WASHINGTON – Today, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is calling on individuals and families across the nation to prepare for the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane season, which begins today and runs through November 30. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center seasonal outlook for 2016, released last week, states the season will most likely be near-normal, but uncertainty about the formation of Atlantic storms makes predicting this season particularly difficult.  The full release is linked at www.noaa.gov/near-normal-atlantic-hurricane-season-most-likely-year

The effects of hurricanes can stretch far beyond just coastal areas, impacting communities hundreds of miles inland. When a hurricane hits, it can bring high winds, heavy rainfall, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, and even tornadoes. Storm surge produced by hurricanes poses the greatest threat to life and property along the coast. Taking action now, in advance of a storm, can save lives and enables families and communities to recover more quickly should disaster strike.

“The United States has not had a significant impact from a hurricane or tropical storm since Hurricane Sandy struck in 2012,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “But luck isn’t a strategy when it comes to being ready. If you live in a potentially affected state, you are at risk for storm surge, extreme winds and flooding during a hurricane. Now is the time for you to learn your evacuation routes and develop a hurricane evacuation plan. Prepare now and enjoy the summer with confidence that if a storm threatens you’ll be ready.”

To prepare for these powerful storms, FEMA is encouraging families, businesses, and individuals to take the following steps to prepare:

  • Know Your Risk: Residents should learn what types of natural disasters are common in their stateNOAA’s historical hurricane tracks tool provides information on the severity and frequency of past hurricanes. 
  • Know your evacuation zone: Evacuation zones are areas that may be impacted by hurricane flooding. Many communities have designated evacuation zones and routes to get citizens to safety. This information can often be found on the websites of state, county, or town emergency management offices. If a hurricane threatens a community and local officials say it’s time to evacuate, residents should evacuate immediately. Do not wait for the next forecast.   
  • Download the FEMA app: The FEMA app contains important information on what to do before, during, and after a hurricane. The app also allows users to receive weather alerts from NOAA’s National Weather Service, lifesaving safety tips, and provides access to disaster resources should survivors need them. The app is available in the Apple App store or the Google Play store. The FEMA app is also available in Spanish.
  • Make a plan, build a kit and practice what to do: When a hurricane hits, communications systems can go out, transportation can be limited, and it could be days before emergency responders are able to reach communities that need help. FEMA encourages residents in potentially affected states to do the following:
    • Make a Family Communication Plan: Family members should discuss how they contact one another in an emergency and check in with each other from different locations.  Families should plan how to care for children or members with access and functional needs, and learn how to get in touch if cell phone, internet, or landlines don’t work. Be sure to practice your plan so everyone will know what to do in the event of an emergency.
    • Emergency Supply Kit: A ‘go kit’ is a bag that contains basic items families may need, during an emergency. Kits should contain non-perishable food, water, and other supplies, such as flashlights, local maps, and a battery-powered radio, to last you and your family for at least 72 hours. Ready.gov contains a complete list of items.
    • Pets: Many local shelters do not permit pets, but laws require them to accept service animals. Families should have a plan for pets should they need to evacuate.

While much attention is often given to the Atlantic Hurricane Season, there are tropical systems that can affect many other areas around the nation. To learn more about hurricane seasons in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, visit www.hurricanes.gov. To learn more on how to prepare before, during, and after a hurricane, visit www.ready.gov.




FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

Continued here:

FEMA Encourages Preparedness for the 2016 Hurricane Season

CHICAGO – Cold temperatures, heavy snow, and treacherous ice storms are all risks of the impending winter season. 

“Severe winter weather can be dangerous and even life-threatening for people who don’t take the proper precautions,” said FEMA Region V acting administrator Janet Odeshoo. “Preparedness begins with knowing your risks, making a communications plan with your family and having an emergency supply kit with essentials such as water, food, flashlights and medications.”

Once you’ve taken these steps, consider going beyond the basics of disaster preparedness with the following tips to stay safe this cold season:

Winterize your emergency supply kit:

  • Before winter approaches, add the following items to your supply kit:
    • Rock salt or other environmentally safe products to melt ice on walkways. Visit the Environmental Protection Agency for a complete list of recommended products.
    • Sand to improve traction.
    • Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.
    • Sufficient heating fuel and/or a good supply of dry, seasoned wood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove.
    • Adequate clothing and blankets to keep you warm.

Stay fire safe:

  • Keep flammable items at least three feet from heat sources like radiators, space heaters, fireplaces and wood stoves. 
  • Plug only one heat-producing appliance (such as a space heater) into an electrical outlet at a time.
  • Ensure you have a working smoke alarm on every level of your home. Check it on a monthly basis.

