WASHINGTON – FEMA, through its regional offices in Atlanta, Georgia, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is monitoring Hurricane Matthew and remains in close coordination with state emergency managers and tribal officials, as well as our federal partners at the National Weather Service forecast offices. FEMA is urging residents in potentially affected states – from Florida to the Mid-Atlantic – to familiarize themselves with evacuation routes now, prepare, and to take direction from state, local, and tribal officials.

Matthew is a major hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale with sustained winds near 145 miles per hour (MPH) and while some fluctuations in intensity are possible during the next couple of days, this storm is expected to remain a powerful hurricane. According to the National Weather Service, the current forecast models for impact to the United States vary greatly from direct landfall to remaining offshore along the East Coast. Direct hurricane impacts are possible in Florida later this week.

“The time to prepare is now. Residents in potentially affected areas should learn their evacuation routes and monitor weather conditions,” said FEMA Administrator W. Craig Fugate. “Storm tracks can change quickly and unexpectedly. Residents and visitors in areas from Florida through the mid-Atlantic in potentially at risk areas, including inland areas, should continue to monitor local radio or TV stations for updated emergency information. Follow instructions of state, local and tribal officials, and make sure you’re taking steps to prepare your home, family or business.”

FEMA liaisons are already deployed to the state emergency operation centers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to assist state responses, as needed. FEMA has additional personnel deployed in Florida and an Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) is at the North Carolina Emergency Operations Center. Today, FEMA also deployed additional IMATs to Atlanta to support preparation activities and ensure there are no unmet needs. Additional teams from around the country are ready to deploy to affected states and tribes as necessary.

There have been no requests for federal assistance at this time, however FEMA stands ready to assist additional states and tribes, as needed and requested.

At all times, FEMA maintains commodities, including millions of liters of water, millions of meals and hundreds of thousands of blankets, strategically located at distribution centers throughout the United States and its territories. Two Incident Support Bases have been identified in Albany, Georgia, and Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to pre-position commodities and resources closer to potentially affected areas.

FEMA encourages residents in potentially affected states to download the FEMA mobile app for disaster resources, weather alerts, and safety tips, in English and in Spanish. The app provides a customizable checklist of emergency supplies, maps of open shelters and recovery centers, disaster survival tips, and weather alerts from the National Weather Service. The app also enables users to receive push notifications reminding them to take important steps to prepare their homes and families for disasters.


Safety and Preparedness Tips

Hurricane Matthew has potential for life-threatening rain, wind and storm surge. Those in potentially affected areas should be familiar with evacuation routes, have a communications plan, keep a battery-powered radio handy and have a plan for their pets.

Individuals should visit www.ready.gov or www.listo.gov to learn these and other preparedness tips for tropical storms or hurricanes. If the storm is expected to affect your area, know your evacuation zone and follow the direction of local or tribal officials if an evacuation is ordered for your area.

Create a household inventory: For insurance purposes, be sure to keep a written and visual (i.e., videotaped or photographed) record of all major household items and valuables, even those stored in basements, attics or garages. Create files that include serial numbers and store receipts for major appliances and electronics. Have jewelry and artwork appraised. These documents are critically important when filing insurance claims.

Other steps to take right now to protect property are:

  • Make sure your sump pump is working, and then install a battery-operated backup, in case of a power failure. If you already have a battery backup, install fresh batteries. Installing a water alarm will also let you know if water is accumulating in your basement.
  • Clear debris from gutters and downspouts. Clear storm drains in the street or near your home of leaves and debris.
  • Move electronics, valuables, and important documents to a safe place.
  • Roll up area rugs, where possible, and store them on higher floors or elevations. This will reduce the chances of rugs getting wet and growing mold.
  • Shut off electrical service at the main breaker if the electrical system and outlets will be under water.
  • If you incur expenses due to protecting your home in preparation for coming storms and flooding – such as purchasing sandbags – you may be able to file a claim against your National Flood Insurance Program flood policy for reimbursement. Call your insurance agent to discuss your coverage and learn more.

