WASHINGTON – Today, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) urges residents across the nation to prepare for the 2015 Atlantic Hurricane season, which begins today and runs through November 30. 

Hurricanes and tropical systems can cause serious damage on both coastal and inland areas. Their hazards can come in many forms including: storm surge, heavy rainfall, inland flooding, high winds, and tornadoes. To prepare for these powerful storms, FEMA is encouraging families, businesses, and individuals to be aware of their risks; know your sources of reliable information; prepare your home and workplace; and be familiar with evacuation routes.

“One hurricane hitting where you live is enough to significantly disrupt your life and make for a very bad hurricane season,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “Every person has a role to play in being prepared – you should know if you live or work in an evacuation zone and take time now to learn that route so you’re prepared to protect yourself and your family from disaster.”

This year, FEMA is placing an emphasis on preparing communities to understand the importance of evacuations, which are more common than many people realize. When community evacuations become necessary, local officials provide information to the public through the media. In some circumstances, other warning methods, such as, text alerts, emails, or telephone calls are used. Information on evacuation routes and places to stay is available at www.ready.gov/evacuating-yourself-and-your-family.

Additionally, knowing and practicing what to do in an emergency, in advance of the event, can make a difference in the ability to take immediate and informed action, and enable you to recover more quickly. To help communities prepare and enhance preparedness efforts nationwide, FEMA is offering two new products.

  • FEMA launched a new feature to its App, available for free in the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Android devices. The new feature enables users to receive weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations anywhere in the United States, including U.S. territories, even if the mobile device is not located in the weather alert area. The app also provides information on what to do before, during, and after a disaster in both English and Spanish.
  • The Ready campaign and America’s PrepareAthon! developed a social media toolkit that you can download and share with others at www.ready.gov/ready2015. The kit contains information on actions communities can take to practice getting ready for disasters.

While much attention is often given to the Atlantic Hurricane Season, there are tropical systems that can affect other U.S. interests as well. The Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season runs from May 15 through November 30. The Central Pacific Hurricane Season runs from May 15 to November 30. To learn more about each hurricane season and the geographical areas they may affect, visit www.noaa.gov.

Additional tips and resources:

  • Learn how to prepare for hurricane season at www.ready.gov/hurricanes
  • Talk with your family today about how you will communicate with each other during a significant weather event when you may not be together or during an evacuation order. Download the family communications at www.ready.gov/family-communications.
  • For information on how to create an emergency supply kit, visit www.ready.gov/build-a-kit
  • Consider how you will care for pets during an evacuation by visiting www.ready.gov/caring-animals
  • Use the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) to identify your important documents, medical records, and household contracts. When completing the kit, be sure to include pictures or a video of your home and your belongings and keep all of your documents in a safe space. The EFFAK is a joint publication from Operation Hope and FEMA. Download a copy at www.ready.gov/financial-preparedness.
  • If you own or manage a business, visit www.ready.gov/business for specific resources on response and continuity planning.
  • The National Weather Service proactively sends free Wireless Emergency Alerts, or WEAs, to most cell phones for hurricanes, tornadoes, flash flooding and other weather-related warnings. State and local public safety officials may also send WEAs for severe or extreme emergency conditions. If you receive a Wireless Emergency Alert on your cell phone, follow the instructions, take protective action and seek additional information from local media. To determine if your wireless device can receive WEA alerts contact your wireless carrier for more information or visit www.ctia.org/WEA.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Continued here:

FEMA Reminds Residents to be Ready for the 2015 Hurricane Season

LINCROFT, N.J. ­­­­– Among the most devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey was the storm’s impact on sewage treatment facilities along the coast.

During and after the storm, sewage plants and pump stations along the coast were inundated by flood waters and without power for as long as three days, resulting in the discharge of some two billion gallons of untreated and partially treated sewage into New Jersey waterways (New York Daily News, 4/30/2013).

The environmental damage was unprecedented – and the financial impact was devastating.  Total costs to repair and reconstruct the damaged sewage treatment facilities now top more than $100 million.

With the help of Public Assistance Grants, sewerage authorities throughout the state have acted to reduce the risk of a similar disaster through mitigation measures that include constructing flood walls, elevating sensitive equipment, and relocating vulnerable facilities out of the flood zone.

In southern Monmouth County, the South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority owns, operates and maintains 11 sewage pump stations in Belmar, Brielle, Lake Como, Manasquan, Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights and Wall Township.