Keep warm, even when it’s cold outside:

  • If you have a furnace, have it inspected now to ensure it’s in good working condition.
  • If your home heating requires propane gas, stock up on your propane supply and ensure you have enough to last an entire winter. Many homeowners faced shortages due to the record freezing winter weather last year, and this season there’s the possibility of lower than normal temperatures again. Don’t be caught unprepared.
  • Avoid the dangers of carbon monoxide by installing battery-powered or battery back-up carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Winterize your home to extend the life of your fuel supply by insulating walls and attics, caulking and weather-stripping doors and windows, and installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic.

Prevent frozen pipes:

  • If your pipes are vulnerable to freezing, i.e., they run through an unheated or unprotected space, consider keeping your faucet at a slow drip when extremely cold temperatures are predicted.
  • If you’re planning a trip this winter, avoid setting your heat too low. If temperatures dip dangerously low while you’re away, that could cause pipes to freeze. Consider draining your home’s water system before leaving as another way to avoid frozen pipes.

You can always find valuable information to help you prepare for winter emergencies at www.ready.gov/winter-weather. Bookmark FEMA’s mobile site http://m.fema.gov, or download the FEMA app today to have vital information just one click away.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at twitter.com/femaregion5, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at twitter.com/craigatfema. The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Media Contact: Cassie Ringsdorf, 312-408-4455


Tips to Prepare Now for Severe Winter Weather Ahead

DENTON, Texas – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is joining its federal, tribal, state and local partners in Louisiana and Texas to commemorate Hurricane Preparedness Week by sharing critical information about the 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season which starts on June 1 and ends on Nov. 30.

The week-long campaign not only provides an opportunity for emergency management experts to remind everyone about this year’s hurricane season outlook and how to prepare in advance, but it also gives individuals, families, and communities a chance to take action now and practice for an emergency.

“We encourage everyone to take basic steps to get ready before hurricane season begins,” said FEMA Regional Administrator Tony Robinson. “In addition to talking about what you should do and building emergency kits, people can also take part in exercises, drills and discussions about emergencies that are being held in their communities.”

Those in hurricane-prone areas are urged to visit www.ready.gov/prepare to learn about America’s PrepareAthon! and get involved in local training sessions. Basic hurricane preparedness tips include:

  • Before a hurricane
  • Prepare an evacuation kit; you can find more information on what you need in the kit at www.ready.gov or www.listo.gov.
  • Secure any important papers in a waterproof container.
  • Fill your vehicle’s tank up with gas.
  • Get any necessary prescription medications refilled.
  • Have enough cash on hand to last for several days.
  • Make sure you have enough extra food and water for your pet.
  • During a hurricane
  • Listen to the radio or TV for information.
  • If you are directed by local authorities to evacuate, be sure to follow their instructions.
  • Stay indoors during the hurricane and away from windows and glass doors.
  • After a hurricane
  • Safety is a primary issue, as is physical and mental well-being.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/femaregion6 and the FEMA Blog at http://blog.fema.gov.

See more here: 

May 25-31 is Hurricane Preparedness Week. Be Prepared. Get a Plan. Know Your Evacuation Zone

CHICAGO – September is National Preparedness Month and as we remember the tragic events of the September 11 terrorist attacks, FEMA Region V would like to remind everyone to make preparedness a priority. 

“We all want peace of mind knowing that our families, our homes and our businesses are safe and protected from threats of any kind,” said Andrew Velasquez III, regional administrator of FEMA’s office in Chicago. “Throughout the month of September we are encouraging the whole community – individuals, businesses, community organizations, faith-based groups, and state, local and tribal governments – to focus on preparing for all types of emergencies and disasters that may impact their communities.”

Preparing can start with three important steps:

  • Put together your own personalized emergency supply kit
  • Plan now so you know what do to before, during and after disaster strikes
  • Be informed about specific hazards that could affect your community

Everyone should take responsibility for being prepared with the understanding that disasters may disrupt essential services.  Everyone should have sufficient supplies for at least three days.  Taking action now to prepare for emergencies and disasters will increase your chances of surviving and recovering from a disaster. 