There is the potential for flooding with this storm. Driving through a flooded area can be extremely hazardous and almost half of all flash flood deaths happen in vehicles. When in your car, look out for flooding in low lying areas, at bridges and at highway dips. As little as six inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. If you encounter flood waters, remember – turn around, don’t drown.

Get to know the terms that are used to identify severe weather and discuss with your family what to do if a watch or warning is issued:

For a hurricane:

  • A Hurricane Watch is issued when a tropical cyclone containing winds of at least 74 MPH poses a possible threat, generally within 48 hours. 
  • A Hurricane Warning is issued when sustained winds of 74 MPH or higher associated with a tropical cyclone are expected in 36 hours or less. A hurricane warning can remain in effect when dangerously high water or a combination of dangerously high water and exceptionally high waves continue, even though winds may be less than hurricane force.

For a tropical storm:

  • A Tropical Storm Watch is issued when tropical cyclone containing winds of at least 39 MPH or higher poses a possible threat, generally within 48 hours.
  • A Tropical Storm Warning is issued when sustained winds of 39 MPH or higher associated with a tropical cyclone are expected in 36 hours or less.

For flooding:

  • A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding.
  • A Flood Warning is issued when flooding is imminent or occurring.

To learn more about what to do before, during and after severe weather, visit www.Ready.gov.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

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FEMA Urges Residents to Know Their Evacuation Routes, Take Direction from State, Local, and Tribal Officials Ahead of Potential Landfall by Hurricane…

WASHINGTON – Today, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is calling on individuals and families across the nation to prepare for the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane season, which begins today and runs through November 30. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center seasonal outlook for 2016, released last week, states the season will most likely be near-normal, but uncertainty about the formation of Atlantic storms makes predicting this season particularly difficult.  The full release is linked at www.noaa.gov/near-normal-atlantic-hurricane-season-most-likely-year

The effects of hurricanes can stretch far beyond just coastal areas, impacting communities hundreds of miles inland. When a hurricane hits, it can bring high winds, heavy rainfall, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, and even tornadoes. Storm surge produced by hurricanes poses the greatest threat to life and property along the coast. Taking action now, in advance of a storm, can save lives and enables families and communities to recover more quickly should disaster strike.

“The United States has not had a significant impact from a hurricane or tropical storm since Hurricane Sandy struck in 2012,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “But luck isn’t a strategy when it comes to being ready. If you live in a potentially affected state, you are at risk for storm surge, extreme winds and flooding during a hurricane. Now is the time for you to learn your evacuation routes and develop a hurricane evacuation plan. Prepare now and enjoy the summer with confidence that if a storm threatens you’ll be ready.”

To prepare for these powerful storms, FEMA is encouraging families, businesses, and individuals to take the following steps to prepare:

  • Know Your Risk: Residents should learn what types of natural disasters are common in their stateNOAA’s historical hurricane tracks tool provides information on the severity and frequency of past hurricanes. 
  • Know your evacuation zone: Evacuation zones are areas that may be impacted by hurricane flooding. Many communities have designated evacuation zones and routes to get citizens to safety. This information can often be found on the websites of state, county, or town emergency management offices. If a hurricane threatens a community and local officials say it’s time to evacuate, residents should evacuate immediately. Do not wait for the next forecast.   
  • Download the FEMA app: The FEMA app contains important information on what to do before, during, and after a hurricane. The app also allows users to receive weather alerts from NOAA’s National Weather Service, lifesaving safety tips, and provides access to disaster resources should survivors need them. The app is available in the Apple App store or the Google Play store. The FEMA app is also available in Spanish.
  • Make a plan, build a kit and practice what to do: When a hurricane hits, communications systems can go out, transportation can be limited, and it could be days before emergency responders are able to reach communities that need help. FEMA encourages residents in potentially affected states to do the following:
    • Make a Family Communication Plan: Family members should discuss how they contact one another in an emergency and check in with each other from different locations.  Families should plan how to care for children or members with access and functional needs, and learn how to get in touch if cell phone, internet, or landlines don’t work. Be sure to practice your plan so everyone will know what to do in the event of an emergency.
    • Emergency Supply Kit: A ‘go kit’ is a bag that contains basic items families may need, during an emergency. Kits should contain non-perishable food, water, and other supplies, such as flashlights, local maps, and a battery-powered radio, to last you and your family for at least 72 hours. Ready.gov contains a complete list of items.
    • Pets: Many local shelters do not permit pets, but laws require them to accept service animals. Families should have a plan for pets should they need to evacuate.