The majority of the Authority’s sewage pump stations were constructed and placed into operation in the 1970s. But in Sea Girt, the authority converted an existing facility constructed in the 1900s.

By 2006, that facility had outlived its useful life and the Authority made plans to replace it.

The Sea Girt pump station had been flooded in the past, and the likelihood was high that it would experience repeated flooding.

While the Authority considered relocating the facility, that idea was not feasible because of the cost, permitting restrictions and the lack of available land in the heavily residential community.

Instead, the project team comprising Authority officials and project engineers worked together to design a facility that could remain within the footprint of the old plant but that would be better equipped to function and survive during a major storm.

The plan they decided upon called for a mobile trailer for the pumping station’s most sensitive equipment. The trailer can be moved out of harm’s way when flooding threatens.

An esthetically designed portable trailer houses an emergency generator, a successful mitigation project South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority (SMRSA) implemented in their Sea Girt pump station before Superstorm Sandy struck. Sea Girt, N.J., Oct. 2, 2013– This aesthetically designed portable trailer houses an emergency generator, a successful mitigation project South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority (SMRSA) implemented in their Sea Girt pump station before Superstorm Sandy struck. Rosanna Arias/FEMA
The enclosure consists of two rooms, one sound-attenuated room for the emergency generator and another climate-controlled room for the electrical equipment, including controls, alarm systems, variable speed drives, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and various other components. Electrical and control connections between the enclosure and the pump station and its equipment are made with cables and plugs that can be opened to permit removal of the enclosure.

The trailer can be removed when emergency management officials notify the Authority of an impending storm.

When the trailer is removed, an expendable portable generator and transfer switch is put it in its place, allowing the pump station to operate even when utility power is lost. This secondary, sacrificial electrical and control system, mounted on the site, powers the pumps and other equipment on utility or generator power until destroyed or damaged by flooding.

Once the storm subsides, the mobile trailer can be moved back into place and put back on line.

The mobile trailer plan minimizes any damage to the station’s electrical equipment and significantly reduces downtime for the station.

The cost savings is also substantial: A generator may cost $60,000 to replace. The cost of reconstructing a pump station and providing emergency generator capacity until power is restored to the site can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“The mobile enclosure saved the Authority an estimated $1.5 million dollars in repair/recovery monies as a result of the fact that there was no substantial damage to the Sea Girt Pump Station during Irene or Sandy,” said South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority Engineer Ryan Krause. “There was no loss of sewer service to residents and no sewer service overflows.”

The station is then able to return to normal operation within hours of the passing storm, rather than days, weeks, or months, as required to rebuild or reconstruct the facilities. A faster recovery for the sewer system reduces the public health risk that can result when untreated sewage is discharged into waterways or into the community.

The Sea Girt pump station complements Governor Chris Christie’s goal to make New Jersey’s infrastructure resilient and is considered a model for Best Management Practice for sewerage and water authorities, enabling continuous operation during adverse weather events, thus eliminating or substantially reducing the potential for an environmental disaster caused by the release of untreated sewage.

As a result of the steps the Authority took to mitigate the site, the infrastructure survived and the Sea Girt Pump Facility became operational within hours.

The SMRSA, has recently been awarded a FEMA grant for a “least cost alternative project” which incorporates the mobile enclosure concept for its Pitney Avenue Pump Station in Spring Lake, NJ and is evaluating the feasibility of incorporating this innovative design for its Belmar Pump Station, both of which were damaged during Sandy.  The FEMA grant for Pitney Avenue PS is for reimbursement of 90% of the eligible cost(s) up to $1,201, 428.00.

The two mobile concept facilities, developed here in Monmouth County, are the only two in the world.

Because of its success in mitigating damage from Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, the concept is being considered by FEMA as a nation-wide Best Management Practice for mitigation of potential damages to equipment as a result of a flood event.

Additional information on the Sea Girt mobile enclosure can be found at the Authorities website; www.smrsa.org




FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema


The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications

Continue reading: 

Sewerage Authority Mitigation Plan Reduces Risk of Environmental Disaster

Hurricane awareness and preparation can reduce the impact of hurricanes and save lives. For this reason, we are asking all citizens to make a pledge to prepare for hurricane season. By doing so, families, individuals, and businesses will become familiar with their vulnerabilities and can take action to prepare for and reduce the impacts of a hurricane. Hurricane season officially begins on June 1, 2013 and continues through November 30, 2013.

Many states and communities are already constantly preparing by participating in large-scale training exercises that require the same level of planning and preparation that a real hurricane would demand. These exercises are challenging, and are designed to help participants determine their level of preparedness, and where they need to focus more attention.

