DENTON, Texas – Residents, business and residential renters, and business owners in Bellaire, Texas can now enjoy a 5 to 15 percent reduction in flood insurance premiums because of the city’s active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS).

This means those policyholders who reside in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) will receive a 15 percent reduction on flood insurance premiums, and policyholders located outside the SFHA will enjoy a 5 percent discount.

In addition to lower premiums, the rating program helps to reduce the threat of damage from flooding, according to officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). “The flood insurance program rewards communities for implementing programs and policies that protect their residents from flooding,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “Bellaire’s higher regulatory standards, public education outreach, drainage system maintenance and effort at developing additional flood data, among other activities, have earned the city lower premiums as a CRS Class 7 Community.”

The reduction in flood insurance premiums represents an annual savings in premium costs for Bellaire policy holders and will take effect at the time a new policy is written or an effective policy is renewed. Those individuals and business owners with a Preferred Risk Policy will not receive premium rate credits under the CRS because it already has a lower premium than other policies.

The city’s participation in the program has been beneficial in many respects. In addition to the reduction in insurance premiums, local officials are more knowledgeable about floodplain management and residents are more knowledgeable about mitigation and flood insurance.    The CRS program has helped make Bellaire a safer place to live, reduced the economic impact of flood hazards and saved their citizens money on flood policy premiums.

CRS is a voluntary program for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)-participating communities. The intended goals of the CRS are to reduce flood losses; facilitate accurate insurance ratings; and to promote the awareness of flood insurance.  For more information on the NFIP’s CRS program, visit


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.   Follow us on Twitter at  and the FEMA Blog at

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Bellaire, Texas Celebrates a Safer Community

LINCROFT, N.J. — Two New Jersey municipalities were recognized for reducing their flood hazard risk through the FEMA Community Rating System in awards ceremonies on March 10, 2014.

The ceremony honoring Pompton Lakes was held at 25 Lenox Avenue, the town’s municipal building. Fairfield Township was honored in a separate ceremony at 230 Fairfield Avenue.

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a program administered by FEMA that provides lowerFEMA employees present a plaque to the Mayor and Administrator of FairfieldFEMA Natural Hazards Program Specialist Crystal Tramunti and Mitigation Branch Director William McDonnell present Mayor James Gasparini and Administrator Joseph Catenaro with a plaque recognizing Fairfield. insurance premiums under the National Flood Insurance Program. Communities can apply to participate in the CRS, and residents of participating communities pay lower premium reduction rates based on the implementation of floodplain management policies.

Communities earn points toward their rating based on 18 creditable activities in four categories: Public Information, Mapping and Regulations, Flood Damage Reduction and Flood Preparedness. For towns participating in the CRS, flood insurance premium rates are discounted in 5 percent increments. Premium reductions are in the form of CRS Classes, similar to the classifications used for fire insurance.

Pompton Lakes CRS Coordinators and Councilman Simone are honored with a plaqueCouncilman Michael Simone and CRS Co-Coordinators Elizabeth Brandsness and Barbara Padula are honored with a plaque recognizing the town of Pompton Lakes.Pompton Lakes is one of 10 New Jersey municipalities (Sea Isle City, Avalon, Beach Haven, Bedminster, Brigantine, Long Beach Township, Longport, Mantoloking, Pompton Lakes and Stafford Township) to achieve Class 5, the highest level of compliance currently achieved in the state. The borough’s participation in CRS has saved residents $308,395 on their insurance premiums. Fairfield Township, in Essex County, is in Class 6. Township residents have saved $499,201.

The highest level of compliance possible in the program is Class 1. The 61 communities participating in the program have saved more than $17 million.

Participating communities have better organized and more formal local flood programs, which can be evaluated against a nationally recognized benchmark. The discounted premiums give communities incentive to maintain its programs. The program also helps to remind residents that their towns are working to protect them from flooding and that their town is becoming more knowledgeable and successful in supporting and improving flood protection measures.
Learn more about the NFIP’s CRS program at
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 FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

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Originally posted here – 

CRS Awards Presented To Two New Jersey Communities

DENTON, Texas – Residents and business owners in Haltom City, Texas can now enjoy a reduction in flood insurance premiums because of the city’s active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). In addition to lower premiums, the CRS program helps to reduce the threat of damage due to flooding.

“The flood insurance program rewards communities for implementing programs and policies that protect their residents from flooding,” said Tony Robinson, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) R6 regional administrator. “By joining this program, Haltom City’s higher regulatory standards, public education outreach, and other initiatives, have earned the city lower premiums as a CRS Class 7 Community.”

Haltom City flood insurance policyholders who reside in Special Flood Hazard Areas will receive a 15 percent reduction on flood insurance premiums and policyholders located outside Special Flood Hazard Areas will enjoy a 5 percent discount. The reduction in flood insurance premiums represents an annual savings in premium costs for Haltom City’s policy holders and will take effect at the time a new policy is written or an effective policy is renewed.

The city’s flood plain management staff has worked hard to insure that Haltom City’s participation in the program pays off. In addition to the reduction in insurance premiums, local officials are more knowledgeable about floodplain management and its residents are more knowledgeable about mitigation and flood insurance.

The program helps to make Haltom City a safer place to live, reduces the economic impact of flood hazards and saves citizens money on flood policy premiums.

