SAIPAN, CNMI – The government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (CNMI), the American Red Cross (ARC) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced an expansion of enhanced resource assistance for Saipan residents affected by Typhoon Soudelor. Using FEMA supplies, the ARC, which has already provided assistance to some 3,000 residents, will make the aid available.

Residents already registered with the ARC and are considered to have the greatest need will be processed first, said the ARC’s Operations Director, Denise Everhart.

ARC has a list of more than 3,000 individuals who have called into the chapter looking for assistance and is calling those with greatest need to do one-on-one casework.  ARC will then supply Client assistance Cards with some money for fuel, phone, and laundry as well as tarps, water, buckets, hygiene supplies, food and other supplies.  This will be continued, until the list is complete.

If there are limiting factors, where people cannot get to the designated ARC Chapter, located at 1 Airport Road, please call the ARC at 670-234-3459, and the ARC will work with FEMA and CNMI to accommodate those individuals on a case-by-case basis.

“Working through the CNMI Government and the American Red Cross is the best and fastest way to get the basic life sustaining supplies into the hands of the residents of Saipan that need them most,” said FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer, Steve DeBlasio.

“These supplies will go a long way in allowing the government of CNMI and the rest of our federal and private sector partners to create solutions to problems.” DeBlasio also thanked the US Navy and the US Marine Corps for their assistance in supporting the humanitarian mission on Saipan, and praised the resilience and patience of the citizens of the CNMI.

Additional supplies to what FEMA already had on the ground in CNMI were transported from Guam on the USS Ashland last Saturday. That cargo contained generators of various sizes, as well as large amounts of food, drinking water, tents, and vital heavy equipment needed to move the larger generators. The USS Ashland is expected to off-load Guam Power Authority heavy equipment on Saipan this morning.This equipment will help to expedite the restoration of electrical infrastructure here in Saipan.

“The residents of Saipan have been resilient, patient, and extremely hospitable under very trying and austere circumstances,” DeBlasio said. “They deserve our thanks and our help.”

DeBlasio also encouraged disaster survivors on Saipan to continue to register for FEMA assistance by calling 1-800-621 FEMA (3362), adding that more than 2,500 households had already done so.

Original article: 

CNMI, Red Cross and FEMA Announce Enhanced Aid for Typhoon Soudelor Survivors

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