It has been 75 days since the SR 530 slide took the lives of dozens and left thousands without access to their normal routes traveled for work, medical purposes and other critical life necessities. As recovery continues, here is a look back at 10 stories about the work of tireless emergency workers, volunteers and community organizers.

$1.7 million

Almost $1.7 million in state and federal disaster assistance funding has been approved for individuals and families who were affected by the SR 530 slide.

An American flag erected with a piece of timber at flies half staff in the SR 530 slide site in Washington.(Photo by Marybeth O’Leary/FEMA)

$1.2 million

The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Disaster Assistance has approved approximately $1.2 million in low-interest disaster loans. SBA provides disaster loans for qualifying homeowners, renters, business owners and private nonprofits throughout the disaster area.

A representative helps an individual affected by the SR 530 slide at the Disaster Recovery Center in Darrington, Washington.(Photo courtesy of the U.S. Small Business Administration)

$10 million

So far, FEMA has approved more than $10 million to help state, local and tribal communities cover costs such as emergency response operations and removing debris to help communities recover from the SR 530 slide. More funding is forthcoming as the state and FEMA continue reviewing requests.

An excavator removes debris from SR 530 after it was obstructed by a slide March 22.(Photo by Chelsea Kneeland/FEMA Corps)

$7 million

A total of more than $7 million in donations from across the U.S. was received by three nonprofit organizations: American Red Cross, United Way and the Cascade Valley Hospital Foundation, which is based in Arlington, Wash.

Tents and emergency vehicles located next to the SR 530 slide in Washington serve response efforts three days after the incident which took place March 22, 2014.(Courtesy of American Red Cross)

80 People served by Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe

On April 24, the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe hosted a traditionally prepared salmon dinner for 80 people who were involved in the SR 530 slide response and recovery. Attendees included residents of Darrington, first responders and volunteers, as well as representatives with Snohomish County and FEMA. Individuals gather around a table for a dinner of thanks hosted by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe for first responders and volunteers who helped out with the SR 530 slide rescue and recovery in Washington state.(Photo by Timara Timmens/FEMA)

600 National Guard soldiers

Nearly 600 National Guard soldiers were deployed to assist with the response efforts at the site of the SR 530 slide. Washington National Guard members sorted donations at a Joint Resource Center and managed other critical needs. Washington National Guard at the Resource Center supporting the SR530 Slide recovery efforts.(Photo by Marybeth O’Leary/FEMA)

37,000 meals

Nearly 37,000 meals have been provided by volunteers. Among them were American Red Cross members who provided more than 29,000 meals and snacks; the Soup Ladies who served 6,655 hot, homemade meals to disaster relief crew members at the site of the SR 530 Slide; and a group of students from Darrington who made more than 1,300 sandwiches for the first responders.

Two stacks of food donations wrapped in aluminum on a table sit ready for SR 530 slide site first responders in Washington.(Courtesy of The Soup Ladies)

150 Oso Strong Flags

The Oso Proud Oso Strong Flag Fundraiser sold 150 flags, 38 of which have been donated to local businesses and community members of Oso. The proceeds go to the communities affected. So far, $750 has been raised.

A blue flag with the silhouette of Washington in green reads "Darrington - Oso Proud - Oso Strong - Arlington."(Courtesy of Oso Proud Oso Strong Fundraiser)

29 local voluntary organizations

Approximately 29 local voluntary organizations have provided assistance, including firefighters from the Oso Fire Department and members of the Urban Search and Rescue California Task Force 7.

Snohomish County, WA, April 2014 – Local Oso firefighters an…her on rescue and recovery efforts at the SR530 slide site.(Photo by Marybeth O’Leary/FEMA)

45 Search and Rescue Dogs

More than 45 search and rescue canines were active in the response to the SR 530 slide.

Texas TF-1 rescue worker and recovery canine team ride to a rest area at the SR530 slide disaster site. (Photo by Marty Bahamonde/FEMA)

Help is still available. Those directly impacted by the SR 530 slide may call a help line operated by the state of Washington. The number is (800) 688-3469. Hours of operation for the help line are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time.

SR 530 slide survivors can also continue to speak directly with FEMA representatives by calling the FEMA help line. The number is (800) 621-FEMA (3362). 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS) is available through this number. Survivors who use TTY, may call (800) 462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, seven days a week.

