Orange, Putnam, Sullivan and Ulster counties now eligible for FEMA public assistance grants

NEW YORK – As New York continues recovering from Hurricane Sandy, four more counties have been designated for disaster aid under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance Grant Program. Orange, Putnam, Sullivan and Ulster counties are now eligible for federal reimbursement for infrastructure repair costs and emergency expenses incurred before, during and immediately after Hurricane Sandy.

FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program reimburses eligible state and local governments, tribal organizations and some private nonprofit organizations for eligible expenses incurred due to a disaster. On a cost-share basis, reimbursements can include repairing or replacing damaged public buildings and infrastructure and emergency expenses such as debris removal, search and rescue, increased security and overtime pay for employees.

There are now 13 New York counties designated for both individual and public assistance under President Obama’s Federal Disaster Declaration for New York, including: Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester.

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Four Additional New York Counties Designated for FEMA Public Assistance for Sandy Response, Rebuilding Costs

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