It’s also important to remember you need to be prepared for all seasons. FEMA has many tools to help you plan, including videos and social media links. The following are just a few examples:

Winter is just around the corner, which can bring many types of unforeseen weather emergencies: www.fema.gov/medialibrary/media_records/6746

Spring weather is always unpredictable. Severe storms, tornadoes and flooding can occur without much warning: www.fema.gov/medialibrary/media_records/7626

In the summer, weather conditions may seem perfect for outside activities everyone must be aware of dangerous health issues related to extreme heat and high humidity: www.fema.gov/medialibrary/media_records/8966

Most people spend a lot more time on the road than they realize so no matter what the season.  An emergency kit for your car should be part of your emergency plan:


For more information and ideas, log on to www.ready.gov. And remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest information: www.facebook.com/fema, www.twitter.com/fema.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Visit site:

FEMA Region V Highlights National Preparedness Month

Atlantic Hurricane Season Beings Today 

Release Date: June 1, 2012
Release Number: HQ-12-041

MIAMI, Fla. — Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today joined FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, Deputy Administrator Rich Serino, NOAA National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read and Florida Governor Rick Scott to discuss the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season outlook and preparedness measures with leadership of hurricane-prone states.

“We may not know exactly what Mother Nature will bring this year, but we are leaning forward in our preparations, utilizing the ‘Whole Community Approach’,” said Secretary Napolitano. “As part of this approach, we are engaging the broadest possible set of partners in our preparedness efforts—integrating planning across federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments as well as with private sector, community, non-governmental, and faith-based partners.”

Hurricane season begins June 1 and extends through November 30. Being aware of risks and hazards and taking the steps to prepare can reduce the impacts of hurricanes.

“Hurricane season officially begins today and yet we have already had two named storms,” said FEMA Administrator Fugate. “When it comes to preparing for disasters, don’t simply focus on the calendar … focus on the need to be prepared. You can go to www.ready.gov and find all of the tools and information you need to prepare your home, business and family.”

This season, we ask families, communities and businesses to be a force of nature by taking the pledge to prepare at www.ready.gov/hurricanes.

For more information, visit www.ready.gov.

Last Modified: Monday, 04-Jun-2012 16:42:00

View post: 

Atlantic Hurricane Season Beings Today

Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins Today 

Release Date: June 1, 2012
Release Number: HQ-12-041

MIAMI, Fla. — Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today joined FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, Deputy Administrator Rich Serino, NOAA National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read and Florida Governor Rick Scott to discuss the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season outlook and preparedness measures with leadership of hurricane-prone states.

“We may not know exactly what Mother Nature will bring this year, but we are leaning forward in our preparations, utilizing the ‘Whole Community Approach’,” said Secretary Napolitano. “As part of this approach, we are engaging the broadest possible set of partners in our preparedness efforts—integrating planning across federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments as well as with private sector, community, non-governmental, and faith-based partners.”

Hurricane season begins June 1 and extends through November 30. Being aware of risks and hazards and taking the steps to prepare can reduce the impacts of hurricanes.

“Hurricane season officially begins today and yet we have already had two named storms,” said FEMA Administrator Fugate. “When it comes to preparing for disasters, don’t simply focus on the calendar … focus on the need to be prepared. You can go to www.ready.gov and find all of the tools and information you need to prepare your home, business and family.”

This season, we ask families, communities and businesses to be a force of nature by taking the pledge to prepare at www.ready.gov/hurricanes.

For more information, visit www.ready.gov.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 05-Jun-2012 08:43:25

See original article here: 

Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins Today

Oklahoma’‘Hurricane Season’ History Demonstrates Need to Prepare Now 

Release Date: May 30, 2012
Release Number: R6-12-100

» 2012 Region VI News Releases

DENTON, Texas — One major hurricane, which resulted in a federal disaster declaration, serves as reminder to Oklahomans that now is the time to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season.

The 2012 Hurricane Season begins on June 1, and while experts are predicting a slower season than in past years, most of the predictions still call for at least a normal amount of activity. The 50 year average is a little over 11 named storms, six of those becoming hurricanes and two becoming major ones – Category 3 or higher.

Reports show that Oklahoma has had one storm that resulted in a federal declaration. It was an emergency declaration for Hurricane Katrina (2005) and resulted in the state receiving more than $12.7 million in federal disaster aid under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance program.

The state received an emergency declaration after Katrina impacted Louisiana. The funding was made available to reimburse Oklahoma for its costs related to housing Katrina evacuees.

In addition to hurricane winds and rain, the season also brings threats of flooding and tornadoes which can and have impacted states that are not on the coast.

“The bottom line is that Oklahomans should be prepared for all hazards,” said Acting FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “We say it often, but it’s the best way to get a clear message out there – Get a Kit, Make a Plan and Stay Informed.

For more information on the upcoming hurricane season, please visit www.ready.gov/hurricanes and www.nhc.noaa.gov/prepare.

