SEATTLE – Emergency Operations and Coordination Centers (EOC) at all levels of government and the private sector in Washington, Oregon and Idaho will activate June 7-10 as part of ‘Cascadia Rising,’ a national level exercise that will simulate a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami along the Washington and Oregon coast. Thousands of people, including military personnel, will participate to test a joint response to one of the most complex disaster scenarios facing the Pacific Northwest.

“A 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake will be a disaster unlike anyone has ever seen,” said Ken Murphy, Regional Administrator for FEMA Region 10. “Cascadia Rising will test our own preparedness. It is exercises like this, ahead of a disaster, that foster coordination and help build relationships before a real world event occurs.”

“Oregon is looking forward to strengthening the partnerships with our local, tribal, state and federal partners through the Cascadia Rising exercise,” said Oregon Emergency Management Director Andrew Phelps. “This exercise gives Oregon, Washington, Idaho and FEMA Region 10 an invaluable opportunity to validate and improve upon the planning initiatives, training and other exercises we’ve undertaken over the past several years to prepare for the threat of a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami. This exercise should also serve as a reminder to all Oregonians that individual and family emergency preparedness is key to augment an effective response to an earthquake or any disaster and begin the recovery process. Ultimately, the work we do leading up to the exercise and the lessons we learn in a controlled and evaluated environment will translate into lives saved during what could be the country’s biggest disaster.”        

“We’ve worked tirelessly in Washington state to work with  our partners and develop a response plan so we can immediately coordinate assistance and provide help following a catastrophic disaster,” said Major General Bret Daugherty, director of the Washington Military Department and commander of the Washington National Guard. “Every exercise teaches us something and improves our response. I’m pleased so many partners are participating and are eager to collaborate with us so we can effectively carry out our mission to protect lives and property.”

The predicted direct effects of a full CSZ earthquake end at the Cascade Mountains but the indirect effects will extend far beyond the mountain passes. Western Washington and Oregon will have the greatest impacts but easten Washingon and Oregon along with Idaho are important partners in the exercise and will be vital in a real world event.

“While Idaho is not inside the expected impact area, we want to make sure we are able to support our neighbors should a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami happen,” said Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security Director Brad Richy.  “Idaho’s participation in the Cascadia Rising functional exercise is an effort to ensure the optimal level of readiness. IBHS is working with nine northern Idaho counties, the Department of Health and Welfare, all seven Idaho Public Health Districts, as well as Oregon and Washington to test our response. The level of cooperation between FEMA Region 10, and our neighboring states and exercise players, has been outstanding and we look forward to acting upon the lessons learned.”


This exercise will seek to test plans and procedures through a 9.0M earthquake and follow-on tsunami with expectations to improve catastrophic disaster operational readiness across the whole community.

Cascadia Rising 2016 is in preparation for the long overdue Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake and consequent tsunami that may devastate the California, Oregon, Washington coastlines. Lying mostly offshore, the plate interface is a giant fault approximately 700 miles long. At this location, the set of tectonic plates to the west is sliding (subducting) beneath the North American plate. The movement of these two plates is neither constant nor smooth; ultimately, these plates are stuck. The stress is continuously building until the fault will suddenly break, resulting in an earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

Cascadia Subduction Zone History

According to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network the last known CSZ megathrust earthquake occurred in January, 1700. Geological evidence indicates that 9.0M+ earthquakes have occurred at least seven times in the last 3,500 years which equates to an interval of 400 to 600 years between major tremors. As the CSZ follows this timeline, the Pacific Northwest should be preparing for the no-notice event through major exercises such as Cascadia Rising.


Large scale earthquake preparedness exercise starts tomorrow


On June 6 at 12 p.m. PT, a one-hour Q&A TweetChat will take place about a possible 9.0 magnitude Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. The theme is “We’re preparing, and so can you.” ShakeOut will host the chat, which will be supported by scientists and preparedness subject matter experts.

