TALLAHASSEE, Fla.  – Specialists with the Federal Emergency Management Agency are reaching out to survivors in Florida’s hardest hit Panhandle communities to help individuals register for assistance. Survivors may meet a specialist in their neighborhood or speak to one on the phone.

Crews of FEMA disaster survivor assistance specialists are canvassing affected areas to provide on-site registration assistance, address immediate and emerging needs, and answer any questions specific to the registration process. Specialists can also provide referrals to additional resources.

FEMA crews are visiting homes, businesses, local organizations and churches in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.

Using tablets, crew members can help a survivor fill out an application for assistance on the spot – collecting information in person. Crew members can be identified easily by their photo badges and  FEMA clothing. Florida residents are reminded to ask for federal identification before providing personal information.

Survivors in designated counties may also receive a phone call from FEMA Individual Assistance specialists if they have already registered for disaster assistance.

If called, applicants could be asked to verify their identity with some of the following information:

  • The last four digits of their Social Security number.
  • The address of their damaged home.
  • The applicant’s current mailing address.
  • The applicant’s current phone number.

If applicants receive a phone call from FEMA representatives and question the validity of the caller, they can contact the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 to verify the source of the call. The FEMA representative will then make another attempt to call the applicant back. FEMA will not call applicants to request any banking information.

Those who suspect anyone of committing fraudulent activities should call the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline toll-free at 866-720-5721. Complaints may also be made to Florida’s Office of the Attorney General at the state toll-free number: 866-966-7226.

Survivors in the counties currently designated for Individual Assistance can register online at DisasterAssistance.gov or via smartphone at m.fema.gov. Applicants may also call 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, seven days a week. Multilingual operators are available.

For more information on Florida disaster recovery, click fema.gov/disaster/4177. Visit the Florida Division of Emergency Management website at FloridaDisaster.org or Facebook page at facebook.com/FloridaSERT.

Continue reading – 

FEMA Specialists Reach Out to Survivors in Florida Panhandle Communities

EVERETT, Wash. – Starting Monday, May 12, local, state and federal representatives will continue to meet individually with SR530 Slide survivors at the Snohomish County Family Resource Center in Darrington.

At the center, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will operate a Disaster Loan Outreach Center (DLOC). SBA representatives will continue to answer questions, explain the application process, help homeowners, renters and owners of businesses of all sizes apply for low-interest disaster loans.  


Snohomish County Family Resource Center
1075 Fir St.
Darrington, WA 98241

Hours of operation:

Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

SBA’s low-interest, federal disaster loans are available to homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes and private, nonprofit organizations to repair or replace property damaged or destroyed by the disaster. So far, SBA has approved more than $700,000 in low-interest disaster loans to residents and businesses.

SBA provides federal low-interest disaster loans up to $200,000 to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. Homeowners and renters are eligible for up to $40,000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property.

Businesses of any size and private, nonprofit organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory, and other business assets. SBA can also lend additional funds to homeowners and businesses to help with the cost of making improvements that protect, prevent or minimize the same type of disaster damage from occurring in the future. 

For small businesses and most private, nonprofit organizations of any size, SBA offers Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) to help meet working capital needs caused by the disaster. EIDL assistance is available regardless of whether the business suffered property damage from the explosion.

Snohomish County has opened a Disaster Information Office in Darrington. The office will be a resource information site; no services will be delivered from this location. To learn more, click: http://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/2358/Resources.


Disaster Information Center
1075 Darrington St.
Darrington, WA 98241

Hours of operation:

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Through Saturday, May 10 at 6 p.m., disaster survivors can continue to meet individually with local, state and federal representatives at the three recovery centers that have operated since April 7.

Disaster Recovery Center addresses:

Arlington Dept. of Public Works
154 West Cox Ave.
Arlington, WA 98223

Oso Fire Station (Snohomish County Fire Protection District 25 – parking lot)
21824 State Route 530 NE
Arlington, WA 98223

Darrington Ranger District Office (parking lot)
1405 Emens Ave. North
Darrington, WA 98241

Hours of operation:

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Survivors can also ask questions about the disaster assistance process and check the status of their FEMA registration by calling the Washington State Other Needs Assistance help line, (800) 688-3469, or the FEMA help line: (800) 621-3362 or TTY (800) 462-7585.