While much attention is often given to the Atlantic Hurricane Season, there are tropical systems that can affect many other areas around the nation. To learn more about hurricane seasons in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, visit www.hurricanes.gov. To learn more on how to prepare before, during, and after a hurricane, visit www.ready.gov.




FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema and www.youtube.com/fema.  Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

Continued here:

FEMA Encourages Preparedness for the 2016 Hurricane Season

ATLANTA –Newly revised preliminary digital flood insurance rate maps for coastal areas of Nassau County, Fla., will be available for residents to review at a public open house at the Atlantic Recreation Center Auditorium on February 24, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Flood maps show the extent to which areas are at risk for flooding, and when they become effective, updated maps will be used to help determine flood insurance and building requirements.

The open house provides residents of Nassau County and its municipalities the opportunity to see the preliminary maps, learn about their risk of flooding, and ask questions about what the new maps will mean for their property. Residents can meet one-on-one with a variety of specialists who will be available to talk about flood insurance, engineering, building permits and more. 

The open house will be held between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. The open house date and location is:

February 24, 2016

Atlantic Recreation Center Auditorium

2500 Atlantic Avenue

Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

The new preliminary maps were released through a partnership among Nassau County, its municipalities, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). They are more precise than older maps because better flood hazard and risk data make the maps more accurate. The ultimate goal is protecting property owners and the community from the risks associated with flooding. Over time, flood risks change due to construction and development, environmental changes, floodplains widen or shift, and other factors. Flood maps are updated periodically to reflect these changes.

Home and business owners, renters, realtors, mortgage lenders, surveyors and insurance agents are encouraged to attend the open house. All who attend can meet with specialists to ask questions and learn more about flood risk and hazard mitigation within their communities. 

By law, federally regulated or insured mortgage lenders require flood insurance on buildings that are located in areas at high risk of flooding. Standard homeowners’, business owners’, and renters’ insurance policies typically don’t cover flood damage, so flood insurance is an important consideration for everyone. Flood insurance policies can be purchased from any state licensed property and casualty insurance agent. Visit www.floodsmart.gov or call 888-379-9531 for more information about flood insurance and to locate a local agent.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.



Originally posted here – 

Digital Preliminary Flood Maps for Coastal Areas of Nassau County Ready for Public Viewing

EATONTOWN, N.J. — In the two years and three months since Hurricane Sandy scored a direct hit on New Jersey, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has remained engaged in the recovery effort, providing $6.9 billion to date to help the state recover and rebuild.

This money has helped to rebuild critical facilities, clear debris from navigable channels, restore boardwalks along the Jersey Shore, rebuild Atlantic Highlands harbor, and reimburse municipalities throughout the state for the enormous costs of clearing debris and restoring public safety in the immediate aftermath of the storm.

FEMA’s National Flood Insurance program has paid out more than $3.5 billion in claims to flood insurance policyholders whose homes were damaged or destroyed by the storm.

Through FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program (IHP), the agency approved $422.9 million in payments to Sandy survivors.

