DENTON, Texas – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today named David Passey as Deputy Regional Administrator for FEMA Region 6.

“David has 22 years of experience in dealing with emergency managers at the local, state, tribal, federal and international level,” said Region 6 Administrator Tony Robinson. “With his leadership and communications skills, he will be a great asset for this Region.”

Passey, a Magna Cum Laude graduate from Brigham Young University, began his FEMA career as an Emergency Management Intern at FEMA Headquarters in 1991. Since moving to Region 6 in 1992, he has served in several positions including Hazard Mitigation Specialist, Flood Mitigation Specialist and Regional External Affairs Officer. In the fall of 2007, he left Region 6 to serve as Senior DHS Representative to NATO. He returned to Region 6 in 2011, most recently serving as Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch Chief.

As Deputy Regional Administrator, Passey will work closely with state, tribal, federal partners, and local emergency managers to support our communities as they prepare for, respond to, recover from and to mitigate against disasters. “I’m looking forward to the challenges of the job, and the chance to strengthen the ties Region 6 has with our partners,” said Passey.

Passey fills the position which was vacated when Tony Robinson was named Administrator of FEMA Region 6 on January 10, 2013.

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David Passey Named FEMA Region 6 Deputy Administrator

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