Taken from: 

As Recovery Centers Transition, Help Continues

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Survivors in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties who sustained property damage as a result of the recent severe storms and flooding in Florida are urged to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as they may be eligible for disaster assistance.

Disaster survivors have several ways to apply:

  • By phone at 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, seven days a week. Multilingual operators are available.
  • Online at DisasterAssistance.gov any time day or night.
  • Via smartphone or tablet at m.fema.gov.

Assistance can include money for temporary housing and home repairs, and for other serious

disaster-related needs, such as medical and dental expenses or funeral and burial costs. Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration may also be available to homeowners, renters and businesses of all sizes to cover losses not fully compensated by insurance.

Survivors should register with FEMA even if they have insurance. FEMA cannot duplicate insurance payments, but under-insured applicants may receive help after their insurance claims have been settled.

Registering with FEMA is required for federal aid, even if the person has registered with another disaster-relief organization. Applicants will be asked for the following information:

  • Social Security number
  • Address of the damaged home or apartment
  • Description of the damage
  • Information about insurance coverage
  • A current contact telephone number
  • An address where they can receive mail
  • Bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit of funds.  

For more information on Florida disaster recovery, click fema.gov/disaster/4177. Visit the Florida Division of Emergency Management website at floridadisaster.org or Facebook page at facebook.com/FloridaSERT. 



FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.

FEMA’s temporary housing assistance and grants for public transportation expenses, medical and dental expenses, and funeral and burial expenses do not require individuals to apply for an SBA loan. However, applicants who receive SBA loan applications must submit them to SBA loan officers to be eligible for assistance that covers personal property, vehicle repair or replacement, and moving and storage expenses.



Original article: 

Florida Panhandle Counties Now Eligible for Federal Disaster Assistance

PEARL, Miss. – Less than 10 days after severe storms, tornadoes and flooding swept across Mississippi, more than $1.3 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency grant assistance has been approved to help those affected by the storms.

More than 2,100 people have contacted FEMA for help or information regarding disaster assistance.

In addition to FEMA grants for individuals and families, other forms of disaster assistance are provided by partner agencies such as the U.S. Small Business Administration, the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. FEMA often refers survivors to those agencies. All businesses are also referred to the SBA. Other callers may be interested in other programs such as disaster unemployment assistance and disaster legal services.

The following is a snapshot of the disaster recovery effort as of May 7:

  • More than 200 households approved for FEMA grants for homeowners and renters, including:
    • More than $978,000 approved for housing grants, including short-term rental assistance and home repair costs.
    • Nearly $327,000 approved to cover other essential disaster-related needs such as medical and dental expenses and lost personal possessions.
  • 428 home inspections completed.
  • 891 visits to disaster recovery centers by people affected by the disaster.
  • 5 disaster recovery centers currently open.

No matter the degree of loss or insurance coverage, survivors in the 12 disaster-designated Mississippi counties are urged to apply for help. Designated counties include Itawamba, Jones, Leake, Lee, Lowndes, Madison, Montgomery, Rankin, Simpson, Warren, Wayne and Winston. Survivors can use any of the following methods to register:

  • By phone, call 800-621-FEMA (3362) People who are deaf or hard of hearing and use a TTY should call 800-462-7585. Lines are open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time. Assistance is available in most languages.
  • Online at DisasterAssistance.gov.
  • By tablet or smartphone, use the FEMA app or go to m.fema.gov.

Survivors who register with FEMA and are referred to SBA will be contacted with options on how to apply for a low-interest disaster loan. After being contacted by SBA, survivors should complete and submit an application even if they do not plan to accept a loan in order to continue the federal assistance process. It is part of the FEMA grant process and can pave the way for additional disaster assistance. SBA disaster loans are available with interest rates as low as 2.188 percent and terms up to 30 years.

Complete the SBA application online at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela. Call the SBA customer service center with questions at 800-659-2955. People who are deaf or hard of hearing and use a TTY can call 800-877-8339. For more information, visit sba.gov.