We ask all states, communities and residents to join us for National Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 26 through June 1, 2013, by pledging to prepare – and taking these simple steps:

• Know and understand your weather risk

• Take action

• Be an example for your family, friends and neighbors when hurricanes affect our area

Knowing your risk is to understand how hurricane and tropical storm events, in both coastal and inland areas, disrupt lives and directly impact you and your family where you live, work and go to school. Check the weather forecast regularly, sign up for local alerts from emergency management officials, and obtain a NOAA Weather Radio.

Taking action includes a number of easy steps:

• Complete your Ready Emergency Preparedness Plan

• Update your Emergency Supply Kit

• Download the FEMA smartphone application to access important safety tips on what to do before, during and after a hurricane.

Being an example is the third simple step. Once you have pledged and taken action, spread the word to family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Inform them of your preparation actions and assist them with creating their own plan to prepare. You can be the example. Inspire others by posting your story on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You can also post our Preparedness Widget on your social media profiles. It could save a life!

Join us today and pledge to prepare at www.ready.gov/hurricanes during National Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 26 – June 1, 2013.


“FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.”

View post – 

National Hurricane Preparedness Week 2013: Pledge to Prepare, New England

WINDSOR, Conn. – Hurricanes roll through with strong winds and storm surges that leave an ugly path in their wake. But not all damage is immediate or obvious, so survivors who experienced high winds, flooding or water damage should check their furnaces thoroughly.

As cold weather continues, concerns about furnaces include:

  • Leaks in gas lines and oil pipes;
  • Corrosion of electrical wiring from exposure to salt water;
  • Problems with oil pumps moved or shaken by high winds or flooding;
  • Debris lodged in chimneys; and,
  • Sediment or mold that could blow into the house from ducts exposed to water.

“Recovery is a process that involves many steps, but don’t forget to think safety first,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Albert Lewis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “Local codes may require you to hire a licensed professional to check your wiring or gas lines, so check your local ordinances.”

For more information about recovering after the storm, visit a Disaster Recovery Center or check out the information online at www.ready.gov/recovering-disaster.

No matter how large or small the loss, anyone who experienced damage from Hurricane Sandy should register with FEMA. It does not matter whether the survivor has insurance or not, or is a homeowner or renter.

Survivors can register online anytime day or night at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, or with a smartphone or device at m.fema.gov. Survivors can also register by phone anytime by calling FEMA at 800-621-3362. The TTY number is 800-462-7585. Multilingual operators are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except for Thanksgiving Day when the hours are 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. The deadline to register is Dec. 31, 2012.

Having FEMA flood insurance does not register policyholders for disaster assistance.

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status.  If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-3362. For TTY, call 800-462-7585.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is the federal government’s primary source of money for the long-term rebuilding of disaster-damaged private property. SBA helps homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes, and private nonprofit organizations fund repairs or rebuilding efforts and covers the cost of replacing lost or disaster-damaged personal property. These disaster loans cover losses not fully compensated by insurance or other recoveries and do not duplicate benefits of other agencies or organizations.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Originally posted here:  

Some Storm Damage May Not Be Obvious—Inspect Furnaces Thoroughly

Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins Today 

Release Date: June 1, 2012
Release Number: HQ-12-041

MIAMI, Fla. — Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today joined FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, Deputy Administrator Rich Serino, NOAA National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read and Florida Governor Rick Scott to discuss the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season outlook and preparedness measures with leadership of hurricane-prone states.

“We may not know exactly what Mother Nature will bring this year, but we are leaning forward in our preparations, utilizing the ‘Whole Community Approach’,” said Secretary Napolitano. “As part of this approach, we are engaging the broadest possible set of partners in our preparedness efforts—integrating planning across federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments as well as with private sector, community, non-governmental, and faith-based partners.”

Hurricane season begins June 1 and extends through November 30. Being aware of risks and hazards and taking the steps to prepare can reduce the impacts of hurricanes.

“Hurricane season officially begins today and yet we have already had two named storms,” said FEMA Administrator Fugate. “When it comes to preparing for disasters, don’t simply focus on the calendar … focus on the need to be prepared. You can go to www.ready.gov and find all of the tools and information you need to prepare your home, business and family.”

This season, we ask families, communities and businesses to be a force of nature by taking the pledge to prepare at www.ready.gov/hurricanes.

For more information, visit www.ready.gov.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 05-Jun-2012 08:43:25

See original article here: 

Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins Today