FEMA Public Assistance, which provides funds for repair and rebuilding of infrastructure and public facilities as well as necessary work such as debris removal and emergency response, has contributed $1.525 billion towards repair and rebuilding projects in New Jersey.  Eighty-seven percent of all PA projects in New Jersey have total project costs of over a half-million dollars.

As the immediate work of rebuilding continues, FEMA is helping to strengthen the state’s capacity to withstand a future disaster. Forty percent of all Public Assistance (PA) projects have accompanying mitigation projects attached to them. FEMA is funding projects that protect vulnerable facilities from inundation by storm waters, raise homes above the flood plain and convert neighborhoods that have experienced repeated and devastating flooding to public, open space.

To date, the FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program has allotted $162 million for voluntary property acquisitions in communities subject to repetitive flooding. It has allocated $51 million for home elevations in flood-prone areas and $9.7 million for the Retail Fuel Station Program. The RFS is a voluntary grant program designed to enhance the operational resiliency of retail fuel stations statewide by funding the installation of back-up generators capable of operating fuel pumps when power outages occur.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/FEMASandy,www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/FEMASandy, www.facebook.com/fema, www.fema.gov/blog, and www.youtube.com/fema.Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.”

Visit link:  

FEMA Funding in New Jersey Exceeds $6.9 Billion

Eatontown, N.J. —  Hurricane season officially begins each year on June 1, but unlike firemen’s fairs, cookouts and fun at the beach, the season for hurricanes doesn’t end along with the summer.

As a new school year begins, now may be a good time to check your stock of batteries, bottled water and other emergency supplies that may be needed should New Jersey experience an autumn hurricane.

While storm frequency tends to peak in August and September, hurricane season in the United States extends to November 30, and while the risk of a Thanksgiving storm may seem remote, it could happen.

In 2012, Superstorm Sandy only missed it by a few weeks.

Sandy made landfall in New Jersey as a tropical cyclone on October 29, flooding coastal communities, taking down trees, tearing up infrastructure and demolishing homes and businesses throughout the state. Forty New Jersey residents lost their lives.

Two years later, the ongoing expenses of repair, rebuilding and recovery from Sandy have made it the second costliest storm in United States history after Katrina, an August 29 storm that devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in 2005.

Like Sandy, many of the most destructive storms in United States history have occurred after Labor Day, causing massive loss of life and property damage in the billions.

On September 8, 1900, a category 4 hurricane engulfed Galveston Island, Texas. Storm tides as high as 15 feet swept away homes and businesses, killing an estimated 8,000 people.

On September 18, 1920, a category 4 hurricane bearing the highest sustained winds ever recorded at that time slammed into Miami Beach and downtown Miami. Believing the storm was over, thousands of people emerged from their homes during a half-hour lull at the eye of the storm and were trapped without shelter as it regained its ferocity. Every building in downtown Miami was either damaged or destroyed and hundreds of people were killed. The storm then crossed into the Gulf of Mexico, where it destroyed virtually every pier, vessel and warehouse on the Pensacola coast.

In the end, more than 800 people were reported missing after the storm and though records are incomplete, the Red Cross recorded 373 deaths and 6,381 injuries as a result of the hurricane.

On September 20 and 21, 1938, a fast-moving hurricane struck the Mid-Atlantic and New England with such force that thousands of people were taken by surprise. On Long Island, some 20 people watching an afternoon movie at a local cinema were swept out to sea and drowned. One of the victims was the theater’s projectionist. In downtown Providence, Rhode Island, flood waters rapidly flooded streets, submerging automobiles and street cars as their occupants fled to the high floors of office buildings to escape drowning. The record-breaking storm was responsible for 600 deaths, causing $308 million in damage in the midst of the Great Depression.

On October 14, 1954, Hurricane Hazel made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane near Calabash, North Carolina, inundating the coastline with an 18-foot storm surge on a lunar high tide. When the storm passed, only 5 of 357 buildings in Long Beach, North Carolina were still standing. The Raleigh, North Carolina Weather reported that “all traces of civilization on the immediate waterfront between the state line and Cape Fear were practically annihilated.” Nineteen people were killed in North Carolina, with several hundred more injured; 15,000 homes were destroyed and another 39,000 were damaged.

