OAKLAND, Calif. — The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has authorized the use of federal funds to assist the State of Nevada to combat the Little Valley Fire burning in Washoe County.

On October 14, 2016, the State of Nevada submitted a request for a Fire Management Assistance Declaration for the Little Valley Fire burning in Washoe County.  At the time of the request, the fire was immediately threatening 150 homes in and around the community of West Washoe Valley.    Mandatory evacuations were taking place for approximately 200 people.  The fire, which also started on October 14, has burned in excess of total 700 acres of state and private land.

The Acting Regional Administrator, FEMA Region IX, determined that the Little Valley Fire threatened such destruction as would constitute a major disaster.  The State’s request was immediately approved on October 14, 2016.

Fire Management Assistance Grants (FMAGs) provide federal funding for up to 75% of eligible firefighting costs.  The Disaster Relief Fund provides funding for FMAGs through FEMA to assist in fighting fires which threaten to cause major disasters.  Eligible costs covered by FMAGs can include expenses for field camps; equipment use, repair and replacement; tools; materials; supplies and mobilization; and demobilization activities.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Continued here – 

FEMA Fire Management Assistance Granted For Little Valley Fire

FEMA Releases Severe El Nino Disaster Response Plan

 For California, Arizona, Nevada

Combined Federal, State task force to meet today at Governor’s Office of Emergency Services


Sacramento Calif., —  The FEMA Region 9 office, in Oakland, CA has established an El Niño task force charged with preparing the regional office and its partners for the impacts of El Niño.  Today, the FEMA Region 9 Office released its Severe El Nino Disaster Response plan and will convene a regional interagency steering committee meeting in Northern California to exercise the plan.

The task force has evaluated the core capabilities needed to prepare for, respond to, recover from and mitigate against any El Niño related incident that occurs across the office’s area of responsibility. The task force has developed an Executive Decision Support Guide, or response plan, and an interactive flood decision support tool to enhance the regional office’s ability to respond to potential El Niño flood events during the winter of 2015-2016. The plan seeks to align actionable decision points that provide critical information that leaders need to make informed decisions by determining the hazard level potentially impacting lives, public health, safety, property, and critical infrastructure.

The objectives of the task force developed in the plan:

  • Establish actionable processes and procedures to identify the location, potential impacts, and probability of occurrence of natural hazards
  • Identify key at-risk populations, critical facilities and natural/cultural resources
  • Identify gaps in core capabilities needed to overcome the threat
  • Develop key messages to motivate partners to prepare and act

The task force consists of subject matter experts from the FEMA Region 9 office as well as other federal, state, local, tribal and community partners.

“California is at risk for many types of disasters,” said Mark Ghilarducci, Director of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.  “These joint exercises with our partners allow us to prepare for and respond to emergencies.”

“Utilizing a ‘whole community’ approach to emergency management reinforces the fact that FEMA is only one part of our nation’s emergency management team,” said Bob Fenton, FEMA Region 9 Administrator. “The exercise gives us an opportunity to learn from each other, and from the experts in the areas where solutions will come from.”

“There aren’t many types of disasters capable of impacting all Arizonans, but a strong El Niño could cause flooding, evacuations and power outages anywhere (and everywhere) in the state,” said Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs Deputy Director Wendy Smith-Reeve. “It takes a team effort to plan for, respond to and recover from the kinds of widespread consequences being talked about, which is why we’re invested in the education and training of and outreach to the whole community.”

FEMA recognizes that a government-centric approach to emergency management is not adequate to meet the challenges posed by a catastrophic incident.  Utilizing a “whole community” approach to emergency management reinforces that FEMA is only one part of our nation’s emergency management team.

The El Nino task force has focused on interpreting data in areas of California, Arizona and Nevada that have proved historically vulnerable in order to develop risk projections of current El Niño events.  It is through this assessment the task force seeks to determine the critical decision points needed by senior leaders during all phases of an incident from pre-incident, incident onset, through response and recovery.

Today, the FEMA Region 9 Office will participate in a Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) exercise with its disaster response partners to exercise the response plan and its flood decision support tools.  During this exercise, participants will identify issues, gaps and shortfalls that will be incorporated to enhance the plan’s utility.  The task force will leverage best available data from predictive modeling and other analytical tools to keep senior decision makers informed throughout potential El Niño events.  The efforts undertaking by the task force during the ROC will enable the FEMA Region 9 Office, its partners and ultimately the disaster survivor to make intelligent decisions for any El Niño related event.


Link to article: 

FEMA Releases Severe El Nino Disaster Response Plan

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in cooperation with state, local, and tribal emergency managers and state broadcasters’ associations, will conduct a test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 in six states at 1:20 p.m. PST. 

FEMA will send the voluntary EAS test message signal through its Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) from the exhibit floor of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Broadcasters are voluntarily participating in the test from Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.  The EAS test is scheduled to last approximately one minute.