The chat will take place one day before Cascadia Rising 2016, the large scale simulation exercise June 7-10 where emergency managers across the region will train and test the whole community approach to complex disaster operations together as a team.

To participate, follow the hashtag #CascadiaEQ on Twitter. In addition to the TweetChat, FEMA Region 10 will be using that hashtag during the exercise. For questions about preparedness or the subduction zone, FEMA welcomes the public’s participation.

Official Partners:

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Join the Cascadia Rising 2016 exercise TweetChat June 6 with #CascadiaEQ

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – Federal grants to help northern Idaho communities recover from severe winter storms late last year have reached nearly $700,000, according to officials with the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (IBHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This figure is expected to continue to grow. The grants were made available under major presidential disaster declarations for a November windstorm and severe storms in December.

The grants come through FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program, which reimburses state and local governments, federally recognized tribes and certain private nonprofit organizations for eligible disaster-related expenses. Funding may cover emergency protective measures, debris removal and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged infrastructure.

“Northern Idaho counties suffered significant damage and upheaval following a late November wind storm, followed just weeks later by a severe winter storm event,” said IBHS Director Brad Richy. “Over these past few months, IBHS and FEMA have forged a strong partnership with our PA applicants in order to expedite the approval process.”

The FEMA grants obligated to the state for eligible applicants include:

  • $171,970 to Kootenai Electric Cooperative for debris removal, power restoration and emergency protective measures;

  • $133,083 to Inland Power and Light for power restoration;

  • $76,039 to the City of Plummer for debris removal, electric distribution and emergency protective measures;

  • $65,604 to Kootenai County for debris removal;

  • $64,518 to Northern Lights, Inc. for debris removal;

  • $50,528 to the Lake Highway District for debris removal;

  • $41,692 to Clearwater Power Co. for electrical distribution repairs;

  • $36,791 to the Coeur d’Alene Tribe for emergency protective measures, damaged buildings and contents, and Internet utility repairs; and

  • $30,552 to the Worley Highway District for debris removal.

  • Smaller grants totaling about $19,000 for building and equipment repairs have been obligated to towns, school districts and water and sewage plant work.

“Although PA dollars go to governments and nonprofits after a disaster, they benefit everyone in a community,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Dolph Diemont of FEMA. “The money helps protect people and property, clean up neighborhoods, haul away disaster debris, put utilities back in order, and repair roads and bridges that residents use every day.”

The Dec. 23, 2015, major disaster declaration for the Nov. 17, 2015, severe storm and straight-line winds provides assistance to eligible applicants in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary and Kootenai counties and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. The Feb. 1, 2016, declaration for the Dec. 16-27, 2015, severe winter storms provides assistance for applicants in Benewah, Bonner and Kootenai counties.

Under the PA program, FEMA reimburses eligible applicants for at least 75 percent of their eligible and documented expenses, while the remainder is the non-federal share. FEMA pays the federal portion directly to the state, which administers and disburses the grants.

Both disaster declarations provide cost-share grants for hazard mitigation projects undertaken by state, tribal and local governments to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property during future disasters. 

More information about the PA program is available at and

Additional information for the specific disasters, including funds obligated, is available at and .

Continue at source: 

Nearly $700,000 Awarded in FEMA Public Assistance Grants for Northern Idaho

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – Help is available for state agencies, local and tribal governments and eligible private nonprofits affected by storms in December that knocked out power, blocked roads and damaged infrastructure. Applicants in Benewah, Bonner and Kootenai counties have until March 2 to apply for assistance from the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (IBHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Grants are available to eligible applicants under FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The deadline to submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) or an HMGP Letter of Intent to IBHS is March 2.

Potential applicants needing more information on the PA program may phone IBHS Recovery Coordinator Jarod Dick at 208-258-6515. For help concerning the HMGP, potential applicants may call Idaho State Hazard Mitigation Officer Susan Cleverley at 208-258-6545.   