For more information, click: or

Additional information and links to multiagency resources can also be found on the Snohomish County website,

Original link:  

75 Days after the SR 530 Slide: 10 Stories of Recovery

BOTHELL, Wash. – Asociados locales, estatales y federales continúan trabajando en persona con los sobrevivientes del deslizamiento de tierra de la carretera estatal 530 en Washington para asegurar que todos ellos reciban la asistencia por desastre para la cual ellos pudieran calificar.

Para tal fin, los Equipos de Asistencia del Sobreviviente por Desastre junto con la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) – incluyendo el programa de especialistas del área y pérdida – se están reuniendo en persona con los sobrevivientes para conocer más acerca de sus necesidades a corto y largo plazo debido al deslizamiento de tierra.

“Estamos trabajando con FEMA para pasar rápidamente a la siguiente fase de la asistencia estatal y federal para ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a las familias afectadas. Esta ayuda es parte de los recursos generales que ellos necesitarán para iniciar su recuperación a largo plazo”, dijo el Coordinador Estatal, Kurt Hardin.

La asistencia por desastre federal fue puesta a disposición de los individuos del condado de Snohomish – incluyendo las tribus de Sauk-Suiattle, Stillaguamish, y Tulalip – el 2 de abril cuando el Presidente Obama declaró el desastre mayor para el estado de Washington.

“Estamos resueltos a proporcionar tanta atención personal como sea posible a los sobrevivientes de esta desgarradora tragedia”, dijo el Coordinador Federal de FEMA, Michael J. Hall. “Nuestra meta es, si es bienvenida, hablar en persona con cada individuo – ya sea que haya perdido a una persona querida, su vivienda o fue severamente impactado en alguna otra forma”.

Los Tres Centros de Recuperación por Desastre están abiertos para asistir a los sobrevivientes en Arlington, Darrington y cerca de Oso. Los especialistas de recuperación por desastre locales, estatales y federales se están reuniendo en persona con los solicitantes de la asistencia por desastre en los centros. Los representantes de agencias locales, estatales y federales y de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro tales como el Servicio de Rentas Internas de los Estados Unidos y la Cruz Roja Americana estarán disponibles para trabajar directamente con los sobrevivientes. Los representantes de la Agencia Federal para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa de los Estados Unidos (SBA, por sus siglas en inglés) estarán en los centros para explicar sobre los préstamos por desastre con baja tasa de interés a los dueños de vivienda, inquilinos y negocios de todos los tamaños que califiquen.    

Antes de visitar el centro, se alienta a los solicitantes para que soliciten la asistencia por desastre. La inscripción es posible hacerla en línea o por teléfono, o a través de un dispositivo móvil. Para inscribirse en línea, visite: o Para inscribirse por teléfono, llame al 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Para aquellos que utilizan TTY, deben llamar al 1-800-462-7585 directamente; para aquellos que usan el 711 o el Servicio de Interpretación de Video (VRS, por sus siglas en inglés), deben llamar al 800-621-3362. Los números de teléfono gratuitos están disponibles de las 4:00 a.m. a las 8:00 p.m. hora del pacífico, los siete días de la semana.

Para las personas que tienen discapacidades del habla o auditivos, o que son sordos, los Centros de Recuperación por desastre pueden típicamente proporcionar servicios tales como: 

• Teléfonos con subtítulos, los cuales transcriben las palabras habladas a un texto escrito
• Intérpretes del lenguaje de señas americano están disponibles cuando son solicitados 
• Amplificadores y aparatos de asistencia auditiva
• 711-Relay o Servicio de Interpretación de Video

Las ubicaciones y las horas de operación de los centros son los siguientes:


Oso Fire Station (Snohomish County Fire Protection District 25 – estacionamiento)

21824 State Route 530 NE

Arlington, WA 98223


154 West Cox Ave.

Arlington, WA 98223


Darrington Ranger District Office (Estacionamiento)

1405 Emens Ave. North

Darrington, WA 98241


Horas de Operación


Día de Apertura (Lunes, 7 de abril) – de la 1:00 p.m. a las 8:00 p.m.

De lunes a viernes, de las 11:00 a.m. a las 8:00 p.m.

Sábado, de las 11:00 a.m. a las 4:00 p.m.

Cerrados los domingos

Continued here:  

Asociados locales, estatales y federales están trabajando de cerca e individualmente con los sobrevivientes del deslizamiento de tierra SR530…