

LINCROFT, N.J. – The devastating aftermath of Superstorm Sandy left survivors and businesses in New Jersey with large-scale recovery needs. Throughout the year, the state’s private sector has made significant contributions to the recovery process and continues to play a key role.

FEMA Private Sector Specialists discuss disaster mitigation with business ownersMore than 600 businesses, utility companies, banks, insurance companies, colleges and universities, and professional organizations stood with local, state and federal agencies, voluntary agencies and faith-based organizations to strengthen the recovery efforts.

They disseminated information about disaster assistance to 7.2 million New Jersey residents through bill inserts, newsletters, signage and other means.

“One fast-food chain, which asked to remain anonymous, distributed 7,000 sandwiches with disaster-assistance information at 32 distribution points in three counties,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Gracia Szczech of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “That’s just one example of how essential the private sector is to a strong recovery effort.”

Immediately after Sandy struck, specialists with FEMA’s Private Sector Division in External Affairs deployed to New Jersey to work with chambers of commerce, industry associations, individual companies, colleges and universities and other organizations.

Kathy Cook, Public Information Officer, explains her role in assisting Sandy survivors to roundtable of federal and insurance industry partnersResponse was immediate. Utility companies inserted messages in billing statements, reaching 3.3 million customers. The South Jersey Transportation Authority featured registration information on its Vehicle Messaging Systems at toll plazas, and the ticker messaging system on its website, reaching an estimated 2.9 million people a month.

Chambers, associations and businesses shared FEMA’s electronic newsletter (the E-News Update) for the private sector stakeholders with their memberships and contacts. The access to recovery information proved invaluable to their members and had far-reaching effects.

“To have the opportunity to interact directly with representatives, ask questions and get answers has helped not only members, but their clients as well,” said New Jersey Association of Realtors Chief Executive Officer Jarrod Grasso. “The recovery process in the aftermath of Sandy has not been easy, but getting the correct facts to our members has relieved a great deal of the uncertainty related to flood maps, insurance and elevation that so many New Jersey residents felt.”

Home Depot Hurricane Workshop Two FEMA program areas, Private Sector and the Federal Disaster Recovery Coordination group, facilitated an Insurance Industry Roundtable. The resulting public-private partnership engaged the insurance industry in a series of four meetings to explore how to enhance and expedite the disaster assistance process. A roundtable work group identified issues impeding the process and then developed recommendations that were submitted to President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force.

The private sector reached out in more basic ways as well. Sometimes it was as simple as offering a space to work. Operation Photo Rescue, a nonprofit organization of volunteer photojournalists from around the country, wanted to help Sandy survivors restore treasured photos. The organization began helping disaster survivors during Hurricane Katrina recovery. Volunteers need to set up a temporary shop close enough for survivors to access the free services.

“Finding a place for us to host our copy run was turning into a major problem as we could not secure a building close enough to where Sandy hit,” said Operation Photo Rescue President Margie Hayes. “We were coming up empty handed until Chris Spyridon, regional pro sales manager for Home Depot, offered us space at a Home Depot in Seaside Heights.”

The business of recovery is long-term, and an important part of that is preparedness, which not only helps individuals survive a disaster but can help businesses endure as well. FEMA’s Private Sector specialists have covered the state to help executives and officials understand the need for a continuity plan so work continues once the emergency is over. Montclair State University recorded FEMA’s preparedness webinar to share with all of New Jersey’s colleges and universities.

Amy Ferdinand, the university’s director of Environmental Health and Safety, said, “With the recent trend of ever-increasing disasters – whether natural or manmade – being the ‘new normal,’ there is a definite need among business leaders and stakeholders to become better informed on the topic of continuity and business planning.”


Video-links: Partnering for Preparedness, Jenkinson’s Aquarium Continuity Plan Works,
Serenity Spa Open for Business

Next in the One Year Later series: the role of Environmental and Historic Preservation in disaster recovery.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at,,, and Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

Visit link: 

One Year Later: New Jersey Private Sector Gets Down to Business with Sandy Recovery