“The PA and HMGP programs are designed to help communities rebuild in ways that will make them more resilient,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Dolph Diemont of FEMA. “FEMA and IBHS are working closely with our state, local and tribal partners so that together, we can build a stronger Idaho.”

Assistance to Idaho is available under President Obama’s February 1 major disaster declaration for the Dec. 16-27, 2015, severe winter storms. Under the PA program, FEMA reimburses 75 percent of eligible expenses for protecting citizens during the storm, and cleaning up and repairing afterwards. The other 25 percent is the non-federal share. As the HMGP program administrator, IBHS evaluates applications and then works with FEMA to award grants on a cost-sharing basis.

Additional information about FEMA Public Assistance, PA in Idaho, the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program  and  HMGP in Idaho is available online. More information about the FEMA response to the disaster, including funds obligated when they are approved, is available online here

Original link: 

Deadlines Approaching for FEMA’s Public Assistance and Mitigation Programs

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (IBHS), in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is seeking applicants wanting grants to help build stronger, safer communities.

As a result of the Dec. 23, 2015, presidential disaster declaration for Idaho, cost-share grants will be available under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for approved projects aimed at saving lives and property and promoting community resilience in future disasters.

“The best way to protect ourselves against some of nature’s disastrous consequences is to take action to reduce vulnerabilities in areas we know are prone to damage,” said IBHS Director Brad Richy. “With FEMA’s help, Idaho is supporting smart investments in projects to keep people and communities out of harm’s way. IBHS will prioritize projects designed to reduce the impact of known hazards in Idaho, including improving infrastructure resiliency, and mitigating wildfire and flood risks.”

Projects in the disaster-designated counties of Boundary, Bonner, Benewah and Kootenai, and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, will be considered first, but HMGP grant opportunities may be extended to entities statewide if all available funds are not committed, Richy said.

To be considered for assistance under the HMGP, state agencies, local and tribal governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations must file a Letter of Intent with IBHS by Monday, February 8. Anyone with questions about the program, eligibility or the application process may contact State Hazard Mitigation Officer Susan Cleverley at 208-258-6545.

IBHS, as the program administrator, will evaluate applications and then work with FEMA to award grants on a cost-sharing basis. FEMA provides 75 percent of the total costs, while the remaining 25 percent is the nonfederal share. FEMA obligates its share of the funds directly to the state, which awards the money to successful applicants.

“The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program underscores FEMA’s dedication to preparedness,” said Dolph Diemont, federal coordinating officer for the Idaho recovery. “By helping to fund mitigation projects, we not only save lives and safeguard property, we prevent the costly cycle of damage, repairs and then repeat damage.”

More information about the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is available from FEMA here and from the IBHS here.

Original post: 

February 8 Deadline Approaching in First Step for Grants to Strengthen Communities

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – Local crews worked around the clock to restore power and clear roads after severe winter storms in December brought heavy snow and frigid temperatures to northern Idaho. As a result of President Obama’s February 1 disaster declaration, the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (IBHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be working to reimburse eligible applicants for costs incurred in keeping citizens safe and in cleaning up and repairing afterward.

State agencies, local governments and certain private nonprofit utilities in Benewah, Bonner and Kootenai counties may be eligible for funding from FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program as a result of the declaration for the Dec. 16-27, 2015, storms.

This is the second federal disaster declaration for northern Idaho in about six weeks. On Dec. 23, 2015, the president issued a major disaster declaration making federal Public Assistance available to eligible applicants in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary and Kootenai counties and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. That declaration was the result of the severe storm and straight-line winds in the area on Nov. 17, 2015.

“Our first responders and utilities worked day and night, and at great expense, to keep folks safe during those back-to-back storms late last year,” said IBHS Director Brad Richy. “We are working closely with FEMA to help reimburse applicants for their costs for the November storm, and we will do the same for the December events.”

Under the Public Assistance program FEMA reimburses applicants for 75 percent of their eligible expenses, while the other 25 percent is the nonfederal share. The federal portion is paid directly to the state, which then makes disbursements to the local and tribal jurisdictions and nonprofit organizations that incurred costs.