The message will be the same as typical EAS test messages, with the word “national” added to the message: “This is a national test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test.” The test is designed to have limited impact on the public. There is no Federal Commissions Commission regulatory liability for stations that choose not to participate. The EAS test might also be seen and heard in bordering states participating in the test, including California, Oregon, Idaho, Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan.

The test will assess the operational readiness of FEMA’s IPAWS infrastructure that will distribute a national-level EAS test message to radio, television and cable operations from origination to reception by the public. In 2007, FEMA began modernizing the nation’s public alert and warning system by integrating new technologies into existing alert systems.  IPAWS connects public safety officials, such as emergency managers, police and fire departments to multiple communications channels to send alerts to the public when a disaster or other imminent danger occurs. 

More information on the Public Alert and Warning System and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) is available at www.fema.gov/ipaws or www.ready.gov/alerts.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

More here: 

FEMA, State Broadcasters’ Associations and Emergency Managers to Test the Emergency Alert System

Major disaster declaration opens grant eligibility for hazard mitigation funding statewide

Release date: November 25, 2014
Release Number: DR-4202-1
Media Contacts:  FEMA Newsdesk: (510) 627-7006 or (510) 627- 7785; Nevada (775) 687-0325; Moapa River Indian Reservation (702) 865-2787   

Oakland, Calif., – Time is limited for the Moapa Band of Paiutes tribal nation to request public assistance (RPA) from FEMA.  A major disaster declaration was proclaimed for the state of Nevada for severe storms and flooding that occurred between September 7 – 9, 2014.  States, counties, cities, tribal nations and non-governmental entities that provided support to the Moapa Band of Paiutes tribal nation during the storm may also be eligible for federal funding assistance.  While all counties in the state of Nevada are eligible for the hazard mitigation grant program, the Moapa Band of Paiutes tribal nation will be given priority to apply for hazard mitigation projects.

Under the federal disaster declaration (FEMA DR-4202-NV) signed by the President on November 5, 2014, the Moapa Band of Paiutes tribal nation has been designated as adversely affected by the disaster and is eligible for both public assistance and hazard mitigation assistance.   All counties in the state of Nevada are eligible for the hazard mitigation grant program.  December 4th is the deadline to apply for assistance. 

The public assistance program reimburses state and local governments, tribal organizations and certain private nonprofit entities at least 75 percent of costs for disaster-related expenses associated with emergency protective measures, debris removal, and the repair and restoration of damaged infrastructure.  The remaining cost share would come from non-federal sources.

In order to qualify, damage must be a direct result of the storms and flooding that occurred between September 7-9, 2014.

“Through the public assistance program, FEMA is working with our state, local and tribal partners to help restore pre-storm conditions and, in some cases, implement cost-effective and long-term mitigation measures.” said Mark Landry, FEMA federal coordinating officer. “I want to encourage our local partners and eligible private nonprofit organizations to apply to the program.”

“The Presidential Declaration enables the Nevada Division of Emergency Management/Homeland Security (NDEM) and FEMA to coordinate disaster relief efforts to all entities that provided support during the September flood events on the Moapa Band of Paiutes Reservation,” said Chris Smith, NDEM Chief. “I urge all organizations to take advantage of the public assistance program by the December 4th deadline.”

Aletha Tom, Chairwoman of the Moapa Band of Paiutes Tribal Council, expressed gratitude for those who have assisted the tribal community.

“We are so appreciative of the support we are receiving and thankful for all the personnel who are making our flood recovery a priority, said Tom.”

Public assistance is administered by the state of Nevada and paid for by FEMA.

To learn more about FEMA public assistance please visit: https://www.fema.gov/public-assistance-local-state-tribal-and-non-profit.


Original article:

FEMA: December 4th Deadline for the Moapa Band of Paiutes Tribal Nation to Request Federal Public Assistance

Federal Aid Programs for the State of Nevada Declaration

Main Content

Release date:

November 6, 2014

Release Number:


Following is a summary of key federal disaster aid programs that can be made available as needed and warranted under President Obama’s disaster declaration issued for the State of Nevada.

Assistance for the State, Tribal and Affected Local Governments Can Include as Required:

  • Payment of not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs for debris removal and emergency protective measures taken to save lives and protect property and public health.  Emergency protective measures assistance is available to state and eligible tribal and local governments on a cost-sharing basis (Source: FEMA funded, state administered.)
  • Payment of not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs for repairing or replacing damaged public facilities, such as roads, bridges, utilities, buildings, schools, recreational areas, and similar publicly owned property, as well as certain private non-profit organizations engaged in community service activities. (Source: FEMA funded, state administered.)
  • Payment of not more than 75 percent of the approved costs for hazard mitigation projects undertaken by state, tribal, and local governments to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property from natural or technological disasters.  (Source: FEMA funded, state administered.)

