NEW YORK — The regional volunteer firefighting alliance in Berlin Borough and Berlin Township is currently operating with obsolete, 14-year-old safety equipment that is out of compliance with National Fire Protection Association standards. 

The items to be replaced are self-contained breathing apparatuses at Berlin firehouses in both the Borough and Township.  The Borough’s Fire Chief, William Behnke, and the Township’s Fire Chief, Joseph Jackson, Jr., say that the combined 47 SCBAs at both facilities have been subject to wear and tear over 14 to 15 years and “numerous documented failures.” 

But thanks to an Assistance to Firefighters Grant totaling nearly $280,000.00 effective May 20, the two firehouses will be receiving 47 new SCBAs, each of which will consist of a harness/backpack, a face piece, and two breathing cylinders. 

Chief Behnke reports that the two firehouses conducted a joint needs assessment and concluded that “replacing our old, obsolete, non-compliant, and failing SCBA is the highest priority for improving firefighter safety and operations in the region.”

Unlike the worn-out gear it will replace, the new equipment will be compatible with that used by neighboring firehouses. It will allow firefighters to communicate with each other, display the amount of cylinder air available, and provide access to “rapid intervention teams,” which rescue trapped firefighters. The equipment also has other technological features enhancing safety.

The total grant amounts to $293,750.00 with $13,988.00 being contributed locally.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency administers the AFG program. Dale McShine, director of FEMA’s Region II Grants and National Preparedness Division, said she is pleased that the new equipment will have such a positive impact on the firefighters’ personal well-being.  “If they’re not safe, their ability to protect residents is also at risk.”

Located in southwestern New Jersey, and with a population of some 16,000 residents, Berlin Borough responded to 854 alarms last year, while the Township answered 806.

Berlin Mayor James Bilella says that this grant is “truly significant to a small town like ours because it allows us to serve our population effectively.”  He added, “Our volunteer first responders need updated, modern equipment to do their jobs safely.”   

Tania Hedlund, FEMA’s Region II Branch Chief for grants, reports that in fiscal year 2014, the Region awarded 273 AFG awards totaling $95.6 million.

Original article: 

Berlin, NJ Firefighters to Receive New Personal Safety Equipment – Federal Grant will Fund Purchase

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