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary program for NFIP- participating communities. The intended goals of the program are to reduce flood losses; facilitate accurate insurance ratings; and to promote the awareness of flood insurance. For more information on the NFIP’s CRS program, go to


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.   Follow us on Twitter at  and the FEMA Blog at


Original source: 

FEMA Welcomes Haltom City, Texas to the Community Rating System

DENTON, Texas – Residents, business and residential renters, and business owners in Deer Park, Texas can now enjoy a 5 to 10 percent reduction in flood insurance premiums because of the city’s active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS).

This means those policyholders who reside in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) will receive a 10 percent reduction on flood insurance premiums, and policyholders located outside the SFHA will enjoy a 5 percent discount.

In addition to lower premiums, the rating program helps to reduce the threat of damage from flooding, according to officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). “The flood insurance program rewards communities for implementing programs and policies that protect their residents from flooding,” said FEMA Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “Deer Park’s higher regulatory standards, public education outreach, property acquisition programs and open space preservation initiatives, among other activities, have earned the parish lower premiums as a CRS Class 8 Community.”

The reduction in flood insurance premiums represents an annual savings in premium costs for Deer Park policy holders and will take effect at the time a new policy is written or an effective policy is renewed. Those individuals and business owners with a Preferred Risk Policy will not receive premium rate credits under the CRS because it already has a lower premium than other policies.

Since joining CRS in 2000, the city’s participation in the program has been beneficial in many respects. In addition to the reduction in insurance premiums, local officials are more knowledgeable about floodplain management and residents are more knowledgeable about mitigation and flood insurance.    The CRS program has helped make Deer Park a safer place to live, reduced the economic impact of flood hazards and saved their citizens money on flood policy premiums.

CRS is a voluntary program for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)-participating communities. The intended goals of the CRS are to reduce flood losses; facilitate accurate insurance ratings; and to promote the awareness of flood insurance.  For more information on the NFIP’s CRS program, visit


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.   Follow us on Twitter at  and the FEMA Blog at

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Deer Park, Texas Celebrates a Safer Community

Alabama Community Recognized For Reducing Flood Risks 

Birmingham, Ala. earns Discount on Flood Insurance Premiums

Release Date: July 11, 2012
Release Number: R4-12-017

» 2012 Region IV News Releases

ATLANTA, Ga. — On July 10, 2012, Birmingham, Ala. was recognized at its city council meeting for its active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS).

The CRS rewards communities that voluntarily take steps to reduce flood risks beyond the minimum requirements of the NFIP. These steps, which include increasing flood protection and implementing preparedness and mitigation activities, lead to safer communities and ultimately help saves lives and property. As a result, property owners and renters in CRS-participating communities enjoy a reduction in flood insurance premiums.

Policyholders in Birmingham first began receiving flood insurance discounts under the CRS program in 1994. As a result of additional steps the community has recently taken, the community moved from a CRS Class 8 to a CRS Class 6 effective May 1, 2012, earning an additional ten percent savings on flood insurance.

There are more than 1,050 flood insurance policies in force in Birmingham, representing more than $175 million in flood insurance coverage. Policyholders located in the high risk areas of flooding, or Special Flood Hazard Areas, can now receive a 20 percent discount on their policy premium, which is an average savings of $247 per policy. Some policyholders in the lower risk areas are eligible for a 10 percent discount. In total, policyholders realize an annual savings of more than $262,000 because of the community’s participation in the CRS program.

CRS is a voluntary program for NFIP-participating communities. The intended goals of the program are to reduce flood losses, facilitate accurate insurance ratings and to promote the awareness of flood insurance. For more information on the NFIP’s CRS program visit For more information about the NFIP, a program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), visit

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Thursday, 12-Jul-2012 09:18:58

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Alabama Community Recognized For Reducing Flood Risks

Florida Community Recognized for Reducing Flood Risks 

Unincorporated Palm Beach County, Fla. earns Discount on Flood Insurance Premiums

Release Date: July 11, 2012
Release Number: R4-12-019

» 2012 Region IV News Releases

ATLANTA, Ga. — On July 10, 2012, unincorporated Palm Beach County, Fla. was recognized at the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners meeting for its active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS).

The CRS rewards communities that voluntarily take steps to reduce flood risks beyond the minimum requirements of the NFIP. These steps, which include increasing flood protection and implementing preparedness and mitigation activities, lead to safer communities and ultimately help saves lives and property. As a result, property owners and renters in CRS-participating communities enjoy a reduction in flood insurance premiums.

Policyholders in unincorporated Palm Beach County first began receiving flood insurance discounts under the CRS program in 1991. As a result of additional steps the community has recently taken, the community moved from a CRS Class 6 to a CRS Class 5 effective October 1, 2011, earning an additional five percent savings on flood insurance.

There are more than 74,000 flood insurance policies in force in unincorporated Palm Beach County, representing more than $19 billion in flood insurance coverage. Policyholders located in the high risk areas of flooding, or Special Flood Hazard Areas, can now receive a 25 percent discount on their policy premium, which is an average savings of $112 per policy. Some policyholders in the lower risk areas are eligible for a 10 percent discount. In total, policyholders realize an annual savings of more than $4.2 million because of the community’s participation in the CRS program.

CRS is a voluntary program for NFIP-participating communities. The intended goals of the program are to reduce flood losses, facilitate accurate insurance ratings and to promote the awareness of flood insurance. For more information on the NFIP’s CRS program visit For more information about the NFIP, a program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), visit

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Thursday, 12-Jul-2012 09:16:35

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Florida Community Recognized for Reducing Flood Risks