For more information on Mississippi disaster recovery, click fema.gov/disaster/4175. Visit the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency website at msema.org or the Facebook page at facebook.com/msemaorg.

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.

FEMA’s temporary housing assistance and grants for public transportation expenses, medical and dental expenses, and funeral and burial expenses do not require individuals to apply for an SBA loan. However, applicants who receive SBA loan applications must submit them to SBA loan officers to be eligible for assistance that covers personal property, vehicle repair or replacement, and moving and storage expenses.



Read the article – 

More than $1.3 Million in Federal Assistance Approved for Mississippi Storm Survivors

PEARL, Miss. – Survivors in Jones, Leake, Montgomery, Simpson and Warren counties whose property was damaged by the recent storms, tornadoes and flooding in Mississippi may now apply for federal disaster assistance.

The five counties were added to the April 30 presidential disaster declaration Tuesday, bringing the total number of Mississippi counties designated for Individual Assistance to 12, according to officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The original seven designated counties are Itawamba, Lee, Lowndes, Madison, Rankin, Wayne and Winston.

Assistance for homeowners and renters may include money to help pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other serious disaster-related expenses not met by insurance or other assistance programs. Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration may also be available to cover losses not fully compensated by insurance.

Survivors can register online at DisasterAssistance.gov or via smartphone or tablet at m.fema.gov. Applicants may also call 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, seven days a week. Multilingual operators are available.

Registering with FEMA is required for federal aid, even if the person has registered with another disaster-relief organization. FEMA registrants must use the name that appears on their Social Security card.

Applicants will be asked for the following information:

  • Social Security number
  • Address of the damaged home or apartment
  • Description of the damage
  • Information about insurance coverage
  • A current contact telephone number
  • An address where they can receive mail
  • Bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit of funds.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.

FEMA’s temporary housing assistance and grants for public transportation expenses, medical and dental expenses, and funeral and burial expenses do not require individuals to apply for an SBA loan. However, applicants who receive SBA loan applications must submit them to SBA loan officers to be eligible for assistance that covers personal property, vehicle repair or replacement, and moving and storage expenses.





Survivors in Five More Mississippi Counties May Now Apply For Disaster Assistance

LINCROFT, N.J. — The impending arrival of spring will give homeowners with properties affected by Hurricane Sandy time and opportunity to make repairs and begin mitigation projects. The Federal Emergency Management Agency continues to offer assistance programs designed to provide information and financial help to homeowners and renters.

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) includes Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Coverage, which will pay for flood proofing (commercial or historical properties), relocation, elevation, demolition or a combination of those mentioned. If a homeowner has a NFIP insurance policy and the home is in a designated Special Flood Hazard Area, the community has declared the home substantially damaged, or a repetitive loss provision is in their locally adopted flood plain ordinance, the ICC will pay up to $30,000 but will not exceed the federal cap of the NFIP policy. Additionally, a homeowner should consult with the local Floodplain Manager to see if the locally adopted ordinance includes cumulative improvements and/or cumulative loss provisions.

FEMA also has Hazard Mitigation Assistance Programs to reduce future damages. They are:

  • The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is available after a federal disaster declaration has been made. This program is designed to mitigate future damages caused by natural disasters affecting communities, people and property.
  • The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program provides funds to governmental entities for hazard mitigation planning and projects prior to a disaster event to reduce reliance on funding from actual disaster declarations. PDM grants are to be awarded on a competitive basis.
  • The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program is designed to reduce or eliminate claims under the NFIP.

Homeowners do not apply directly for this aid; that is handled by the municipalities, who apply through the HMGP, FMA and PDM programs.

Survivors receiving rental assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development can call 732-345-3771. Homeowners with Federal Housing Administration mortgages can call 800-CALL-FHA (225-5342) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The New Jersey Housing Resource Center also offers information on accessible and affordable housing. Visit www.nj.gov/njhrc or call 1-877-428-8844.

For help finding additional financial assistance, homeowners can contact the FEMA Region II Office at 26 Federal Plaza, Suite 1337, New York, NY, 10278-0002; or by calling 212-680-3600.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is the state coordinator for NFIP, and the Historic Preservation Office of the DEP runs the State Hazard Mitigation Office. Contact both at 401 East State Street, P.O. Box 419, Trenton, NJ, 08625; call 609-984-0859; fax 609-984-1908; or visit the NJDEP website at http://www.state.nj.us/dep/.

