DENTON, Texas – On Oct. 6, 2014, at the request of Governor Susana Martinez, President Obama declared a major disaster for the state of New Mexico. In June 2015, the state of New Mexico was awarded more than $3 million in federal disaster assistance for repairs to roads in Lincoln County following severe storms and flooding in July and August 2014. The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management continues to administer the funds and provide support to the county as it recovers.

The severe weather and floodwaters washed away a total of 15 roads. The funding covers the excavation of the roads; the hauling and replacement of gravel; the shaping and grading of the roads; and hazard mitigation measures to reduce the risk of future storm damage. 

The funding is made possible by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance program. To date, FEMA has obligated more than $5.9 million in relation to the last year’s severe storms and flooding.

The funding represents a 75 percent federal cost share. FEMA awards funding for projects directly to the state of New Mexico; the state then disburses the grant to the eligible applicant.

It is important that citizens take appropriate measures to protect themselves and their families. There are actions that should be taken before, during and after an event that are unique to each hazard. Identify the hazards that have happened or could happen in your area and plan for the unique actions for each. 

Local emergency management offices can help identify the hazards in your area and outline the local plans and recommendations for each. Share the hazard-specific information with family members and include pertinent materials in your family disaster plan.

For additional information, visit Some basic protection actions are similar across many different hazards. They include:


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Follow us on Twitter at and the FEMA Blog at

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New Mexico Awarded More than $3 Million for Road Repairs in Lincoln County

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