1                      Joint Field Office established to coordinate recovery efforts (located in Centennial)

11                    Number of counties designated for FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program.

15                    Applicants FEMA has provided funding for stream clearance

18                    Number of counties designated for FEMA’s Public Assistance Program.

20                    Total households that are licensed into Manufactured Housing Units

21                    Communities that hosted federal/state Disaster Recovery Centers

47                    Households were licensed into 54 MHUs at peak of FEMA housing operation

1,201               FEMA Public Assistance project worksheets

22,314             Individual visits to the many federal/state Disaster Recovery Centers

28,169             Registrations for assistance from the 11 Individual Assistance counties

$4,929,852      Aid provided from FEMA/State Other Needs Assistance* Program

                        *ONA provides funding for personal property and other items like vehicles and tools

$56,698,793    Repair and rental Aid provide from FEMA’s Housing Assistance Program

$61,628,646    Total FEMA assistance grants under the Individual Assistance Program

$109,646,900  Low-interest disaster loans approved by the U.S. Small Business Administration

$262,193,453  Public Assistance* funding was awarded statewide

*FEMA Public Assistance program provides funding for emergency actions undertaken by communities as well as aid to repair or replace damaged public infrastructure

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2013 Colorado Floods: By The Numbers

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