Volunteering is one way to be prepared to help others. Use VolunteerMatch to locate local Red Cross volunteer opportunities in your community. You can also visit www.citizencorps.gov for ways to help and be prepared.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Thursday, 31-May-2012 10:55:13


Oklahoma’‘Hurricane Season’ History Demonstrates Need to Prepare Now

New Mexico ‘Hurricane Season’ History Demonstrates Need to Prepare Now 

Release Date: May 30, 2012
Release Number: R6-12-099

» 2012 Region VI News Releases

DENTON, Texas — One major hurricane, which resulted in a federal disaster declaration, serves as reminder to New Mexicans that now’s the time to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season.

The 2012 Hurricane Season begins on June 1, and while experts are predicting a slower season than in past years, most of the predictions still call for at least a normal amount of activity. The 50 year average is a little over 11 named storms, six of those becoming hurricanes and two becoming major ones – Category 3 or higher.

Reports show that New Mexico has had one storm that resulted in a federal declaration. It was an emergency declaration for Hurricane Katrina (2005) and resulted in the state receiving a more than $1 million in federal disaster aid under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance program.

The state received an emergency declaration after Katrina impacted Louisiana. The funding was made available to reimburse New Mexico for its costs related to housing Katrina evacuees.

In addition to hurricane winds and rain, the season also brings threats of flooding and tornadoes which can and have impacted states that are not on the coast.

“The bottom line is that New Mexicans should be prepared for all hazards,” said Acting FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “We say it often, but it’s the best way to get a clear message out there – Get a Kit, Make a Plan and Stay Informed.

For more information on the upcoming hurricane season, please visit www.ready.gov/hurricanes and www.nhc.noaa.gov/prepare.

Volunteering is one way to be prepared to help others. Use VolunteerMatch to locate local Red Cross volunteer opportunities in your community. You can also visit www.citizencorps.gov for ways to help and be prepared.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Thursday, 31-May-2012 10:48:33

Taken from: 

New Mexico ‘Hurricane Season’ History Demonstrates Need to Prepare Now

Read original article:  

FEMA Administrator Statement On New National Hurricane Center Director

Get FloodSmart: Protect Now With Flood Insurance 

30-Day Countdown to the 2012 Hurricane Season Begins May 2

Release Date: May 1, 2012
Release Number: HQ-12-033

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Every year, thirty days from the start of hurricane season, FEMA officials urge U.S. residents to prepare their homes and businesses for the heightened flood risks associated with hurricanes and tropical storms. This year, FEMA is placing more urgency in this message due to the expiration of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on May 31, 2012, the day before the 2012 hurricane season begins on June 1st.

The authorization for the National Flood Insurance Program is scheduled to expire on May 31 unless Congress acts in advance to reauthorize it. The NFIP makes federally backed flood insurance available to homeowners, renters and business owners. The NFIP identifies areas of flood risk; it encourages communities to implement measures to mitigate against the risk of flood loss; and it provides financial assistance to help individuals recover rapidly from flooding disasters.

“Flood insurance is essential to help protect against the devastating effects of flooding, and the time to act is now,” said David Miller, Associate Administrator for FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration. “As we approach a potentially active hurricane season, FEMA is urging Congress to reauthorize the NFIP and send a clear signal to citizens, communities, and private sector partners that the federal government will continue to support our nation’s efforts to manage flood risk.”

Flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster to affect every state across the country. Severe weather has already brought significant flood events to many states in the U.S. As we continue to monitor conditions and respond to these events, we must also look forward to summer and hurricane-related weather patterns that will heighten flood risks for many.

FEMA also stresses that flood risks associated with hurricane season extend beyond the Gulf and Southeastern coasts. The largest amounts of rainfall from hurricanes are often produced by slow moving storms that stall out miles from a shoreline as did Tropical Storm Lee in 2011. In addition, last year Hurricane Irene caused major flooding over much of the mid-Atlantic and Northeast when it moved inland, with high winds and torrential rains.

FEMA is urging residents to purchase flood insurance now. Flood insurance is available through more than 85 insurance companies in nearly 22,000 participating communities nationwide. Most everyone can purchase flood insurance – including renters, business owners, and homeowners. Flood insurance is also affordable. The average flood insurance policy is around $625 a year. And in moderate- to low- risk areas, homeowners can protect their properties with low-cost Preferred Risk Policies (PRPs) that start at just $129 a year. Individuals can learn more about their flood risk by visiting www.FloodSmart.gov or calling 1-800-427-2419.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-May-2012 08:45:23

Link to original: 

Get FloodSmart: Protect Now With Flood Insurance