Homeowners performing renovations, reconstructions or elevations and seeking technical assistance can call the FEMA Building Science Helpline at 866-927-2104 or email FEMA-buildingsciencehelp@dhs.gov.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.fema.gov/blog, www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate’s activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema

The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


Hurricane Sandy Recovery Resources For Homeowners

Little Rock, Ark. – State and federal disaster responders are acting at record pace to help survivors of the storms and tornadoes that tore through Arkansas on April 27. Federal disaster assistance approved for Arkansans has topped $1 million – and that’s just one of several milestones so far.

President Obama issued a disaster declaration for Faulkner County at 10 a.m. April 29. At 5:45 p.m., less than eight hours later, the first Mobile Registration Intake Center (MRIC) opened for business in Vilonia.

Just eight minutes after the center opened, Disaster Survivor Assistance team members with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) had registered the first survivor for Individual Assistance. And the first FEMA funds, a $1,230 grant from Rental Assistance, were approved at noon on April 30 – less than 26 hours after the disaster declaration.

“We’re very pleased with the efforts at all levels of recovery, from individuals to government agencies,” said State Coordinating Officer David Maxwell of ADEM. “Getting Arkansans’ needs met so they can begin rebuilding their lives is our main concern.”

FEMA housing inspectors are also working quickly to assess homeowners’ property damages. The first inspection was completed less than 26 hours after the declaration. Even more impressive, once an applicant requests a FEMA inspection, the response time is just four hours and 48 minutes.

“FEMA is fully committed to this mission,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Timothy J. Scranton. “Make no mistake – we are here for the long haul.” 

Homeowners, renters and businesses owner can register online at www.disasterassistance.gov or via smartphone at m.fema.gov. Applicants may also call 1-800-621-3362 or (TTY) 1-800-462-7585. If you use 711-Relay or Video Relay Services call 1-800-621-3362. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week until further notice.


$1 Million in State, Federal Assistance Approved for Arkansas Tornado Survivors

PEARL, Miss. – Specialists with the Federal Emergency Management Agency are reaching out to survivors in Mississippi’s storm-ravaged communities to help individuals register for assistance. Survivors may meet a specialist in their neighborhood or speak to one on the phone.

Crews of FEMA disaster survivor assistance specialists and FEMA Corps members are canvassing affected areas to provide on-site registration assistance, address immediate and emerging needs, and answer any questions specific to the registration process. Specialists can also provide referrals to additional resources.

FEMA crews are visiting homes, businesses, local organizations and churches in Itawamba, Lee, Lowndes, Madison, Rankin, Wayne and Winston counties.

Using tablets, crew members can help a survivor fill out an application for assistance on the

spot – collecting information in person. Crew members can be identified easily by their photo badges and either FEMA or FEMA Corps clothing. Mississippians are reminded to ask for federal identification before providing personal information.

Survivors in designated counties may also receive a phone call from FEMA Individual Assistance specialists if they have already registered for disaster assistance.

If called, applicants could be asked to verify their identity with some of the following information:

  • The last four digits of their Social Security number.
  • The address of their damaged home.
  • The applicant’s current mailing address.
  • The applicant’s current phone number.

If applicants receive a phone call from FEMA representatives and question the validity of the caller, they can contact the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 to verify the source of the call. The FEMA representative will then make another attempt to call the applicant back. FEMA will not call applicants to request any banking information.

Should residents receive a call asking for banking information, they should contact the Mississippi Attorney General’s office at 601-359-3680 or visit www.ago.state.ms.us/.  

Survivors in the counties currently designated for Individual Assistance can register online at DisasterAssistance.gov or via smartphone at m.fema.gov. Applicants may also call 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, seven days a week. Multilingual operators are available.

For more information on Mississippi disaster recovery, click www.fema.gov/disaster/4175. Visit the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency website at www.msema.org/ or the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/msemaorg.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.