On September 11, 1960, Hurricane Donna barreled across Florida, then traveled east through North Carolina, the Mid-Atlantic states and New England, causing $387 million in damage in the United States and $13 million elsewhere along its path.

Accounts like the ones above illustrate the importance of making a plan to protect your family and property from the potentially devastating effects of a hurricane or tropical storm.

With that in mind, why not take a minute to inventory your emergency supplies and schedule a trip to the store to stock up on items that you may need in an emergency.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website, www.ready.gov, has as wealth of information on how to plan, prepare and protect your family should another disaster like Sandy occur in the coming months.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/FEMASandywww.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/FEMASandy, www.facebook.com/fema, www.fema.gov/blog, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.”


Stay Prepared: Hurricane Season Doesn’t End with Summer

New York, NY, July 28, 2014 — In addition to its other widespread destruction, Hurricane Sandy also undermined the effectiveness of multiple sets of the Atlantic City Fire Department’s (ACFD) personal protective equipment via several feet of salt water, oil, gasoline, and sewage.

The ACFD has been awarded $489,060 from the Assistance to Firefighter Grants (AFG) program, however, to replace not only the Sandy-damaged equipment, but also more than 100 other protective suits that are eight years old, showing significant wear, and losing their ability to safeguard the first responders.  The local share of the federal grant is $54,340, bringing the total to $543,400. 

The announcement was made here today by Dale Mcshine, Grants Director for Region II of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  AFG is a FEMA program.

“During and after Hurricane Sandy, the Atlantic City Fire Department’s gear was exposed to harsh ingredients,” says the department’s Administrative Deputy Chief, Vincent Granese.  “It’s unlikely that these contaminants can be removed, and the odds are that they have damaged the integrity of our personal protective equipment.”

Personal protective equipment includes coats, suspenders, helmets, gloves, and hoods.  “This grant allows for state-of-the-art gear,” says Chief Granese.  “We never would have been able to afford this generation of equipment.  It will be made of far better materials, and will enhance our ability to fight fires and respond to other incidents.” 

The ACFD is a full-time career department with members assigned to six fire stations that operate on a 24-hour basis 365 days per year.  Its services include fire suppression, fire prevention, public safety education, fire investigations, first-responder EMS, level III hazardous material response, and all phases of technical rescue.  The department also provides regional support throughout the southern half of New Jersey for Hazmat and Technical Rescue Team response.  

The city is a historic beach resort, operating 12 casinos and numerous first-name hotels.  It is home to almost 40,000 residents with daily influxes of 110,000 to 600,000 people.   

“With its multitude of capabilities, our fire department serves not only our bustling, populated city, but also the state.  I have long been proud and impressed by their capabilities and this AFG grant serves only to boost their strengths,” observes Atlantic City mayor, Donald Guardian.

FEMA’s AFG program has been aiding firefighters and other first responders since 2001.  “The program provides critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training, and other resources needed to protect the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards,” said Tania Hedlund, FEMA’s Grants Branch Chief.  The AFG provided funding of $25,340,000 for FEMA’s Region II (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) in 2012.

For further information, contact William H. Douglass at 212-680-3665/917-561-3223.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.




Federal Firefighter Grant Helps Recoup Atlantic City Equipment Lost During Sandy

WASHINGTON — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), through its National Watch Center in Washington and its regional offices in Atlanta and Philadelphia and in coordination with the National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center, is continuing to monitor the conditions of Tropical Storm Arthur off the east coast of Florida. FEMA remains in close contact with state emergency management partners in potentially affected states.

FEMA urges residents and visitors in potentially affected areas to closely monitor the storm and take steps now to be prepared in advance of severe weather. Most importantly, everyone should follow the direction of their state, tribal and local officials.