“IBHS has been an outstanding partner in support of applicants in northern Idaho,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Dolph Diemont of FEMA. “With the personnel and processes already in place, we will be able build on those relationships and provide prompt assistance to all eligible applicants.”

In addition to Public Assistance grants, additional funds will be available in Idaho under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).

The HMGP, administered by the state, is also a cost-share program, with FEMA providing 75 percent of the funds. This program provides supplemental financial assistance to public entities and certain private nonprofits to reduce the risk to life and property in future disasters.

Additional information is available online at FEMA Public Assistance, PA in Idaho, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program-FEMA and  HMGP in Idaho.

Additional information for the December storms, including funds obligated to the state, is available at For the latest on the severe storms that occurred Nov.17, 2015 go to


Originally posted here: 

Idaho Receives Second Major Disaster Declaration in Six Weeks


COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – State agencies – along with local and tribal governments and certain private nonprofit agencies – affected by the Nov. 17, 2015, severe storm in northern Idaho have until Friday to submit the paperwork needed to request reimbursement grants.

Submitting a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) with the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (IBHS) is the first step in applying for funds under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance program.

President Obama’s Dec. 23, 2015, disaster declaration provides aid under the Public Assistance (PA) program for eligible applicants in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary and Kootenai counties and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. They have 30 days from the declaration date to submit RPAs.

The program reimburses state and local governments, federally recognized tribes and certain private nonprofit organizations for eligible expenses they incurred in protecting lives and property ahead of and during the storm as well as in cleaning up and repairing afterward.

“Those entities that sustained damages or had emergency expenses because of the November storm are encouraged to submit their requests for assistance by the Friday deadline,” said IBHS Director Brad Richy. “FEMA is working closely with us to help you recover much of your eligible expenses.”

Any applicant or potential applicant seeking information on the RPA procedure or the PA program may call IBHS Recovery Coordinator Jarod Dick at 208-258-6515.

The November 17 storm and straight-line winds left thousands without power, blocked roads with downed trees and other debris and caused significant damage to public infrastructure.

FEMA reimburses applicants for 75 percent of their eligible expenses, while the other 25 percent is the nonfederal share. The federal portion is paid directly to the state, which then makes disbursements to the local and tribal jurisdictions and nonprofit organizations that incurred costs.

In addition to Public Assistance grants, additional funds will be available in Idaho under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The state has elected to target the four designated counties and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe for HMGP assistance, although grant opportunities may be extended to other entities statewide if any available funds remain.

“Under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program FEMA is providing additional funds to Idaho to help communities implement critical mitigation measures aimed at reducing the risk of loss of life and property in future disasters,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Dolph Diemont of FEMA.

The HMGP, administered by the state, is also a cost-share program, with FEMA providing 75 percent of the funds. This program provides supplemental financial assistance to public entities and certain private nonprofits to reduce the risk to life and property in future disasters.

Potential HMGP applicants must file a Letter of Intent with IBHS by Feb. 8, 2016.

More information about the PA program is available at and

More information about the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is available at and

Additional information for the specific disaster, including funds obligated to the state, is available at

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Deadline is Friday to Submit Requests for Public Assistance following November Storm

Following is a summary of key federal disaster aid programs that can be made available as needed and warranted under President Obama’s disaster declaration issued for the State of Idaho.

Assistance for the State and Affected Local and Tribal Governments Can Include as Required:

  • Payment of not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs for emergency protective measures taken to save lives and protect property and public health. Emergency protective measures assistance is available to state and eligible local governments on a cost-sharing basis. (Source: FEMA funded, state administered.)
  • Payment of not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs for repairing or replacing damaged public facilities, such as roads, bridges, utilities, buildings, schools, recreational areas and similar publicly owned property, as well as certain private non-profit organizations engaged in community service activities. (Source: FEMA funded, state administered.)
  • Payment of not more than 75 percent of the approved costs for hazard mitigation projects undertaken by state and local governments to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property from natural or technological disasters.  (Source: FEMA funded, state administered.)

