Portland, Ore. – Gear up for the third annual Portland Disaster Relief Trials (DRT), taking place this upcoming Saturday, July 19. This 30-mile earthquake preparedness exercise is designed to highlight how cargo bikes can be used in disaster supply runs, helping mitigate some of the fuel and transportation problems that typically affect cars and other vehicles after major earthquakes.

The scenario for the DRT is to focus on day four after a major earthquake. Cyclists, without cell phones, must navigate their own route between checkpoints while picking up 100 pounds of supplies and completing disaster-related activities. This makeshift course consists of an off-pavement portion, a one-meter obstacle, and at least one shallow water crossing. Not to mention, bikes will be carrying varied types of supplies that range in size and weight. Finding the most efficient way to fasten and carry the cargo “is a hallmark of the Disaster Relief Trials.”

This year, seeing the cargo bikes race is not the only reason to go. There will be a huge cargo bike fair, complete with family-friendly activities and events that will be going on throughout the day. The event’s host, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), has partnered with another major Portland biking event, Fiets of Parenthood, to create a fun family bicycle obstacle course.

A proud supporter of the Disaster Relief Trials, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Region X staff and FEMA Corps team will be supporting the event, providing earthquake preparedness information, interactive activities, and full-size earthquake hazard map.

Portland DRT will be this Saturday, July 19, 2014 at the OMSI building from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Follow @femaregion10 on Twitter as they live tweet from the event. For more information about the 2014 Disaster Relief Trials, go to http://drtpdx.org/.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


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Portland Disaster Relief Trials Pedal for Earthquake Preparedness

Multiple Sources Fund Sandy Recovery Efforts

Main Content

Release date:

February 12, 2014

Release Number:


LINCROFT, N.J. – The Federal Emergency Management Agency receives money from two different and distinct sources to help communities pay for damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

FEMA’s primary source of funding is the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), which was established by the Stafford Act. The DRF is regularly replenished to ensure that money for disaster relief and recovery is always available.

The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, also known as the Sandy Disaster Relief Act, budgeted $60 billion for relief and recovery efforts. Out of those funds, $5.4 billion was allocated directly to FEMA, and a total of $57.2 billion went to nine areas, including FEMA:

  • $9.7 billion to the National Flood Insurance Program.
  • $3.9 billion to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • $19.8 billion for transportation, housing and urban development through the Federal Highway Administration (not connected to either the Department of Transportation or HUD).
  • $5.4 billion to the Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Authority Emergency Relief for assistance and recovery for the four major New Jersey-New York transit overseers: Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority of NY-NJ, NJ Transit and NYC DOT ferries.
  • $6.5 billion to the Department of Homeland Security.
  • $4 billion for energy and water (restoring navigation channels, beaches; assisting with dredging, sustainability and flood control efforts).
  • $1.35 billion to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • $1.166 billion to Interior and Environment to repair damaged Department of the Interior facilities and restore wetlands.

The remaining money has been allocated as follows:

  • $725 million for Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (provides health services, case management, domestic violence services, child welfare/youth services and funding for the reconstruction and repair of health and child care facilities, damaged Head Start facilities, and damaged Social Security Administration buildings and equipment.)
  • $651 million for financial services (includes additional funding for the Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Program and $7 million for the repair of damaged federal buildings)
  • $513.25 million for commerce, justice and science. Most of this money will go to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to help improve severe weather forecasting.
  • $287 million to the Department of the Interior to repair national parks, lands and facilities.
  • $235 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs to repair the Manhattan VA hospital and other VA facilities damaged by Sandy.
  • $218 million for agriculture (emergency conservation and restoration efforts)
  • $161 million to the Small Business Administration. This will provide immediate funding for the Disaster Loan Program to repair and rebuild disaster-damaged private property for homeowners, renters, and businesses, as well as grants to assist affected small businesses.
  • $100 million to the Department of Health and Human Services (Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund for disaster response and recovery efforts. Includes funding for the Social Services Block Grants program, repairs to Head Start facilities, and replacement of equipment at the National Institute of Health)
  • $88.335 million to the Department of Defense to repair military bases, armories and other installations.
  • $32 million to Amtrak to repair damaged infrastructure only. None of this money will go to Administration-requested offsets for operating revenue losses or towards construction of a long-planned Hudson River tunnel.
  • $24.2 million to the National Guard for repairs to various buildings.
  • $14.6 million to the Federal Aviation Administration to repair control towers, navigation and power systems.
  • $6 million to the Department of Agriculture to replenish food banks and soup kitchens via the Commodity Assistance Program

Last Updated:

February 13, 2014 – 12:13

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Multiple Sources Fund Sandy Recovery Efforts

WASHINGTON – In the wake of severe storms and tornadoes in Oklahoma, voluntary agencies continue to be a vital member of the disaster response and recovery team, working alongside state, tribal and local emergency responders to assist in caring for the immediate needs of survivors. The public can play an important role with the emergency management team, volunteering their time, money, and energy to help disaster survivors and their families. There are ways individuals can support the ongoing response and recovery efforts, whether they live in the affected area or across the country.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is advising people who want to help survivors to do so through affiliation with the voluntary organizations that are active in the ongoing disaster operations.  More information on volunteering and donations can be found at www.fema.gov/howtohelp.