FEMA has deployed liaisons to the emergency operations centers in North Carolina and South Carolina along with an Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) to North Carolina to coordinate with local officials, should support be requested or needed. FEMA’s regional office in Atlanta is in contact with its emergency management partners in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. FEMA also plans to activate its National Response Coordination Center in Washington D.C. on Thursday.

Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) personnel and equipment have been placed on alert to provide emergency management partners with secure and non-secure voice, video and information services in support of emergency response communications.

According to the National Weather Service, a Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for the entire coast of North Carolina and there is a Hurricane Watch from Bogue Inlet to Oregon Inlet, North Carolina and the Pamlico Sound. A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for South Carolina from the Little River Inlet to the South Santee River.

A tropical storm warning means that tropical storm force winds may begin within 36 hours. A Hurricane or Tropical Storm Watch means that those conditions are possible within the watch area, in this case within 48 hours. Tropical Storm Arthur is forecast to intensify and become a hurricane by Friday. Visit hurricanes.gov and weather.gov for the latest storm track and local forecasts and warnings.

As the first tropical storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, Tropical Storm Arthur serves as a reminder for residents in areas prone to tropical storms and hurricanes to refresh their emergency kits and review family emergency plans. If you do not have an emergency kit or family plan, or to learn about steps you can take now to prepare your family for severe weather, visit ready.gov.

At all times, FEMA maintains commodities, including millions of liters of water, millions of meals and hundreds of thousands of blankets, strategically located at distribution centers throughout the United States, that are available to state, tribal and local partners if needed and requested.

Safety and Preparedness Tips

  • As the first tropical storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, Tropical Storm Arthur serves as a reminder for residents in areas prone to tropical storms and hurricanes to refresh their emergency kits and review family plans. If you do not have an emergency kit or family plan, or to learn about steps you can take now to prepare your family for severe weather, visit www.ready.gov
  • Residents and visitors in potentially affected areas should be familiar with evacuation routes, have a communications plan, keep a battery-powered radio handy and have a plan for their pets. Individuals should visit ready.gov or listo.gov to learn these and other preparedness tips for tropical storms.
  • Know your evacuation zone and be sure to follow the direction of state, tribal and local officials if an evacuation is ordered for your area.
  • Storm surge is often the greatest threat to life and property from a hurricane. It poses a significant threat for drowning and can occur before, during, or after the center of a storm passes through an area. Storm surge can sometimes cut off evacuation routes, so do not delay leaving if an evacuation is ordered for your area.
  • Driving through a flooded area can be extremely hazardous and almost half of all flash flood deaths happen in vehicles. When in your car, look out for flooding in low lying areas, at bridges and at highway dips. As little as six inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle.
  • If you encounter flood waters, remember – turn around, don’t drown.
  • Tropical Storms have the potential for tornado formation. If you are under a tornado warning, seek shelter immediately in the center of a small interior room (closet, interior hallway) on the lowest level of a sturdy building. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside.
  • Get to know the terms that are used to identify severe weather and discuss with your family what to do if a watch or warning is issued.

For a Hurricane:

  • A Hurricane Watch is issued when a tropical cyclone containing winds of at least 74 MPH poses a possible threat, generally within 48 hours.
  • A Hurricane Warning is issued when sustained winds of 74 MPH or higher associated with a tropical cyclone are expected in 36 hours or less. A hurricane warning can remain in effect when dangerously high water or a combination of dangerously high water and exceptionally high waves continue, even though winds may be less than hurricane force.

For a Tropical Storm:

  • A Tropical Storm Watch is issued when tropical cyclone containing winds of at least 39 MPH or higher poses a possible threat, generally within 48 hours.
  • A Tropical Storm Warning is issued when sustained winds of 39 MPH or higher associated with a tropical cyclone are expected in 36 hours or less.

