BOSTON – One year ago today, on October 29th, 2012, the Northeast braced for impact as Hurricane Sandy came barreling toward our coastline. Although New England was spared the brunt of the storm, residents and businesses along the shores of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire suffered severe damages from wind and water, many losing homes and livelihoods. Towns along the coasts of Connecticut and Rhode Island were nearly impassable after the storm, roadways choked with debris and sand from a significant storm surge that swept through beachfront communities.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to work closely with its partners to help individuals and communities recover from Hurricane Sandy.

In the past year over $125.9 million in FEMA funding has been obligated toward Hurricane Sandy recovery in New England:

Individual Assistance

More than $15.5 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency grants approved for individuals and households region-wide, which includes:


  • More than $13.8 million for housing assistance
  • More than $1.1 million for other needs assistance

Rhode Island

  • $378,748 for housing assistance
  • $42,592 for other need assistance

More than $51.6 million in Small Business Administration disaster loans approved for homeowners, renters and businesses in Connecticut.

More than $285.3 million in National Flood Insurance Program payments made to policy holders. Including:


  • More than $249.5 million paid to flood insurance policy holders

Rhode Island

  • More than $35.8 million paid to flood insurance policy holders

Public Assistance

More than $59.1 million in Public Assistance grants to reimburse local, state and tribal governments and eligible private nonprofits region-wide for some of the costs of:

  • Emergency response
  • Debris removal
  • Repairing or rebuilding damaged public facilities

The committed efforts of  many additional federal, state and local agencies and organizations continue to assist  states, towns, communities and individuals in the recovery process.

Original source: 

New England: One Year After Hurricane Sandy

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