FEMA’s temporary housing assistance and grants for public transportation expenses, medical and dental expenses, and funeral and burial expenses do not require individuals to apply for an SBA loan. However, applicants who receive SBA loan applications must submit them to SBA loan officers to be eligible for assistance that covers personal property, vehicle repair or replacement, and moving and storage expenses.





See the original post: 

FEMA Specialists Reach Out to Survivors in Mississippi Communities


DENTON, Texas – Federal funding totaling more than $1.2 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been approved for eligible city, county and state government agencies in central Texas following last year’s Halloween floods.

The grant money reimburses eligible entities for costs incurred during the Oct. 30-31, 2013 flooding in Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Freestone counties for their response activities and repairs to flood-damaged infrastructure.

More than $303,000 was approved for administrative costs associated with disaster response and recovery efforts; another $369,671 reimburses for debris removal and emergency protective measures; and $619,930 pays for eligible repairs to road systems, bridges, water control facilities and public buildings, contents and utilities, and parks and recreational facilities.

Additional funding is expected in the coming weeks, as FEMA continues to work with its local and state partners to review and approve eligible projects. The funding is authorized under a Dec. 20, 2013 federal disaster declaration, which designated the four counties eligible for Public Assistance. The agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program was approved statewide.

The mission of FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program is to provide assistance to state, tribal and local governments, and certain types of nonprofit organizations so that communities can quickly respond and recover from major disasters or emergencies declared by the president.

Through the program, FEMA provides supplemental federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities of certain nonprofit (PNP) organizations.

For more information on FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program, visit http://go.usa.gov/kq55.


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/femaregion6 and the FEMA Blog at http://blog.fema.gov.


FEMA Awards $1.2M to Central Texas Governments for 2013 Halloween Floods

Little Rock, Ark.– Specialists from the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are canvassing neighborhoods in hard-hit Faulkner County to help survivors register for disaster assistance.  

In addition to Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams (DSAT) going door to door, Mobile Registration Intake Centers (MRICs) are also set up in Vilonia and Mayflower, Arkansas to provide immediate registration assistance and answer questions residents may have concerning available FEMA assistance.

“Our priority is getting citizens’ immediate help,” said David Maxwell, Director of the Arkansas Department of Emergency. “Going directly to them in their communities allows us to expedite the disaster registration process.”

All FEMA and state team members in the field carry photo IDs and wear shirts bearing their agency’s logo.

“We continue to encourage survivors in Faulkner County to register for disaster assistance, said FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) Timothy J. Scranton. “These are difficult times for Arkansans and going to them directly to help with registration is one way we can speed up their recovery.” 

DSAT teams are visiting homes, businesses and churches to educate residents about state and federal assistance programs and to answer any questions specific to the registration process.

Homeowners, renters and businesses owners in Faulkner County can register online at www.disasterassistance.gov or via smartphone at m.fema.gov. Applicants may also call 1-800-621-3362 or (TTY) 1-800-462-7585. If you use 711-Relay or Video Relay Services call 1-800-621-3362. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week until further notice.

Visiting a MRIC is not required to be considered for disaster assistance. It is just a convenient way to begin the application process.

The DSAT teams will continue to canvas neighborhoods as long as needed.


Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status.  If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585.

The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) is the state’s homeland security and preparedness agency. The agency works to identify and lessen the effects of emergencies, disasters and threats to Arkansas by developing effective prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery actions for all disasters and emergencies.  For additional information, contact ADEM at (501) 683-6700 or visit the website at www.adem.arkansas.gov.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.  Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/femaregion6 and the FEMA Blog at http://blog.fema.gov.

SBA is the federal government’s primary source of funding for the long-term rebuilding of disaster-damaged private property. SBA helps homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes, and private non-profit organizations fund repairs or rebuilding efforts, and cover the cost of replacing lost or disaster-damaged personal property. These disaster loans cover uninsured and uncompensated losses and do not duplicate benefits of other agencies or organizations. For information about SBA programs, applicants may call 800-659-2955 (TTY 800-877-8339).

Originally posted here – 

FEMA and State Disaster Specialists Canvassing Neighborhoods in Faulkner County, Arkansas

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