For coastal flooding:

  • A Coastal Flood Watch is issued when moderate to major coastal flooding is possible.
  • A Coastal Flood Warning is issued when moderate to major coastal flooding is occurring or imminent.
  • A Coastal Flood Advisory is issued when minor or nuisance coastal flooding is occurring or imminent.
  • More safety tips on hurricanes and tropical storms can be found at ready.gov/hurricanes.

Taken from: 

FEMA Continues To Urge Preparedness Ahead Of Tropical Storm Arthur; Residents and Visitors Urged to Follow Direction of Local Officials

LINCROFT, N.J. — With another hurricane season just getting under way, residents of New Jersey may look upon the prospect of another storm with a great deal more apprehension than they felt before Hurricane Sandy struck the Jersey coast.

New Jersey residents have witnessed firsthand the destructive power of a storm like Sandy.

Sandy was not the first storm to wreak havoc in New Jersey, but she was one of the most powerful to strike the state in many decades, and the damage she inflicted was widespread.

Today, more than 18 months after the storm, New Jerseyans are still recovering. The good news is that they are rebuilding stronger, safer and smarter.

Up and down the New Jersey coast, towns are engaged in restoring infrastructure and taking steps to ensure that their communities will never again be caught in the bull’s eye of a hurricane without preparation.

Hundreds of homes along the Jersey Shore have been elevated. Many municipalities have moved critical facilities away from areas vulnerable to flooding.

Thanks to extensive outreach efforts by FEMA and the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management, residents and business owners are far better informed about how to plan for, protect against, and recover from storms and other possible disasters than ever before.

Weather experts are predicting a less active hurricane season on the Atlantic Coast than in recent years due to the fact that water temperatures are projected to be cooler than they have been under the influence of El Nino.

While a storm of the magnitude of Sandy may not occur again for many years, it is always a good idea to prepare for the possibility that a storm or other disaster may interrupt the usual summer cycles of rainy and sunny days and present the state with a major weather challenge.

If that occurs, it’s up to each of us to be ready to respond effectively.

That means using the tools of preparedness that can mean the difference between life and death, danger and safety, when a storm arrives.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is create a family communications plan. Make cards for each family member with names and contact numbers. Have a contact in another state, or at least another town, that family members can get in touch with, as making a long-distance call or even sending a text message may be easier than a local call during a disaster.

Know how to get to higher ground if you need to evacuate, what your community’s evacuation route is, and where it goes. New Jersey has several state roads, U.S. highways and interstates designated as state coastal evacuation routes along with county and local routes.

You also want to know just how vulnerable your home and property are to flooding. Learn the elevation level of your property and whether there are any levees or dams in the area that might pose a flood threat.

Secure your home’s windows, roof, and garage. Permanent storm shutters are best for windows, but plywood five-eighths of an inch thick and cut to fit is an effective temporary solution and will also work on windowed garage doors. Secure the roof to the frame of the house by adding straps or additional clamps, and while you’re up there, make sure the gutters are clear.

Keep any trees and shrubs around your home trimmed to improve their wind resistance. Bring in outdoor furniture, decorations, plants in stands, and anything else outside that isn’t nailed down. If you own a boat, decide ahead of time where and how you plan to secure it.

For more tips on hurricane preparedness, visit www.fema.gov or www.ready.nj.gov.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Originally posted here – 

When It Comes To Hurricanes, Lightning Really Can Strike Twice

LINCROFT, N.J. — The Federal Emergency Management Agency has closed its first Public Assistance projects undertaken in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

The first two large projects FEMA and the State of New Jersey closed were debris removal in Atlantic County, which was federally obligated for $169,937.65, and Category B emergency protective measures in Lower Township, Cape May County, for $40,067.20. Category B can consist of anything safety-related, from temporary traffic signs and barricades to sandbagging, deploying police and fire crews and emergency construction and/or demolition.