How to Apply for Assistance:

  • Application procedures for state, local and tribal governments will be explained at a series of federal/state applicant briefings with locations to be announced in the affected area by recovery officials. Approved public repair projects are paid through the state from funding provided by FEMA and other participating federal agencies.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders and ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Stay informed of FEMA’s activities online: videos and podcasts available at and ; follow us on Twitter at  and on Facebook at

Original article:

Federal Aid Programs for the State of Idaho Declaration

SEATTLE – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has authorized the use of federal funds to help with firefighting costs for the Municipal Fire burning in the City of Orofino and Clearwater County, Idaho.

FEMA Region X Regional Administrator Kenneth D. Murphy determined that the fire threatened such destruction as would constitute a major disaster. Murphy approved the state of Idaho’s request for a federal Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) at 4:43 a.m. MDT on Aug. 15, 2015.

At the time of the request, the fire covered 800 acres and had burned two homes and multiple outbuildings in Orofino and was 0 percent contained. Additionally, approximately 426 primary homes were at immediate risk in an actively burning area in Orofino. Evacuation orders are in place. Threatened infrastructure includes the Dworshak Dam, fire station, railroad and trestle, storage facility, a power line, a lumber mill and roads. Natural and cultural resources are also threatened.  Two shelters are open with approximately 50 residents. Pet shelters have been established and are completely full.

The authorization makes FEMA funding available to pay 75 percent of the state of Idaho’s eligible firefighting costs for managing, mitigating and controlling designated fires. These grants provide reimbursement for firefighting and life-saving efforts. They do not provide assistance to individuals, homeowners or business owners and do not cover other infrastructure damage caused by the fire.

FMAGs are provided through the President’s Disaster Relief Fund and made available by FEMA to assist in fighting fires that threaten to cause a major disaster. Eligible items can include expenses for field camps; equipment use, repair and replacement; mobilization and demobilization activities; and tools, materials and supplies.

Excerpt from:

FEMA provides federal funds to help fight Municipal Fire

SEATTLE – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has authorized the use of federal funds to help with firefighting costs for the Cape Horn Fire, burning in Bonner County and Kootenai County, Idaho.

FEMA Region X Regional Administrator, Kenneth D. Murphy determined that the Cape Horn Fire threatened such destruction as would constitute a major disaster. Murphy approved the state’s request for federal Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) on July 6, 2015 at 12:44 a.m. PDT. This is the first FMAG approved in Idaho this fire season.

The fire started on July 5, 2015, and had burned approximately 1,200 acres of federal, state and private land. At the time of the request, 6 homes had been destroyed and the fire was threatening 281 homes in the community of Bayview and to the east in the Cape Horn area. Approximately 300 people have evacuated the area. Sheltering operations are ongoing in a local school. The fire is burning in a high use recreation area on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille. The fire threatens a high value marina, the Naval Acoustics Research Station and the heavily used Farragut State Park.  

Firefighting resources onsite include 8 air-tankers, 3 helicopters and 8 engines. A Type II Management Team will arrive Monday afternoon. The fire is at approximately 0 percent containment. There are 11 uncontrolled fires within the state.

The authorization makes FEMA funding available to pay 75 percent of the state of Idaho’s eligible firefighting costs under an approved grant for managing, mitigating and controlling designated fires. These grants provide reimbursement for firefighting and life-saving efforts. They do not provide assistance to individuals, homeowners or business owners and do not cover other infrastructure damage caused by the fire.

Fire Management Assistance Grants are provided through the President’s Disaster Relief Fund and made available by FEMA to assist in fighting fires that threaten to cause a major disaster. Eligible items can include expenses for field camps; equipment use, repair and replacement; mobilization and demobilization activities; and tools, materials and supplies.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

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View the original here: 

FEMA provides federal funds to help fight Cape Horn Fire