PHILADELPHIA – FEMA Region III has developed a planning integration guide titled Plan Integration: Linking Local Planning Efforts, which is aimed at helping communities link mitigation principles and actions with various community plans in order to increase community resilience. The guide leads planners and community officials through synchronizing plans and facilitating interagency coordination to reduce risk before and after a disaster.

Use of the planning integration guide enhances risk reduction through community-wide planning by improving coordination; developing specific recommendations for integration into community-wide plans; compiling existing plan measures to include in your hazard mitigation plan; and meeting the Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool requirement to integrate hazard mitigation.

“The guide, Plan Integration: Linking Local Planning Efforts, is a tool communities can tap into to strengthen resiliency through enhanced hazard mitigation planning. Community resilience is directly tied to recovery, which means this resource has the potential for impacting all phases of the full disaster cycle,” said FEMA Region III Regional Administrator MaryAnn Tierney. “This kind of pilot program lays the foundation for stronger resilience in any community. When community planners who live and work in communities set their own resilience priorities they take ownership of mitigation planning and the enthusiasm that generates inspires others to do the same – and that can help jump-start even more widespread success.”

The planning integration guide uses step-by-step instructions and a checklist, real-world examples from communities, and illustrations to assist in gathering and organizing information. Through use of the guide and its resources and tools, communities can develop their own plan integration document as well as identify where gaps exist and develop strategies to address the gaps. The end result of this effort is a synchronized planning effort to increase community resiliency and reduce the risk posed by disasters.

Plan Integration: Linking Local Planning Efforts  is available at For further information about the guide, contact

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. FEMA Region III’s jurisdiction includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.  Stay informed of FEMA’s activities online: videos and podcasts are available at and Follow us on Twitter at

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FEMA Region III Introduces Plan Integration: Linking Local Planning Efforts

A visit to hurricane-battered Louisiana inspired prompt digital planning after the SR 530 Slide that will sustain communications needs for the long haul.

EVERETT, Wash. – A visit to hurricane-battered Louisiana in October 2013 gave seven members of the state of Washington’s Coalition of Recovery Planners a first-hand look at extensive long-term recovery projects taking place. At the time, at least one member of the tour group, Snohomish County Planning and Development Services Director Clay White, had no idea how quickly he would need to tap into his newly acquired knowledge. Then, the State Route 530 Slide happened in Oso.      Three women work on a map on a table, and content on a screen projected overhead.Everett, Wash. — June 10, 2014 – Members of the Snohomish County Planning and Development Services, Planning and Technology Division, discuss their part in a larger public outreach and communications effort accomplished by Snohomish County officials after the SR 530 Slide. Immediately after the slide, Office Supervisor Lori Lollis, (left); Planner Eileen Canola, (middle) and Associate Planner Christina Ghan (right) quickly set to work organizing digital communications for Planning and Development Services that will help support long-term recovery. Photo courtesy of Snohomish County Planning and Development Services

“When I went to Louisiana, I never knew I would need this information,” White said, “but then, a few months later, the SR 530 Slide happened.”

Rather than responding by going directly to the site of the slide, White gathered staff with Snohomish County Planning and Development Services at their office in Everett. Among other things, they started organizing a digital information portal to help streamline digital communications for Planning and Development Services needs.

Within four days after the slide, the team established a Web page on the Snohomish County site that addressed the influx of public records inquiries they were receiving while filing digital information in one spot that would provide access to the public for the long term.

The informational Web page includes maps showing where building permits were issued in relation to the slide, as well as key facts and important dates that will remain available to the public in the future. The Web page is just one piece in the digital communications efforts accomplished by many groups and officials with Snohomish County after the SR 530 Slide.

“The building and land use documents that we gathered and posted provide a glimpse into historical decisions and processes that can help inform future policy decisions,” said Planner Eileen Canola.

The team’s digital communications planning was just one example of how long-term recovery has been a priority – even since the very first hours after the slide. The team also worked together to create an organizational chart related to responsibilities for assignments. They made sure departmental responsibilities were covered and then started assigning tasks. Together, they developed a strategy for going forward.

“Looking back, I think the training Clay received in St. John the Baptist Parish during his visit to  Louisiana really helped,” said Barb Mock, a division manager with Snohomish County Planning and Development Services. “First, immediately after the slide, he remained calm, called a select team to a conference room and, even though we had numerous meetings that day, he added one first thing in the morning, one at lunch, and one at the end of the day. He had learned that communications and chain of command and roles and responsibilities are important.”

The trip to Louisiana was a collaborative effort between the state of Washington; the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Disaster Recovery Support (NDRS) group; the State of Louisiana Office of Community Development; and representatives from St. John the Baptist and Terrebonne parishes.

During the tour, seven emergency managers from Washington listened in on long-term recovery teams as they collaborated and discussed funding proposals and other important planning aspects.  

“To see officials working together so well allowed us to see how the community had faced adversity and how they could come out on the other side,” White said. 

White and the others who visited Louisiana long-term recovery groups soon realized that, while long-term recovery begins immediately after a disaster, the process continues for years to come.

“While dealing with today, focus on what you’re going to be doing in a few months,” White said. “The visit to Louisiana helped me understand how the long-term response is just as important as the initial response. There is a need to think ahead, to prioritize the recovery. There is recovery, and then there is something called long-term recovery.”

See the original article here – 

After the SR 530 slide: long-term recovery in the Evergreen state


DENTON, Texas –Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14 marks the 50th anniversary of what began as an underground facility designed to survive a nuclear war and provide for the continuity of U.S. government operations. The Federal Regional Center (FRC) was constructed between 1961 and late 1963 on 20 acres in Denton.

The FRC has been operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency since the agency came into being in 1979. Before that, it was operated by the Office of Civil Defense and Emergency Planning, one of FEMA’s predecessor agencies.

Plans were made in the late 1950s to ensure the survival of the U.S. government in the event of a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Part of those plans called for construction of fallout shelters for federal officials around the country.

The first of five such centers was constructed in Denton, Texas. The FRC was designed to be self-sufficient for 30 days, and was equipped with a water well, kitchen, food for 300-500 people for 30 days, a dining room, decontamination room, infirmary, diesel generators and a 30 day supply of diesel for the generators

Besides staff with the Civil Defense and Emergency Planning Office, representatives from other government agencies in the Dallas-Fort Worth area worked in the facility in the early days. These agencies included the Federal Communications Commission, the Commerce Department, Department of the Interior and the Treasury Department.

A group of visionary Denton business and community leaders, including Bill Utter, Roy Appleton and Riley Cross, organized a drive to buy the land for the facility and donated it to the federal government. They foresaw the economic benefits of having the center in Denton.

Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson supported the project in the early days, and continued to support it when he became vice president. President John F. Kennedy made the final decision to build the facility in Denton.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at and the FEMA Blog at

Link to article – 

FEMA Federal Regional Center Marks 50 Years of History