NEW YORK – FEMA has granted a six-month extension for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders affected by Hurricane Sandy to file proof-of-loss claims.

The deadline is Oct. 29, 2014.

NFIP usually requires policyholders to submit a fully documented, signed and sworn proof-of-loss claim within 60 days from the date of their loss.

The magnitude of the Sandy disaster is the reason for this extension that will give policyholders additional time to file claims. This is the third six-month extension.

The Proof of Loss document is included in the claims package that documents flood losses. The claims package should include:

• photos and/or video of the flooding and resulting damage

• a comprehensive, itemized list of what was damaged

• receipts, if possible, for damaged items along with any other supporting documents showing the value of what you lost

To download a blank NFIP Proof of Loss document:

Read this article: 

National Flood Insurance Program Deadline Extended for Filing Claims

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