How to Apply for Assistance:

  • Application procedures for state, tribal, and local governments will be explained at a series of federal/state applicant briefings with locations to be announced in the affected area by recovery officials. Approved public repair projects are paid through the state from funding provided by FEMA and other participating federal agencies.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders and ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Stay informed of FEMA’s activities online: videos and podcasts available at www.fema.gov/medialibrary and www.youtube.com/fema; follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/fema and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fema.

Last Updated:

November 6, 2014 – 11:49

State/Tribal Government or Region:

Original article: 

Federal Aid Programs for the State of Nevada Declaration

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency announced that federal disaster aid has been made available to the State of Nevada to supplement state, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the area affected by severe storms and flooding during the period of September 7-9, 2014.

The President’s action makes federal funding available to state and eligible tribal and local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by severe storms and flooding on the Moapa Band of Paiutes Reservation.

Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide.

Mark H. Landry has been named as the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations in the affected area. Landry said additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the state and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications. 

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


President Declares Disaster for Nevada

DENVER – When Colorado towns were cut off, streets flooded and people stranded, members of five task forces of FEMA Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) arrived to help. Task force members from Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada and Utah searched house-to-house and helped flood survivors evacuate.

Members of the Nebraska Task Force created different ways to reach survivors and their homes. Making their way through flood waters, rescuers used poles to navigate the debris under water.

“In a normal river, it’s known what your hazards are,” said Lloyd Mueller of the Lincoln Fire and Rescue division of Nebraska Task Force One. “Here in urban flooding, it’s not known. Everything has changed. The landscape has changed, and the river has shifted course.”

Each US&R Task Force is comprised of 70 members and four canines. Team members include physicians, first responders, hazardous material specialists and structural engineers. The team is set up with equipment and vehicles so it can be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours of operations.

When disaster strikes a community, within six hours, FEMA deploys the three closest task forces. The 28 national task forces support state and local emergency responders during disasters such as the Colorado flooding or catastrophic structure collapses such as the Murrah Federal Building, World Trade Center or Pentagon. When not on an assignment, many task force members serve in their local communities as first responders, firefighters or paramedics.

“This program is incredibly unique. You can see some of the incidents we’ve had over the last 15 years where the local government and state government get overwhelmed,” said Niko King, US&R Incident Support Team information officer. “To have these teams here within hours of when a community is impacted has been incredibly invaluable.”

This article: 

Urban Search and RescueTeams Remove Coloradoans From Dangerous Situations After Flooding

OAKLAND – September is National Preparedness Month and the Federal Emergency Management Agency is partnering with communities in Arizona, California, Nevada and Hawaii to encourage citizens to encourage families, individuals and businesses to act now to increase preparedness throughout the U.S.

FEMA Region 9 Administrator Nancy Ward will participate in an event with the Arizona Division of Emergency Management (ADEM), American Red Cross, City of Chandler, and the business community to kick-off National Preparedness Month in Arizona with a press conference and expo on Wednesday, September 4th at the Chandler Wal-Mart located at 1175 South Arizona Avenue.  ADEM will share samples of a recipe found in the Emergency Kit Cook-off (www.EmergencyKitCookOff.org) that is inspired by the contents of the 72-hour emergency food kit. 

“Preparedness is a shared responsibility. It takes a whole community and this is why you see federal, state, and county government agencies partnering with local municipalities, non-profits, and private businesses to spread the message about the importance of being prepared for emergency situations,” said Nancy Ward, FEMA Region IX Administrator.  “This year’s National Preparedness Month focuses on turning awareness into action by encouraging all individuals and all communities nationwide to make an emergency preparedness plan.”

National Preparedness’ Month is a nationwide, month-long effort hosted annually by the Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps, that encourages households, businesses and communities to prepare and plan for emergencies. One of National Preparedness Month’s key messages is: being prepared in the event an emergency means being self-reliant for three days without utilities and electricity, water service, access to a supermarket or local services, possibly  without available response from police, fire or rescue. Preparing for such disaster realities can start with four important steps:

1. Be informed about emergencies that could happen in your community, and identify sources of information in your community that will be helpful before, during and after an emergency

2. Make a plan for what to do in an emergency

3. Build an emergency supply kit

4. Get involved

This year’s National Preparedness Month focuses on turning awareness into action by encouraging all individuals and all communities nationwide to make an emergency preparedness plan. Preparedness information and events will be posted to http://community.fema.gov/connect.ti/READYNPM

For a list of public events being hosted in FEMA Region 9 please visit:  https://www.fema.gov/NPM2013Events

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

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Read this article:  

FEMA Braces for Fires, Floods, Earthquakes and other Natural Disasters, Emphasizes need for citizens to plan to Survive for 3 days