The State of New Jersey has submitted 63 large projects to FEMA Public Assistance that are ready to be closed. The closeout process begins when a project is funded and completed. The applicant must certify to the state that the work is finished and all of the allocated money was spent. Small projects are often bundled together under one applicant and can be closed as a group when they are all complete. Large projects must be closed individually. Work has started on 20, said Chris Baggot, FEMA Public Assistance Task Force Leader.

More than $1.15 billion in Public Assistance grants have been obligated in New Jersey since Hurricane Sandy struck in October 2012. There have been 1,724 applicants for Public Assistance. The Public Assistance FAQ at www.fema.gov defines a large project as any incident with damage costs greater than a predetermined amount that is recalculated every fiscal year. As of February 26, 2014, the threshold was raised from $68,500 to $120,000 because of the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013. Of the estimated 5,146 Public Assistance projects in the system in New Jersey, 1,585 are considered large projects.

Through the Public Assistance program, FEMA grants state governments money to reimburse municipalities, county governments and eligible private nonprofit agencies for the repair or replacement of damaged roads and bridges, water-control facilities, public buildings and their contents, publicly owned utilities, and parks and recreation areas. It also includes funds for emergency services and eligible debris-removal costs related to the disaster. FEMA reimbursed these applicants 90 percent of the eligible cost.

“We have been able to accelerate the process to get to the point where we can close out projects and get people their money,” Baggot said.

After all project work is certified as complete, the Final Inspection Report (FIR) is initiated. Supporting documents are audited and added to the report, and amendments may be written after cost overages and/or shortfalls are reconciled. After the report is reviewed by the applicant and grantee, it is entered into the Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (EMMIE) grant tracking program. The project is then closed if the grantee (in this case, the state) requests it.

“If a project isn’t closed, we’re usually waiting for additional data from the applicants if the work has at least been completed,” Baggot said.

More than $762 million has been obligated for emergency projects, including debris removal and emergency protective measures, while permanent repairs to roads, bridges, water control facilities, utilities and buildings, have cost $380.5 million.

“Our goal is to have the large projects finished in two years,” Baggot said.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Read this article: 

Closeout Process Begins For New Jersey Public Assistance Projects

DENTON, Texas – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is joining its federal, tribal, state and local partners in Louisiana and Texas to commemorate Hurricane Preparedness Week by sharing critical information about the 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season which starts on June 1 and ends on Nov. 30.

The week-long campaign not only provides an opportunity for emergency management experts to remind everyone about this year’s hurricane season outlook and how to prepare in advance, but it also gives individuals, families, and communities a chance to take action now and practice for an emergency.

“We encourage everyone to take basic steps to get ready before hurricane season begins,” said FEMA Regional Administrator Tony Robinson. “In addition to talking about what you should do and building emergency kits, people can also take part in exercises, drills and discussions about emergencies that are being held in their communities.”

Those in hurricane-prone areas are urged to visit www.ready.gov/prepare to learn about America’s PrepareAthon! and get involved in local training sessions. Basic hurricane preparedness tips include:

  • Before a hurricane
  • Prepare an evacuation kit; you can find more information on what you need in the kit at www.ready.gov or www.listo.gov.
  • Secure any important papers in a waterproof container.
  • Fill your vehicle’s tank up with gas.
  • Get any necessary prescription medications refilled.
  • Have enough cash on hand to last for several days.
  • Make sure you have enough extra food and water for your pet.
  • During a hurricane
  • Listen to the radio or TV for information.
  • If you are directed by local authorities to evacuate, be sure to follow their instructions.
  • Stay indoors during the hurricane and away from windows and glass doors.
  • After a hurricane
  • Safety is a primary issue, as is physical and mental well-being.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/femaregion6 and the FEMA Blog at http://blog.fema.gov.

See more here: 

May 25-31 is Hurricane Preparedness Week. Be Prepared. Get a Plan. Know Your Evacuation Zone

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