Fact Sheet: FEMA Public Assistance in the Souris Valley 

Release Date: June 11, 2012
Release Number: 1981-AFS001

» More Information on North Dakota Flooding

» 2012 Region VIII News Releases


  • Of the nearly $235M in funding for 2011 flooding statewide, more than 80 million has been obligated in the Souris Valley.
  • Among the larger applicants are:
    • Ward County $9.8 M
    • City of Minot $7.2 M
    • City of Burlington $1.6 M
    • Minot Public Schools $46.7 M (more than 20% disaster total statewide)
    • North Dakota State Fair $4 M
    • Minot Park District $2.5M
    • Additionally, $1.9 million has been provided in Bottineau County, $5.5 million in McHenry County and $1.2 million in Renville County.
  • Established three task forces to address high priority projects involving schools, critical facilities and debris removal.


  • Both Erik Ramstad and Lincoln schools were deemed eligible for replacement based on 50% repair justification; $25M Federal Share replacement funds for Ramstad and $5M for Lincoln.
  • Provided more than $8.4M to the schools for activities ranging from emergency protective measures to building repairs and temporary classrooms.
  • Approved and funded installation of temporary school facilities allowing classes to start within 10 days of the scheduled start date. This was accomplished through proactive evaluations and rapid resolution of environmental concerns in advance of applicant identified requirements.

Emergency Work

  • Removed over 69,000 tons of debris totaling over $2.6M through mission assignment to USACE.
  • Debris removal missions allowed for the accomplishment of private site housing of over 1,000 eligible applicants; 100% of eligible applicants housed before Christmas 2011.
  • Funded safety inspections of over 4,000 Minot buildings (including private residences).
  • Mission assigned OSHA to provide partnerships in mishap prevention and eliminating the need for compliance and enforcement inspections.
  • Mission assigned EPA to remove over 6,000 units of white goods, 80,000 small containers of HAZMAT, 15,000 gallons of gasoline, 215 lead-acid batteries and over 550 cubic yards of electronic waste (most of which was recycled).


  • To date, 4438 projects have been obligated, with nearly $235 million in federal cost-share funds provided to the state of North Dakota.
  • To date more than $9 million in federal cost-share funds have been provided to state agencies for 2011 disaster response activities, including:
    • North Dakota National Guard $5 M
    • ND Dept. of Transportation $2.2 M
    • ND Dept. of Emergency Services $1.1 M

Last Modified: Monday, 11-Jun-2012 10:01:48

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Fact Sheet: FEMA Public Assistance in the Souris Valley

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