“Voluntary agencies are playing a critical role in the response and recovery efforts in Oklahoma,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “To best meet the needs of survivors, voluntary agencies need the public’s support.”  

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD)  serves as the primary point of contact for voluntary organization coordination in FEMA’s National Response Coordination Center, supporting Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services needs.  National VOAD continues to work with a network of more than 50 national agencies and 55 state and territorial VOADs providing countless volunteers and services to support response and recovery efforts. Financial contributions offer voluntary agencies of your choice the most flexibility in obtaining resources.

“The coordinated support from the American public, Oklahoma survivors, faith-based and community-based relief organizations, the business community and local, state, tribal and federal governments will be necessary to restore the communities in Moore County,” said Daniel Stoecker, Executive Director of National VOAD. “The most effective way to help tornado survivors will be to donate to, or volunteer with, a reputable, recognized organization active in disaster response and recovery activities.”

National VOAD members including voluntary, non-profit and faith-based organizations are working closely with affected states and communities to assist with providing mobile feeding, assist with debris removal and, as needed, to support with temporary home repairs and other needs for disaster survivors. 

Examples of ongoing work include:

Oklahoma Voluntary Organizations Active in Disastercontinues to work with its membership to coordinate mass feeding teams, debris clean up and volunteer reception centers.

American Red Cross disaster teams in Oklahoma have five open shelters.  Thirty-one emergency response vehicles are on the ground or en route to distribute food and water and five emergency aid stations were open where people can find a safe refuge, food and snacks, emotional support, health care services and information about what other help is available. The Red Cross and FEMA continue to jointly lead the planning and coordination of mass care services, as part of Emergency Support Function 6 (ESF#6), which assists states in their planning and coordinating of mass care services, specifically sheltering, feeding, distribution of emergency supplies, and family reunification services.

Team Rubicon, working with the American Red Cross, is providing teams of volunteers to assist local authorities with road openings, debris removal, and logistics coordination.

Salvation Army teams continue to provide food, hydration, and pastoral care to those affected by these tornados. Twelve Mobile Feeding Units (Canteens) have provided more than 4,600 meals to survivors. 

Southern Baptist Convention, working with the American Red Cross, is providing two kitchens to provide meals to disaster survivors. The kitchens are able to make tens of thousands of meals a day if needed.

Samaritans Purse has mobilized teams with equipment to support debris cleanup, roof tarping, and chainsaw work.

Mennonite Disaster Service has mobilized Early Response Teams with equipment to support debris clean up and chainsaw work.

Catholic Charities USA has been working with the local Archdiocese of Oklahoma City to provide support to the diocese efforts. Catholic Charities USA staff aredeployed to support the assessment and determination of the immediate service delivery program.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has a team of National Disaster Response members in Oklahoma City and is providing emotional and spiritual care for survivors and first responders.

Adventist Community Services (ACS) are collecting, sorting, and distributing supplies under the management of ACS Disaster Response teams.

ICNA Relief’s Disaster Response Services has deployed teams to assist with disaster clean up. Teams include chainsaw crews to assist to remove downed trees from damaged homes, remove damaged household contents and tree debris, and support roof tarping.

Brethren Disaster Services deployed two of the Critical Response Child Care Teams to provide support to affected families and children. They will be partnering with the American Red Cross to provide trained and certified volunteers to set up child care centers in shelters and disaster assistance centers.  The volunteers are specially trained to respond to traumatized children, providing a calm, safe, and reassuring presence.

United Way in coordination with the state of Oklahoma has established the OK Strong Disaster Relief Fund to assist with the long-term medical, emotional and educational needs of survivors. Donations can be made by calling (405) 236-8441 or donating online at www.unitedwayokc.org.  

Along with our partners at the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, here are reminders when helping those impacted in Oklahoma:

Cash is the most efficient method of donating– Cash offers voluntary agencies the most flexibility in obtaining the most-needed resources and pumps money into the local economy to help businesses recover. Remember, unsolicited donated goods such as used clothing, miscellaneous household items, and mixed or perishable food require helping agencies to redirect valuable resources away from providing services to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items that may not meet the needs of disaster survivors.

Donate through a trusted organization – At the national level, many voluntary, faith and community-based organizations are active in disasters, and are trusted ways to donate to disaster survivors. In addition to the national members, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, in coordination with the United Way of Central Oklahoma, established the OK Strong Disaster Relief Fund to assist with the long-term medical, emotional and educational needs of disaster survivors. More information is available at okstrong.ok.gov. For more information on how do volunteer and donate responsibly, www.fema.gov/howtohelp.

Be wary of scams and fraud – Unfortunately, disasters often bring out criminals who prey on the needs of disaster survivors, or the generosity of those looking to help, by offering fraudulent services. If you suspect anyone – an inspector, disaster survivor, or someone posing as one of these – of fraudulent activities, call our toll-free Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721, or your local law enforcement agency.


FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or services. 

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Original article: 

In the Aftermath of the Oklahoma Tornadoes, the Support of Volunteers is Key